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60 in 60: The Conception of the Broncos (1959)

Bob Howsam had a problem.
He owned Bears Stadium, where the Denver Bears played their minor league games. The stadium had expanded in order to accommodate a new major league team moving there. But the new team didn’t come and Howsam had all kinds of debt. He needed a miracle.
He actually built the stadium in 1948 after he purchased the team. The Single-A team was out of money and was in danger of folding. Howsam, who was 30 years old, got $75,000 from his family to purchase the team to keep them in Denver. He realized the team needed a new stadium if they were going to attract fans, so he built the best stadium in the minor leagues. The Single-A Bears would end up having higher attendance in 1949 than the American League St. Louis Browns. The Bears, who would eventually become triple-A after Howsam purchased the Kansas City Blues and turned them into a new Denver Bears, were big business in Denver. The community, which was very much in the middle of nowhere back in the 50s, loved their one professional sports team. They didn’t have a big league team to call their own. More than anything, Howsam wanted to bring Major League baseball to Denver.
William Shea, a New York attorney who was part of a committee in the late 50s to bring the National League back to New York—both the Dodgers and Giants had left in recent years—had an idea. If they couldn’t get an NL team to move to New York and the NL wouldn’t expand to add a new team to New York, why not make a new major league?
And thus, the Continental League was born.
Seven teams would be joining Shea’s in New York: Atlanta, Buffalo, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, and Toronto. The league would require seating of at least 35,000 and play would start in 1961. Bob Howsam, who so desperately wanted to see major league baseball in Denver, signed on. Incurring massive debt, he expanded Bears Stadium to the requisite number. His dream would be fulfilled. In a little over a decade being the leader of baseball in Denver, Howsam was only a year or two away from Denver becoming a big league city. He was thrilled.
The establishment of baseball was not pleased. They knew they could crowd the league out—they’d risk losing their antitrust exemption—but they didn’t want the competition. They were firm; they wouldn’t let talent leave the AL or NL to go to the CL. But they needed something more. The stick hadn’t deterred Shea, so perhaps a carrot would.
They offered four expansions teams, two in each league, in exchange for the league being disbanded. The AL would add a team to Los Angeles and Minneapolis and the NL would add a team to Houston and New York. “Coincidentally”, three of these four were CL markets. Those teams, with Shea in particular, were thrilled and the league disbanded. For them, their gamble had won.
For Howsam, he was in deep trouble.
He had a major league stadium, but no team. He had seating for 35,000, but not the fans to fill it. He couldn’t sell tickets to that many people to see minor league ball—no matter how good the Bears were or how popular the team was in Denver. Minor league teams are always going to have a more niche popularity than their major league counterparts.
Just as a couple of years ago, an out-of-state businessman entered with a proposition.
Lamar Hunt, a wealthy Texas oil executive, wanted to bring professional football to Dallas. NFL teams had failed before in Texas, like the Texans, but Hunt thought he could do things differently. He believed, after seeing The Greatest Game Ever Played, that professional football was the future of sports. Baseball was an old, slow game for a different time. Football was the way of the future. Football would be the moneymaker. He wanted in.
But the NFL said no. Repeatedly.
So would Hunt quit? Would he return home dejected? Would he try again in the future?
Nope. He’d make his own league.
And nothing would stop him.
Forming a Foolish Club of owners, the American Football League was born in 1959. They’d have eight teams: Boston, Buffalo, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolos, New York. Other cities were considered and Hunt knew expansion would happen. He would make this league competitive—the minimum would be higher, they’d be more tolerant towards black players, they’d pay officials a lot more. All Hunt needed was owners. Howsam, with a big league stadium and lots of debt, made perfect sense to join the league. Denver may not have gotten major league baseball, but they’d have a big league football team. Howsam had no experience in football, but that hadn’t stopped him before. The young tycoon had tremendous success with the Bears—winning three titles in 11 years. Why couldn’t he learn football?
Before any of this happened, the AFL received a one-two punch. Simulataneous to the announcement of the AFL, which would start in 1960, the NFL announced a Dallas team would start in the 1960 season. Then, the Minneapolis ownership group announced—late into the process—they’d be pulling their team to the NFL. They’d start play in 1961.
The NFL didn’t mess around with carrots. They went for the biggest stick possible. They wanted war. They were going to not only destroy Hunt’s league, but destroy his spirit. They wanted to make an example out of him just like they made of the AAFC a little over a decade prior—don’t challenge the NFL.
But Hunt, with a mountain of Texas grit and determination, wasn’t going to be stopped. If the NFL wanted war, he’d fight even harder. He’d spend money, whatever amount necessary, to prove the NFL wrong. The AFL would succeed. They had markets the NFL never touched, they had fans the NFL could dream of. They had lots of talent the NFL ignored due to bigotry. They were ready for a fight.
Bob Howsam, however, was not.
After just one season of owning the Broncos, Howsam had to sell the team. He lost $1 million that first season. The Broncos had no fancy offices or practice facilities. They had a Quonset hut like the Marines. Their uniforms came from an All-Star game in Arizona. Their practice field was only 60 yards long. The Broncos were poor even in a poor league. They stayed in the worst motels. Players were cut at record pace—usually on the road, some weren’t even allowed to fly back with the team. The team was sold to the Phipps Brothers, who owned the construction company who expanded the stadium. Howsam sold them the team and the stadium in order to pay his debts. With his hands washed, Howsam quit sports for a few years. Feeling like a failure, he worked a normal job selling mutual funds.
That is, until baseball called again. And he’d build a dynasty in the only sport he ever truly loved. As Joe Campbell says, “Follow your bliss”. Football wasn’t his bliss, baseball was. He lost his way trying to force himself into being what he wasn’t. He found his way again.
The AFL, without Howsam, had a lot of turmoil early in its tenure. The Texans, who couldn’t compete against the Cowboys, moved to Kansas City. The Los Angeles Chargers moved to San Diego. The Raiders came into being to replace the Minneapolis team. The New York Titans would change their name to the New York Jets and move into the stadium of New York’s NL team—Shea Stadium. Life’s kind of funny in the way everything circles around, isn’t it?
But the AFL would eventually find its footing and compete against the NFL. They’d add two new teams, the Cincinnati Bengals and the Miami Dolphins, right as they began to merge into the NFL. Lamar Hunt did end up getting his NFL team, though not in Dallas. He would win a world championship just as he said to the Foolish Club in a Chicago hotel during the AFL’s introductory press conferences.
But most of all, Hunt was right about one thing. Football was the future. NFL games dominate the ratings, they dominate the sports discourse. The Super Bowl is the biggest television event each year. He was a visionary. He saw the future before anyone else. He realized the moneymaking and cultural power of pro football. He used his money to try and see his vision come to life. He built a league that emphasized the pass, that had a two-point conversion, that scouted HBCUs and the CFL to find talent the old boys of the NFL ignored. He built a league that went into markets the NFL thought of, like Buffalo and Denver and Oakland. He built a league that transformed the pro sports landscape of the world.
We can thank Lamar Hunt, and the Chiefs by extension, for the Broncos existing. These rivalries are only sport-deep. In the end, we are all fans of this beautiful game. We spend our days and nights worrying and frittering about something out of our control. We do this for a variety of reasons: escapism, fun, family, tradition. We do this for community, most of all. Sports aren’t sports. We aren’t fans just for the team. If it was just me and the Broncos—with no one else—it wouldn’t be as fun. We do it for the community. We do it for our friends, for our orange-clad brothers and sisters.
This is the power of sport. It becomes an institution within a culture. Hell, it becomes its own culture.
And all of this, all these 59 previous posts spanning the decades. All these stories of the Broncos triumphs and failures. The hot starts blown, the MVP campaigns, the cheating of death, the injuries, the hilarious seasons. All of these things wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for you, the fan.
The greatest Bronco isn’t John Elway or Terrell Davis. It’s not Randy Gradishar or Floyd Little. It’s not Champ Bailey or Von Miller. Take them away, and the team still exists. The sport still exists.
The greatest Bronco is us. If there are no fans, there is no sport.
Bob Howsam conceived the Broncos. Lamar Hunt conceived the AFL. But we are what give it life. We are what keep the fire going for all these years.
What did Pat Bowlen say at the end of Super Bowl 33?
This one’s for you.
submitted by BlindManBaldwin to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]

Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :
Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.
" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."
How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png
Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.
" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.
" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS | 1988 | University of San Francisco(Jesuit)
In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.
" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . **He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003.**He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!
" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol.Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."
Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :
Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.
"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988)and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("
" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI directorLouis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).
" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :
" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."
Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from theUniversity of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"
"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaafon January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]("
" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "
William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....
"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

On the LV incident

Stephen Paddock's employment history was largely with government, and featured an unusual career progression. He started off with an entry level position in the Postal Service, then transferred to the IRS, then wound up working for Morton-Thiokol, a defense contractor that specialized in rockets and aircraft systems. He officially retired in 1988, but continued to earn millions of dollars in over the years (allegedly from gambling), owning numerous homes and at least two aircraft stored in two different locations.
One of the aircraft he owned, a Cirrus SR20 (a common medium range 4-seater), registration number N5343M, was Paddock's from 2006-2010, until the registration was changed to Volant LLC (headquarted in Roanoke VA or Chantilly, VA, a hop skip and a jump from Langley or the National Reconnaissance Office, respectively). From here, the waters get a little murky. Read the following passage and take its conclusions with a grain of salt:
"Many of the wounded and witnesses from the Route 91 Harvest Festival have expressed their dismay at online harassment from alter-universe trolls who claim that the shooting never happened in a stage play by so-called “crisis actors”. This absurd theory, stated in barbaric disregard for the families of the dead, is not the opinion of a mere few deranged individuals; it's a repressive tactic of state-sponsored psychological warfare. If anything the online psy-op proves once again the foresight of the founding fathers who drafted the amendments to the Constitution in warning against the lust for power of a centralized state attempting to impose absolutist tyranny on a sovereign society.
The federal muzzling of local law enforcement in Las Vegas is a strong signal of the untrammeled powers of the federal intelligence agencies, which are largely responsible for the influx of fanatic foreign elements loyal to ISIS, Al Qaeda and other anti-democratic forces, even to the point of recruiting them into the U.S. armed forces and police agencies. The slaughter in Las Vegas was the outcome of the thinly concealed immigration alliance with jihadist oil mongering Arab states against the core American citizenry, especially those so-called “fans of country music” who are the most versed of all in the Constitution and its underlying values (as opposed to the mindless and cynical book-waving by that Pakistani ally of terrorism Khizer “Kaiser” Khan of Charlottesville, Virginia).
To protect their power and privileges, the elitist politicians and high bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are acting in ways no different from King George III who unloosed Hessian mercenaries on the colonies, even forcing American families to quarter those armed foreign spies inside their own homes.
Today, the same is being done through the localization of cyber-espionage in every state by the political cabal that is eager to oust the populist-elected president and install instead the chosen successor of the Clinton regime, Virginia Governor Terence “Terry” McAuliffe, the would-be dictator in the eye of the destructive hurricane sweeping across the United States.
This essay in the continuing series on Las Vegas 10/01 explores the centrality of McAuliffe’s fiefdom in the Commonwealth of Virginia to the military contractor role of the fall guy Stephen Paddock, along with the governor’s support for NSA federalization of the state National Guards as the front-line surveillance force to quell citizen-based democracy in every town and village from coast-to-coast. The present military cyber offensive, as shown in the Vegas cover-up, is every bit as threatening as the Red Coat invasion force at Lexington and Concord, and therefore given the moral-ethical surrender of traditional journalism, it is up to the Minutemen of the online media, and perhaps soon by shortwave radio, to defend a democracy under attack and in danger of extinction.
Ownership Transfer of the Plane
Online attempts to probe the background to the ownership of the Cirrus SR20 aircraft, registered under the name of Stephen Paddock for covert ops, have met with obfuscation from Pentagon trolls, who point out that the plane was sold to Volant LLC, owned by one John W. Roberts of Roanoke, Virginia. The key point being raised is that the limited liability (private) company should not be confused with Volant Associates LLC, a defense contractor. To understand this odd matter of the two Volants, let’s jump into the devilish details of provenance or successive ownership as listed at the FAA registry, which has been altered from the original longer version, which I cite here.
That single-engine prop plane was acquired by a Stephen Paddock of Henderson, near Lake Mead in the state of Nevada, on 2 June 2006. The Henderson Executive Airport was opened in the mid-1990s for small private planes as a back-up for crowded McCarren International on the south end of the Vegas Strip, right by the Tropicana, Hooters, New York New York and the Mandalay Bay, directly adjoining the site of the Route 91 Harvest Festival (all of these venues were sites of shooting on October 1). Henderson, on the southern tip of Nevada, is the sort of nondescript quiet town that Paddock preferred whenever making real-estate purchases, indicating his operaton of a trading business that demanded no witnesses.
A year later, on 25 May 2007, Paddock switched the registration address to Mesquite, Texas, a suburb east of Dallas with its own small Mesquite Metro Airport. Fort Worth hosts the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base (JRB) and the Lockheed-USAF Plant 4, a center for tech security. Although at greater distance from the Mexican border, compared with San Antonio or El Paso, the Cirrus has a 700-plus mile range and parking it in Henderson would have attracted no notice from DEA agents and the U.S. Border Patrol.
Nearly three years later, on 13 February 2010, the plane ownership was transferred—apparently merely on paper—to a company called UHS in Los Angeles. The acronym stands for Universal Student Housing, which is something of low-cost AirBnB for young people from foreign countries to stay in homes or apartments owned by Latinos, no questions asked. Human trafficking questions aside, the business operator is named Emerson Farias Torres who operates out of his apartment.
This modest businessman who kindly shelters DACA illegals becomes even more interesting because until 2009 Torres was the U.S. license holder for Jesa Air LLC, the U.S. branch of the Panama-registered Jesa Air West Africa. The tiny airline was owned by the Rhodesia-born mercenary and apartheid South African Air Force pilot Neal Ellis. His colorful career included helicopter piloting in the CIA’s Bosnia war against Serbian armed forces, a stint with the UK-based Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone, and George W Bush’s invasion of Iraq. In the air-to-ground combat against West African rebels, the legendary merc Ellis befriended retired Lt. Col. Brian Boquist, the CEO of International Charter Incorporated (ICI) of Oregon, which fought in Liberia under contract with DynCorp. Two peas in the pod, they were jolly good buddies.
At the moment of Paddock’s paper “sale” of the Cirrus aircraft to Torres’ youth hostels, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder and the DHS-run Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau (ATF) were two years into the Fast and Furious gun-walking transfer to the Mexico drug mafia along the Arizona and Texas border. That little ole airport in Mesquite was getting as hot as a charcoal-fired barbecue pit. In Los Angeles (Paddock was a graduate of Cal State Northridge), a location for plausible deniability over a plane with paperwork in Panama. “You see, senor, I’m just flying in Panama hats to sell to touristas on Olivera Street, comprendez?”
In a similar vein, the London address of Jena Air international is 55 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road along with 208 other paper companies. To learn more on how to operate your own private air force, look up the documentary film “Shadow Company”.
Stop here a moment to ask: “How come nobody’s raised these issues before?” Answer: Mainly because your press corps are all crisis actors in role of the deaf and dumb.
Then on 10 December 2010, the same plane is registered in Chantilly, Virginia, under Stephen C. Paddock and a John W. Rogers. Then on 30 August 2013, following the gunshot death of ATF forensic expert Paul Parisi in Chantilly, the plane is relocated to Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 220 miles (355 km), under sole ownership of Volant LLC owned by a John W. Rogers. Obviously, then, Paddock and Rogers must have had some acquaintance with each other.
Two John W. Rogers are listed in Roanoke:
the first is a cancer surgeon at several Virginia hospitals, notably the Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, which has a working relationship with the nearby Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and
the second John W. Rogers appears to be a fictitious identity created by a John J. Rogers, a newcomer to Virginia from East Palo Alto, a predominantly low-income African-American community “on the other side of Silicon Valley”, and he has since moved to a more affordable part of Virginia with several family members.
So what is a well-respected oncologist, who provides radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer patients, doing parking Paddock’s surreptitious aircraft on the tarmac at Roanoke for nearly three years until its sole flight just three weeks prior to the Las Vegas shootings?
To get at the answer, we must first probe into: What’s the difference between Volant Associates LLC and Dr. Rogers’ Volant LCC?
Do you have a credit card for a swipe? Because that’s how far apart these entities are, despite protestations to the contrary from the trolls in the employ of the Pentagon psychological warfare division. It’s called compartmentalization.
The word Volant has a nice ring to it, sounding like a contraction of “volunteers” but, alas, there’s neither connection nor connotation in this case of professional military operations. Translated from French, it means “flying”, although the term is closer to gliding. It is most frequently used for animals that glide despite their inability to sustain flight: for example a volant squirrel, those brave little creatures. “Volant” is also used to describe military airlift operations delivering troops and ground vehicles to the battlefield, such as Volant Solo and the many Volants combined with the names of trees, such as Volant Pine.
For our purpose of tracking down who and what killed Stephen Paddock and 60+ others in Las Vegas, there’s only one definition with any bearing to the case: Col. Adam Volant, a long-serving Army officer with the National Security Agency at its headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, and present commander of Task Force Echo, which is deploying a massive National Guard-implemented domestic cyber-warfare and surveillance operation on American soil.
Col. Volant, who wears many hats, is a active service officer in the reserves, the head of the alumni association of Virginia Military Institute (VMI), a sponsor of a “non-profit group”, and a security adviser to U.S. President-in-waiting Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist who serves as governor of Virginia.
Volant Associates LLC, the now-infamous Pentagon network-systems contractor, which requires all its employees to have top-secret clearances is his “non-profit organization,” which has been awarded tens of millions of dollars in military contracts for network security of critical infrastructure and military facilities, a mandate that includes massive cyber-surveillance, which is now being deployed to an initial eight states by the newly hatched National Guard domestic spy organization. (The Guardsmen have traditionally been “weekend warriors” but at least since the Iraq War the so-called state militia has evolved into a full-time professional fighting force controlled by the Pentagon with most of its funding from the federal government.
What possibly could cancer surgeon John Rogers’ Volant LLC have to do with this watchdog program for militarization of the domestic civilian Internet and social media?
Unbeknownst to most of his civilian patients, Dr. Rogers is a military surgeon and a Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Reserves. His caretaker role for Paddock’s plane is either based on a military arrangement or off-duty criminal activity as a favor for some past cooperation in the distribution of prescription drugs. Buying a plane only to park it makes no sense otherwise.
If the Roanoke Airport arrangement is indeed military, then Dr. Rogers must have some military-intelligence role. Advanced military systems including electronic warfare, X-band radar and chemical warfare exercises all entail exposure to cancer risks, so one question is whether a National Guard oncologist is supposed to act like a company doctor to explain away the consequences of occupational risks, as happened with Gulf War Syndrome. The Veterans Administration hospital system has been heavily criticized for negligence and mismanagement, and it is striking that the surgeon is so stretched between civilian and military hospitals, some of those sites quite distant from Virginia. Signing papers to park a plane is not much different than writing a prescription for a headache.
Although he’s never flown Paddock’s Cirrus, Lt. Col. Rogers may well be a pilot of military-operated aircraft since his Volant LLC has offices in six other towns, nearly all with or near Veterans Administration hospitals: Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Delmar, New York; Naples, Florida; Randolph, Minnesota; Stoughton, Wisconsin; and Salt Lake City, Utah.
-Delmar, New York, near his alma mater of Hobart College in the Finger Lakes region, with its privately own Cross’ Farm Airport and the Cross Excavating Corporation, and nearby casinos, and Delmar is near Albany’s large VA facility.
-Randolph, Minnesota, a small town of 430 residents near Minneapolis, is located in Dakota County where the Rosemount National Guard Armory, home base of the 34th Infantry Division’s 634th Military Intelligence Battalion. VA hospital.
-Dane County, Wisconsin, which includes Stoughton, is home to the Truax Air National Guard base in and also “Ron Weyer” (real name: Ronald Van Den Huevel, Clinton-Bush-CIA money launderer) and Wally Hilliard, owner of the Huffman Aviation School, operated by Rudi Dekker in Venice and Naples, Florida, and Fort Worth Spinks Airport at Burlson, Texas. Ditto VA.
-Naples, Florida, is home of one of Rudi Dekker’s two flight schools, where Mohamed Atta learned to pilot aircraft. The VA is also there, perhaps to provide first aid to Saudi and Egyptian pilots who crash their planes.
-Baton Rouge, Louisiana, north of his medical school in his hometown of New Orleans, is surrounded by a massive number of heavily armed National Guard bases, that can overwhelm most of the world’s armies, including a chemical-weapons unit, where cancer is an occupational hazard.
-Salt Lake City, the Utah Air National Guard, as big as most air forces with VA center.
The questions arising from Lt. Col. Rogers’ far-flung business registrations are similar to the many properties owned by Stephen Paddock across the country. Could there be some covert military intelligence rationale behind the geographic spread? Volant LLC and Volant Associates LLC look to be paper planes in a much larger covert operation being sent aloft from the highest levels of the NSA. If the volant operation is regime change, Dr. Rogers and Col. Volant both risk elimination for knowing too much, as happened their associate Paddock in Vegas."
submitted by VictoriasSecretCEO to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Documenting Jesuit trained and Catholic Chiefs of Police

The Police are huge part of the control mechanism the Jesuits and the financial powers have put in place to socially manage there exploitative system of domination and control. The Police are not here to "protect and serve" at all. They actually have absoultey no obligation to protect anyone at all--as the Jesuit educated/Catholic lawyers who dominate the U.S. Supreme Court have ruled! :

Police in the United States were created primarily to manage slaves in the south, and break up strikes and labor protesters--to protect the private property of the financial elite and Rome . Peter J Doeswyck in his book Catholic Victory in 1960, speaks on how Rome uses the Police for its own ends.

" Getting back to the “dictatorship of fear and reprisal” of the old democratic bosses, the first thing it imposed on a city was a Roman Catholic police force. This police force controlled and still controls the Catholic underworld and collects from it mil¬ lions of dollars to perpetuate itself in office. It is not a coincidence that in Chicago, a city of prostitutes, bookmakers and gangsters, the Catholic bishop receives car license plate no. 1 to indicate that he is the first citizen of that city. Underworld slayings, though often forecast by our newspapers, are never solved by such police departments. Illegal gambling is exhibited publicly in the streets. Sometimes the Catholic police and the Catholic underworld clash when the first tries to extort too much money from the latter. “Three hundred of the city’s biggest bookies,” reported the New York papers, “shut down their telephone services and went on strike against the exorbitant shakedowns by police officials” (N. Y. Daily News, Feb. 7, 1947). Statistics show that in that year (1947) New York City was 79% non Catholic, but its police force was 62.8% Catholic, while the higher-ups in that department were 80% Catholic. Once it is in control of a city, this gangster element makes the Catholic bishop its first citizen. It is an ordinary thing in New York to find 100 policemen at the steps of St. Patrick’s during a society wedding or funeral, while not a single one at the door of Rockefeller Center. The cathedral holds 2,000 people, the center 70,000. Not only cities, but Protestant towns and counties often have Roman Catholic chiefs and sheriffs. In places where mayors are elected and the chief of police appointed, the Romanists usually make a deal with the Protestant candidates and promise the Catholic vote if one of their men will be appointed as chief. In certain fields the chief of police has more power than a mayor and even more power than the President of the United States. It is a fact that every citizen and newspaper dares to attack the policies of the President and call him names, but no local citizen or local paper dares to attack the chief of police, unless City Hall and the papers and the public attempt to oust the chief in a united drive. Because of their power, these Catholic chiefs can perpetuate themselves in office and make a farce out of democracy. Like the bishops, who maintain a file of all scandals of their priests in order to keep them under subjection, most of our police departments in our bigger cities maintain files of men who have no police records but are potential, political opponents. Like the Jesuits, who own the state-controlled houses of prostitution in Spain and secretly register their patrons, many of our police departments have and are still controlling our houses of prostitution and gambling establishments, and are using hundreds of detectives to trail political opponents. Wiretapping and bugging are the order of the day. Private detectives, invariably “ex¬ police officers” or “bad Catholics”, have access, direct or indirect, to all police files and can blackmail almost any citizen. We have also a situation in Washington where only a handful of senators are still able to express their personal views without fearing the hand of blackmailers. "

During the reign on the Catholic Fascist Ustashi's in Croatia whom massacred over 900,000 --led by the Jesuit trained fuhrer Ante Pavelic , and Jesuit trained Archbishop of Zagbreb Aloysius Stepiniac. A Jesuit Priest , Dragutin Kamber S.J. became a chief of Police in the city of Doboj Bosnia. Edmund Paris has some greats insights in his 1962 book Genocide in Satellite Croatia.

" the Jesuit priest, Dragutin (Charles) Kamber, now in the United States, sworn Ustashi and Chief of Police at Doboj (Central Bosnia), who alone was responsible for various noted crimes such as the “liquidation” of the Serbian clergy of that region and 300 Orthodox Serbs of that city with another 250 courtmartialed in his district on his orders. Also there was confiscation of Jewish property. Published in the newspaper Novi List on August 16, 1941, Dr. Kamber said of the Nazis who were in Doboj:
"We [Ustashi] love you sincerely as friends; we respect you highly; and all of us are sorry, deeply sorry, that you must part. We love youl We love you because you carry in your hands the most powerful sword that has ever been forged in the history of mankind. You are brothers and manly knights by your behavior and by your deeds. The Paradise to which the Germans are going needs no better propagandists than the soldiers of Germany, this German Army. We respect you because you are fighting to give political and social justice to all of Europe. With the blood and the bones of precious German soldiers, the flower of Germany, you are building the foundations of a happy world for future generations."
In a Sarajevo newspaper, called Osvit, Kamber on December 18, 1942 wrote: “Why do I want the Germans and their Allies Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc., to win? Because without the Germans our nation would die and we would have no Independent State of Croatia. From the international point of view the Germans and the Ustashi have the same enemies.”
Father Charles (Dragutin) Kamber is now in the U.S.A. He is writing in many Croatian newspapers all over the world, especially in Danica (Chicago). He is teaching the Ustashi in exile how to fight on for the Independent State Croatia, by new methods. He has written a booklet on how to behave in the world even though still an Ustasha (once an Ustasha—an Ustasha till death was the Ustashi’s slogan). The booklet has the title, “Problems and Methods to Be Used in the Fight to Free Croatia.”

To start, there is Daniel Isom who was chief of police in St. Louis ( October 6, 2008 – December 4th, 2013 ) whom was trained by the Jesuits at Saint Louis University and by the Catholic dominated FBI as-well. "He joined the St. Louis Police Department on August 29, 1988. During his career, he served in patrol, investigations, training, and internal affairs positions. Promoted through the ranks, finally to Major in 2007, he worked as the Special Projects Assistant to the Police Commissioner until his promotion to Police Commissioner.He previously served as an adjunct professor at Harris Stowe State University and an instructor at St. Louis Community College where he taught criminal justice, criminology, and public safety courses.He has received an associate degree in Criminal Justice from Forest Park Community College-St. Louis, a Bachelor's, Master's and a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, all from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He also holds a Masters in Public Administration from St. Louis University (Jesuit)..... He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Police Executive Forum Senior Management Institute and the FBI National Executives Institute. "
Isom's Jesuit training surely helped with the fascist militarized policing which occurred in Ferguson. " In August 2014, he was appointed as Director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety in the Cabinet of Governor Jay Nixon.[4] On November 18, 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon appointed the Ferguson Commission – a volunteer group of 16 diverse community leaders to listen to and engage with area organizations, national thought leaders, institutions, experts and citizens.[5] Isom was appointed as a commissioner and served as the co-chair of the commission task force on police community relations."

U. Reneé Hall, the current police chief of Dallas was trained by Jesuits at the University of Detroit Mercy.

"Chief U. Reneé Hall is the 29th Chief of Police for the City of Dallas, Texas. She is the first woman to ever hold this position. During her brief tenure with the Dallas Police Department, Chief Hall has made prominent steps to transform the department to reflect 21st Century Policing by streamlining the department’s organizational structure to improve efficient workflow between units, and strengthen effective policy processes. Chief Hall has prioritized community engagement and outreach by connecting with officers in the field, meeting with Dallas community groups, professional leaders, and local organizations...... Her educational accomplishments include completion of the FBI National Academy, Major Cities Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute (PELI IV), two Masters of Science degrees in Security Administration and Intelligence Analysis, from the University of Detroit Mercy (Jesuit), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Grambling State University. Chief Hall is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The International Women’s Forum (IWF). "

William D. Gore, the current sheriff of San Diego County was trained by Jesuits at the University of Seattle.

" William D. Gore became the 29th Sheriff of San Diego County on July 3, 2009. Sheriff Gore oversees one of the largest Sheriff’s Departments in the nation with 4,300 employees, an annual budget of more than $850 million, and a service area of over 4,400 square miles including a 60-mile international border. Along with patrol and investigative operations, his department provides air support, search and rescue service, and forensic support for the San Diego region. His department operates seven detention facilities countywide and provides security to nine courthouses..... Sheriff Gore’s law enforcement career spans over 47 years. He spent 32 years in the FBI, where he rose to the level of Assistant Director. He served as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Seattle and San Diego Field Divisions, where he implemented the FBI Cyber Crime Squad and Joint Terrorism Task Force. .....A San Diego native, Sheriff Gore holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of San Diego(Catholic) and a Master's degree in Public Administration from Seattle University(Jesuit). Sheriff Gore's family is rich in law enforcement experience. His father and older brother were a part of the San Diego Police Department and his middle brother was a San Diego County Deputy Sheriff. His wife was one of the first female FBI agents in the United States."

How fitting then that the seal of San Diego County has a Roman Fasces right in the center! :,_California.png

Gregory Ahern, current Sheriff of Alameda County is Catholic educated.

" Gregory Ahern was born September 1957 in Oakland, California. A lifelong resident of Alameda County, he graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward in 1975. He went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Saint Mary's College(Catholic, ran by De Salle Brothers) in Moraga. Sheriff Ahern was hired as a Deputy Sheriff in 1980, was promoted to Sergeant in 1986, promoted to Lieutenant in 2000, promoted to Captain in 2003, promoted to Commander in 2005, and promoted to Assistant Sheriff in 2006. On June 6, 2006, Gregory J. Ahern was elected Sheriff and became the 22nd Sheriff of Alameda County on January 8, 2007."

Aminta Granera Sacasa, a former chief of Nicaragua national police(September 5, 2006 until April 27, 2018.) was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown and became a nun! " Sacasa is a former Sandinista revolutionary and the former Director General of the National Police of Nicaragua.... She was the chief of the National Police [1] Aminta Granera Sacasa was born 18 September 1952 in León), Nicaragua. After studies at Georgetown University(Jesuit) in the United States, Granera decided to become a nun and began her novitiate with the Sisters of the Assumption in Guatemala City.[1].... However, the police under her tenure also drew allegations of human rights violations and repression of Ortega's critics.[2]Grenera resigned as chief of National Police on April 28, 2018, in the face of mass protests across Nicaragua, dozens of deaths and widespread criticism of the police response.[2]"

Greg Suhr a former Chief of Police in San Francisco was trained by the Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco--as have many police chiefs of San Francisco--Suhr was given an Alemany award in 2018 by the Jesuit school.

" Greg Suhr is a native son (5th Generation) of our beloved City of San Francisco. He rose through the ranks over his nearly 35-year career through his exemplary leadership skills, and his ability to build trust in diverse communities to become the San Francisco Police Department's 42nd Chief of Police..... Chief Suhr retired from the SFPD in May of 2016 after nearly 35 years of service. He and his wife, Wendy, currently own and operate Suhr Consulting Group, LLC....
Education BS | 1988 | University of San Francisco(Jesuit)

In April 2014 the journal for the San Francisco police were proud to announce under Jesuit trained Chief Suhr's watch that a new Catholic chaplain had been hired to join the force.

" Deputy Chief David Shinn swore in our newest chaplain Father Michael Quinn on St Patrick’s Day March 17. The ceremony was held in the Police Commission hearing room at the Hall of Justice. Father Mike is a Roman Catholic priest and a true San Franciscan. He was raised in Eureka Valley attending Most Holy Redeemer School with his twin brother. He graduated from Riordan High School in 1970 and went on to earn an accounting degree at USF(Jesuit) . He worked for the IRS, AC Transit and did forensic accounting at his own firm before entering St Patrick’s Seminary in 2003. He was ordained in 2009 and assisted at Holy Name and St. Brendan’s Parishes before being named pastor of Star of the Sea Parish in Sausalito. Father Mike trained and volunteered at San Francisco Suicide Prevention and is active in marriage counseling....."

Raymond Kelly, who was the 37th and 41st Police Commissioner of New York City ( September 1, 1992 – January 1, 1994 / January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2013 ) is currently a board member at the Catholic Alfred E. Smith foundation!

" With fifty years in public service, including fourteen years as police commissioner of the City of New York, Raymond W. Kelly is one of the world’s most well-known and highly esteemed leaders in law enforcement. Kelly was appointed police commissioner in January 2002 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, making Kelly the longest serving police commissioner in the city’s history, as well as the first to hold the post for a second, separate tenure. He also served as police commissioner under Mayor David N. Dinkins.In Commissioner Kelly’s distinguished career he has also served as senior managing director of global corporate security at Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service, undersecretary for enforcement at the U.S. Treasury Department, and vice president for the Americas of Interpol. Commissioner Kelly holds a BBA from Manhattan College(Catholic), a JD from St. John’s University School of Law(Catholic), an LLM from New York University Graduate School of Law, and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In addition, Commissioner Kelly retired as a colonel from the Marine Corps Reserves after 30 years of service. Kelly is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the advisory board of the Counter Extremism Project. He also serves on the board of Hain Celestial Group and is on the advisory board of Applied DNA Sciences. In September 2006, Commissioner Kelly was awarded France’s highest decoration, the Légion d’honneur, by then French Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy."

Kelly was the leading advocate behind New York's disastrous stop and frisk policing. :

Raymond Kelly, whom had a postion at Interpol , the " International Criminal Police Organization" that uses a Roman military wreath on its logo, was in good company with his fellow papists representing the United States there. In fact the first Americans to serve as Secretary General of Interpol and President are directly connected to Rome. These being Mark John Simpson, and Ronald Noble.

"Mark John Richard Simpson (February 13, 1932 – February 10, 2017) was the first U.S. Interpol President (1984–1988) and was the sixteenth Director of the United States Secret Service (1981–1992).[1]#citenote-1) Born in 1932, Simpson served in the United States Army, graduated from Loyola College) in Montreal (Jesuit) before attending Portia Law School.[[2]]( Simpson joined the Secret Service in 1962 during his time at Portia Law (graduating in 1964 and was elected as his Law School President) and became Special Agent with the Presidential Protective Division in 1978.[[3]]( After retiring as Director in 1992, Simpson became a commissioner in the United States Parole Commission for 2 terms.[[3]]("

" Ronald Kenneth "Ron" Noble (born September 24, 1956)is an American law enforcement officer who served as the secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) from 3 November 2000 – 7 November 2014 . He became the organization's first American and youngest secretary-general at the time of his appointment. Prior to his time there, he worked as a public servant in various U.S. government agencies, including the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the Treasury. ..In 1993, Noble was appointed as the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, being placed in charge of the Secret Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the Customs Service Office of Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.[4][9] He was head of the department's "Waco Administrative Review Team", which produced a report on the ATF's actions against the Branch Davidians, leading to the Waco siege.[10] "..... Awards: Hilal-e-Pakistan (2011) Order of St. Gregory the Great(Papal Knighthood), Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion of Honour .... In 1998, with the support of Attorney General Janet Reno and FBI director Louis Freeh (Opus Dei), Noble applied to become the secretary-general of Interpol and succeed incumbent Raymond Kendall.[3] "

To be continued...

David Clarke, often known as the Fox News Sheriff--whom is always advocating for more invasive militarized policing was trained by Jesuits at Marquette Univeristy Highschool. Clarke was the 64th sheriff of Milwaukee county ( March 19, 2002 – August 31, 2017).

" Clarke was born in Milwaukee, one of five children of Jeri and David Clarke Sr.[5]#citenote-milmag-5) His father was a paratrooper with the 2nd Ranger Infantry Company). Clarke Jr. attended Marquette University High School (Jesuit).... Clarke frequently appeared as a guest on Fox News through February 2018 and was a speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He resigned as sheriff in August 2017.[[4]]( A vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, Clarke was considered for a role in the Trump Administration. After resigning as Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Clarke joined the super PAC America First Action as a spokesman and senior advisor, serving until February 2019. ......Clarke's career was not without controversy; in 1994, the mother of a 15-year-old boy filed a complaint alleging that Clarke used excessive force when arresting her son. According to public documents, Clarke was returning from a vacation when he spotted five teenagers heaving rocks at passing cars. Clarke chased down the teens, drew his service revolver and ordered them to lie on the ground. He admitted to using his foot to turn one boy over as he searched for weapons. The boy’s mother claimed Clarke put a gun to her son’s head and kicked him in the side, causing bruised ribs that required medical attention. However, the Fire and Police Commission ruled there was insufficient evidence to charge Clarke and dismissed the case.[[5]]( "
That is because Police are hired thugs for Rome and Corporations, and have full immunity.
"Clarke has called for the suspension of habeas corpus in the United States in a December 2015 appearance on his radio program, where he asserted that there were "hundreds of thousands" or "maybe a million" people who "have pledged allegiance or are supporting ISIS, giving aid and comfort," and stated that "our commander in chief ought to utilize Article I, Section 9" to imprison them at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp "and hold them indefinitely under a suspension of habeas corpus."

In the Case of Morgan vs. District of Columbia in 1983, the court ruled that " Absent a special relationship between police department and victim, liability for failure to protect individual citizens from crime does not generally lie against police officials, who occupy positions necessarily fraught with discretion in the administration of justice. Appellants do not fall within the narrow exception to this longstanding rule. Furthermore, the facts of this case, as a matter of law, cannot support a finding of negligence by the city. "

The Los Angeles Police Department--who has zero duty and obligation to protect citizens of Los Angeles, gave the biggest protective motorcade in the history of the department to Pope John Paul 2 on his 1987 trip to LA!! They must of had a "special relationship" with the Pope. Quoting from the LAPD website :

" 1987 Pope John Paul II Visit
Never before in the history of the Department has a single individual been afforded the level of security that was provided to the Pope during his September 1987 visit. Preparations were initiated long before his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport. His travels earlier in the year had been observed in person by LAPD Operations-Headquarters Bureau staff in Germany, Miami, San Antonio, and Phoenix...... In addition to patrol officers, specialists from Metropolitan Division, bomb experts, motor officers, detectives, the Mounted Patrol, Air Support helicopters and even volunteer ham radio operators, participated in the security operations. Thanks to their diligence, only minor incidents involving confiscated weapons and detained suspects occurred. Personnel representing other agencies exhibited exemplary cooperation with local law enforcement. The Pope’s concern for children and youth was amply revealed when, joined by then First Lady Nancy Reagan, he spoke to the youngsters at the diocesan school and to 6,000 teenagers at the Universal Amphitheater. .... Some Additional Interesting Facts about the Pope’s Visit: 5,800 officers were used; 2,416 along the motorcade parade route, including 49 motor, 55 mounted and 104 Metropolitan Division personnel. The parade was witnessed by 300,000 spectators. An additional 170,000 attended the outdoor masses. 4,000 55-gallon drums were stationed every 20 feet along the parade route, each filled with water, capped and sealed; 35 miles of rope was strung from drum to drum and 10,000 wooden barricades placed in between. 4,250 feet of five-foot chain link fence was installed at the Coliseum. Air Support Division deployed 11 helicopters and one fixed wing airplane over the concerned territory for a total of 127 airborne hours."

Darryl Francis Gates who was chief of Police of LA when the Pope came to visit was given a Papal Visit ribbon! Gates is credited for the creation of modern day SWAT teams!

" Daryl Gates (born Darrel Francis Gates;[3] August 30, 1926 – April 16, 2010) was the Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) from 1978 to 1992. His length of tenure was second only to that of William H. Parker). As chief of police, he took a hardline, aggressive, paramilitary approach to law enforcement. ... Awards📷 Police Meritorious Unit Citation📷 Police Meritorious Service Medal1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon📷 1987 Papal Visit Ribbon📷 1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon "

Danielle Outlaw, current cheif of police in Portland was trained by Jesuits at the Univeristy of San Francisco.

"Danielle Outlaw (born 1975)[1][3][4] currently serves as chief of police for the Portland Police Bureau, in the U.S. state of Oregon. She is the first African American woman to head the bureau,[1] and was appointed by mayor Ted Wheeler in 2017.[5] Outlaw previously worked for the Oakland Police Department, where she served as deputy chief from 2013 until 2017.[2][4] Danielle Outlaw was born in 1975. Her father and mother worked with the California Department of Transportation and AT&T. She attended the Holy Names High School) in Oakland, California(Catholic).[4] She didn't have a good perception of the Oakland police during her childhood. In high school, as part of a career exploration program, Outlaw visited the Oakland Police Department, and had the opportunity to patrol with officers, change her perception of the police, and find out that those in the police force are just like her.[4]Before she graduated from the University of San Francisco(Jesuit) with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology, followed by a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University. Outlaw entered the Pepperdine Grazio Business School to differentiate herself from people in her field. In addition, Chief Outlaw was the recipient of the Oakland Black Officers' Association Trailblazer Award, the Holy Names High School Alumnae Association Citation for Service and the 2015 Police Executive Research Forum, which also known as PERF, Gary P. Hayes Award"

"Outlaw said she remembers being shut inside her Catholic school, Holy Names High School, during the protests in Oakland. “They put chains on the doors to keep us inside, to prevent us from walking out and marching,” she said."

Anne Kirkpatrick, current police chief of Oakland was trained by Jesuits at Seattle University.

" Anne Kirkpatrick is the Chief of the Oakland Police Department. Kirkpatrick was appointed Chief by Mayor Libby Schaaf on January 4, 2017.[1]#citenote-1) She was the former police chief in the city of Spokane, Washington and was leading organizational development inside the Chicago Police Department.[[2]]( She was sworn in as Oakland police chief on February 27, 2017.[[2]]( "

" Born and raised in Memphis, Kirkpatrick moved across the country for law school because she wanted to keep working as a police officer, and it was one of the few part-time programs available at the time. She studied in her patrol car during lunch breaks - as long as she wasn't interrupted by a DUI or domestic disturbance call. In admiration of her dedication to both work and education, her Redmond colleagues named her Officer of the Year the same year she graduated from Seattle University School of Law (then University of Puget Sound School of Law(Jesuit)). "

William McManus, current police chief of San Antonio is Catholic and was educated at Catholic Villanova. McManus has been taking some heat lately for releasing 12 illegal immigrants to a Catholic Shelter! The Vatican is behind the agenda of the mass invasion of latino roman catholics into the United States from the south.

" Bill McManus was appointed San Antonio’s Police Chief in March 2006. He oversees a department of more than 2,000 sworn officers and more than 800 civilian positions.... McManus has over 40 years of experience in law enforcement. He previously served as the Chief of Police for the Minneapolis Police Department where he rebuilt the departmental infrastructure and provided new direction and leadership to a 1,200-member department. McManus also has served as the Chief of Police in Dayton, Ohio, from 2001 to 2003. He started his career in law enforcement in 1975 with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C., where he served in a full range of patrol and investigative assignments that included internal and criminal investigations, narcotics, and tactical positions. McManus also served as Assistant Chief of Police for the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department from 1998 to 2001.....

"Mayor Ron Nirenberg and City Manager Sheryl Sculley blasted the San Antonio Police Officers Association over its latest call for Police Chief William McManus to be placed on administrative leave while the attorney general's office investigates claims he violated Texas' law banning sanctuary cities last December. On December 23, 2017, officers released 12 undocumented immigrants found in a tractor-trailer to a local Catholic shelter. Previously, McManus, who was at the scene, said his officers didn't have the jurisdiction to detain them and that a Homeland Security agent on the scene also declined to take them into custody."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

On the LV incident

Stephen Paddock's employment history was largely with government, and featured an unusual career progression. He started off with an entry level position in the Postal Service, then transferred to the IRS, then wound up working for Morton-Thiokol, a defense contractor that specialized in rockets and aircraft systems. He officially retired in 1988, but continued to earn millions of dollars in over the years (allegedly from gambling), owning numerous homes and at least two aircraft stored in two different locations.
One of the aircraft he owned, a Cirrus SR20 (a common medium range 4-seater), registration number N5343M, was Paddock's from 2006-2010, until the registration was changed to Volant LLC (headquarted in Roanoke VA or Chantilly, VA, a hop skip and a jump from Langley or the National Reconnaissance Office, respectively). From here, the waters get a little murky. Read the following passage and take its conclusions with a grain of salt:
"Many of the wounded and witnesses from the Route 91 Harvest Festival have expressed their dismay at online harassment from alter-universe trolls who claim that the shooting never happened in a stage play by so-called “crisis actors”. This absurd theory, stated in barbaric disregard for the families of the dead, is not the opinion of a mere few deranged individuals; it's a repressive tactic of state-sponsored psychological warfare. If anything the online psy-op proves once again the foresight of the founding fathers who drafted the amendments to the Constitution in warning against the lust for power of a centralized state attempting to impose absolutist tyranny on a sovereign society.
The federal muzzling of local law enforcement in Las Vegas is a strong signal of the untrammeled powers of the federal intelligence agencies, which are largely responsible for the influx of fanatic foreign elements loyal to ISIS, Al Qaeda and other anti-democratic forces, even to the point of recruiting them into the U.S. armed forces and police agencies. The slaughter in Las Vegas was the outcome of the thinly concealed immigration alliance with jihadist oil mongering Arab states against the core American citizenry, especially those so-called “fans of country music” who are the most versed of all in the Constitution and its underlying values (as opposed to the mindless and cynical book-waving by that Pakistani ally of terrorism Khizer “Kaiser” Khan of Charlottesville, Virginia).
To protect their power and privileges, the elitist politicians and high bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are acting in ways no different from King George III who unloosed Hessian mercenaries on the colonies, even forcing American families to quarter those armed foreign spies inside their own homes.
Today, the same is being done through the localization of cyber-espionage in every state by the political cabal that is eager to oust the populist-elected president and install instead the chosen successor of the Clinton regime, Virginia Governor Terence “Terry” McAuliffe, the would-be dictator in the eye of the destructive hurricane sweeping across the United States.
This essay in the continuing series on Las Vegas 10/01 explores the centrality of McAuliffe’s fiefdom in the Commonwealth of Virginia to the military contractor role of the fall guy Stephen Paddock, along with the governor’s support for NSA federalization of the state National Guards as the front-line surveillance force to quell citizen-based democracy in every town and village from coast-to-coast. The present military cyber offensive, as shown in the Vegas cover-up, is every bit as threatening as the Red Coat invasion force at Lexington and Concord, and therefore given the moral-ethical surrender of traditional journalism, it is up to the Minutemen of the online media, and perhaps soon by shortwave radio, to defend a democracy under attack and in danger of extinction.
Ownership Transfer of the Plane
Online attempts to probe the background to the ownership of the Cirrus SR20 aircraft, registered under the name of Stephen Paddock for covert ops, have met with obfuscation from Pentagon trolls, who point out that the plane was sold to Volant LLC, owned by one John W. Roberts of Roanoke, Virginia. The key point being raised is that the limited liability (private) company should not be confused with Volant Associates LLC, a defense contractor. To understand this odd matter of the two Volants, let’s jump into the devilish details of provenance or successive ownership as listed at the FAA registry, which has been altered from the original longer version, which I cite here.
That single-engine prop plane was acquired by a Stephen Paddock of Henderson, near Lake Mead in the state of Nevada, on 2 June 2006. The Henderson Executive Airport was opened in the mid-1990s for small private planes as a back-up for crowded McCarren International on the south end of the Vegas Strip, right by the Tropicana, Hooters, New York New York and the Mandalay Bay, directly adjoining the site of the Route 91 Harvest Festival (all of these venues were sites of shooting on October 1). Henderson, on the southern tip of Nevada, is the sort of nondescript quiet town that Paddock preferred whenever making real-estate purchases, indicating his operaton of a trading business that demanded no witnesses.
A year later, on 25 May 2007, Paddock switched the registration address to Mesquite, Texas, a suburb east of Dallas with its own small Mesquite Metro Airport. Fort Worth hosts the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base (JRB) and the Lockheed-USAF Plant 4, a center for tech security. Although at greater distance from the Mexican border, compared with San Antonio or El Paso, the Cirrus has a 700-plus mile range and parking it in Henderson would have attracted no notice from DEA agents and the U.S. Border Patrol.
Nearly three years later, on 13 February 2010, the plane ownership was transferred—apparently merely on paper—to a company called UHS in Los Angeles. The acronym stands for Universal Student Housing, which is something of low-cost AirBnB for young people from foreign countries to stay in homes or apartments owned by Latinos, no questions asked. Human trafficking questions aside, the business operator is named Emerson Farias Torres who operates out of his apartment.
This modest businessman who kindly shelters DACA illegals becomes even more interesting because until 2009 Torres was the U.S. license holder for Jesa Air LLC, the U.S. branch of the Panama-registered Jesa Air West Africa. The tiny airline was owned by the Rhodesia-born mercenary and apartheid South African Air Force pilot Neal Ellis. His colorful career included helicopter piloting in the CIA’s Bosnia war against Serbian armed forces, a stint with the UK-based Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone, and George W Bush’s invasion of Iraq. In the air-to-ground combat against West African rebels, the legendary merc Ellis befriended retired Lt. Col. Brian Boquist, the CEO of International Charter Incorporated (ICI) of Oregon, which fought in Liberia under contract with DynCorp. Two peas in the pod, they were jolly good buddies.
At the moment of Paddock’s paper “sale” of the Cirrus aircraft to Torres’ youth hostels, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder and the DHS-run Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau (ATF) were two years into the Fast and Furious gun-walking transfer to the Mexico drug mafia along the Arizona and Texas border. That little ole airport in Mesquite was getting as hot as a charcoal-fired barbecue pit. In Los Angeles (Paddock was a graduate of Cal State Northridge), a location for plausible deniability over a plane with paperwork in Panama. “You see, senor, I’m just flying in Panama hats to sell to touristas on Olivera Street, comprendez?”
In a similar vein, the London address of Jena Air international is 55 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road along with 208 other paper companies. To learn more on how to operate your own private air force, look up the documentary film “Shadow Company”.
Stop here a moment to ask: “How come nobody’s raised these issues before?” Answer: Mainly because your press corps are all crisis actors in role of the deaf and dumb.
Then on 10 December 2010, the same plane is registered in Chantilly, Virginia, under Stephen C. Paddock and a John W. Rogers. Then on 30 August 2013, following the gunshot death of ATF forensic expert Paul Parisi in Chantilly, the plane is relocated to Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 220 miles (355 km), under sole ownership of Volant LLC owned by a John W. Rogers. Obviously, then, Paddock and Rogers must have had some acquaintance with each other.
Two John W. Rogers are listed in Roanoke:
the first is a cancer surgeon at several Virginia hospitals, notably the Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, which has a working relationship with the nearby Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and
the second John W. Rogers appears to be a fictitious identity created by a John J. Rogers, a newcomer to Virginia from East Palo Alto, a predominantly low-income African-American community “on the other side of Silicon Valley”, and he has since moved to a more affordable part of Virginia with several family members.
So what is a well-respected oncologist, who provides radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer patients, doing parking Paddock’s surreptitious aircraft on the tarmac at Roanoke for nearly three years until its sole flight just three weeks prior to the Las Vegas shootings?
To get at the answer, we must first probe into: What’s the difference between Volant Associates LLC and Dr. Rogers’ Volant LCC?
Do you have a credit card for a swipe? Because that’s how far apart these entities are, despite protestations to the contrary from the trolls in the employ of the Pentagon psychological warfare division. It’s called compartmentalization.
The word Volant has a nice ring to it, sounding like a contraction of “volunteers” but, alas, there’s neither connection nor connotation in this case of professional military operations. Translated from French, it means “flying”, although the term is closer to gliding. It is most frequently used for animals that glide despite their inability to sustain flight: for example a volant squirrel, those brave little creatures. “Volant” is also used to describe military airlift operations delivering troops and ground vehicles to the battlefield, such as Volant Solo and the many Volants combined with the names of trees, such as Volant Pine.
For our purpose of tracking down who and what killed Stephen Paddock and 60+ others in Las Vegas, there’s only one definition with any bearing to the case: Col. Adam Volant, a long-serving Army officer with the National Security Agency at its headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, and present commander of Task Force Echo, which is deploying a massive National Guard-implemented domestic cyber-warfare and surveillance operation on American soil.
Col. Volant, who wears many hats, is a active service officer in the reserves, the head of the alumni association of Virginia Military Institute (VMI), a sponsor of a “non-profit group”, and a security adviser to U.S. President-in-waiting Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist who serves as governor of Virginia.
Volant Associates LLC, the now-infamous Pentagon network-systems contractor, which requires all its employees to have top-secret clearances is his “non-profit organization,” which has been awarded tens of millions of dollars in military contracts for network security of critical infrastructure and military facilities, a mandate that includes massive cyber-surveillance, which is now being deployed to an initial eight states by the newly hatched National Guard domestic spy organization. (The Guardsmen have traditionally been “weekend warriors” but at least since the Iraq War the so-called state militia has evolved into a full-time professional fighting force controlled by the Pentagon with most of its funding from the federal government.
What possibly could cancer surgeon John Rogers’ Volant LLC have to do with this watchdog program for militarization of the domestic civilian Internet and social media?
Unbeknownst to most of his civilian patients, Dr. Rogers is a military surgeon and a Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Reserves. His caretaker role for Paddock’s plane is either based on a military arrangement or off-duty criminal activity as a favor for some past cooperation in the distribution of prescription drugs. Buying a plane only to park it makes no sense otherwise.
If the Roanoke Airport arrangement is indeed military, then Dr. Rogers must have some military-intelligence role. Advanced military systems including electronic warfare, X-band radar and chemical warfare exercises all entail exposure to cancer risks, so one question is whether a National Guard oncologist is supposed to act like a company doctor to explain away the consequences of occupational risks, as happened with Gulf War Syndrome. The Veterans Administration hospital system has been heavily criticized for negligence and mismanagement, and it is striking that the surgeon is so stretched between civilian and military hospitals, some of those sites quite distant from Virginia. Signing papers to park a plane is not much different than writing a prescription for a headache.
Although he’s never flown Paddock’s Cirrus, Lt. Col. Rogers may well be a pilot of military-operated aircraft since his Volant LLC has offices in six other towns, nearly all with or near Veterans Administration hospitals: Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Delmar, New York; Naples, Florida; Randolph, Minnesota; Stoughton, Wisconsin; and Salt Lake City, Utah.
-Delmar, New York, near his alma mater of Hobart College in the Finger Lakes region, with its privately own Cross’ Farm Airport and the Cross Excavating Corporation, and nearby casinos, and Delmar is near Albany’s large VA facility.
-Randolph, Minnesota, a small town of 430 residents near Minneapolis, is located in Dakota County where the Rosemount National Guard Armory, home base of the 34th Infantry Division’s 634th Military Intelligence Battalion. VA hospital.
-Dane County, Wisconsin, which includes Stoughton, is home to the Truax Air National Guard base in and also “Ron Weyer” (real name: Ronald Van Den Huevel, Clinton-Bush-CIA money launderer) and Wally Hilliard, owner of the Huffman Aviation School, operated by Rudi Dekker in Venice and Naples, Florida, and Fort Worth Spinks Airport at Burlson, Texas. Ditto VA.
-Naples, Florida, is home of one of Rudi Dekker’s two flight schools, where Mohamed Atta learned to pilot aircraft. The VA is also there, perhaps to provide first aid to Saudi and Egyptian pilots who crash their planes.
-Baton Rouge, Louisiana, north of his medical school in his hometown of New Orleans, is surrounded by a massive number of heavily armed National Guard bases, that can overwhelm most of the world’s armies, including a chemical-weapons unit, where cancer is an occupational hazard.
-Salt Lake City, the Utah Air National Guard, as big as most air forces with VA center.
The questions arising from Lt. Col. Rogers’ far-flung business registrations are similar to the many properties owned by Stephen Paddock across the country. Could there be some covert military intelligence rationale behind the geographic spread? Volant LLC and Volant Associates LLC look to be paper planes in a much larger covert operation being sent aloft from the highest levels of the NSA. If the volant operation is regime change, Dr. Rogers and Col. Volant both risk elimination for knowing too much, as happened their associate Paddock in Vegas."
submitted by VictoriasSecretCEO to FalseFlagWatch [link] [comments]

On the LV incident

Stephen Paddock's employment history was largely with government, and featured an unusual career progression. He started off with an entry level position in the Postal Service, then transferred to the IRS, then wound up working for Morton-Thiokol, a defense contractor that specialized in rockets and aircraft systems. He officially retired in 1988, but continued to earn millions of dollars in over the years (allegedly from gambling), owning numerous homes and at least two aircraft stored in two different locations.
One of the aircraft he owned, a Cirrus SR20 (a common medium range 4-seater), registration number N5343M, was Paddock's from 2006-2010, until the registration was changed to Volant LLC (headquarted in Roanoke VA or Chantilly, VA, a hop skip and a jump from Langley or the National Reconnaissance Office, respectively). From here, the waters get a little murky. Read the following passage and take its conclusions with a grain of salt:
"Many of the wounded and witnesses from the Route 91 Harvest Festival have expressed their dismay at online harassment from alter-universe trolls who claim that the shooting never happened in a stage play by so-called “crisis actors”. This absurd theory, stated in barbaric disregard for the families of the dead, is not the opinion of a mere few deranged individuals; it's a repressive tactic of state-sponsored psychological warfare. If anything the online psy-op proves once again the foresight of the founding fathers who drafted the amendments to the Constitution in warning against the lust for power of a centralized state attempting to impose absolutist tyranny on a sovereign society.
The federal muzzling of local law enforcement in Las Vegas is a strong signal of the untrammeled powers of the federal intelligence agencies, which are largely responsible for the influx of fanatic foreign elements loyal to ISIS, Al Qaeda and other anti-democratic forces, even to the point of recruiting them into the U.S. armed forces and police agencies. The slaughter in Las Vegas was the outcome of the thinly concealed immigration alliance with jihadist oil mongering Arab states against the core American citizenry, especially those so-called “fans of country music” who are the most versed of all in the Constitution and its underlying values (as opposed to the mindless and cynical book-waving by that Pakistani ally of terrorism Khizer “Kaiser” Khan of Charlottesville, Virginia).
To protect their power and privileges, the elitist politicians and high bureaucrats in Washington D.C. are acting in ways no different from King George III who unloosed Hessian mercenaries on the colonies, even forcing American families to quarter those armed foreign spies inside their own homes.
Today, the same is being done through the localization of cyber-espionage in every state by the political cabal that is eager to oust the populist-elected president and install instead the chosen successor of the Clinton regime, Virginia Governor Terence “Terry” McAuliffe, the would-be dictator in the eye of the destructive hurricane sweeping across the United States.
This essay in the continuing series on Las Vegas 10/01 explores the centrality of McAuliffe’s fiefdom in the Commonwealth of Virginia to the military contractor role of the fall guy Stephen Paddock, along with the governor’s support for NSA federalization of the state National Guards as the front-line surveillance force to quell citizen-based democracy in every town and village from coast-to-coast. The present military cyber offensive, as shown in the Vegas cover-up, is every bit as threatening as the Red Coat invasion force at Lexington and Concord, and therefore given the moral-ethical surrender of traditional journalism, it is up to the Minutemen of the online media, and perhaps soon by shortwave radio, to defend a democracy under attack and in danger of extinction.
Ownership Transfer of the Plane
Online attempts to probe the background to the ownership of the Cirrus SR20 aircraft, registered under the name of Stephen Paddock for covert ops, have met with obfuscation from Pentagon trolls, who point out that the plane was sold to Volant LLC, owned by one John W. Roberts of Roanoke, Virginia. The key point being raised is that the limited liability (private) company should not be confused with Volant Associates LLC, a defense contractor. To understand this odd matter of the two Volants, let’s jump into the devilish details of provenance or successive ownership as listed at the FAA registry, which has been altered from the original longer version, which I cite here.
That single-engine prop plane was acquired by a Stephen Paddock of Henderson, near Lake Mead in the state of Nevada, on 2 June 2006. The Henderson Executive Airport was opened in the mid-1990s for small private planes as a back-up for crowded McCarren International on the south end of the Vegas Strip, right by the Tropicana, Hooters, New York New York and the Mandalay Bay, directly adjoining the site of the Route 91 Harvest Festival (all of these venues were sites of shooting on October 1). Henderson, on the southern tip of Nevada, is the sort of nondescript quiet town that Paddock preferred whenever making real-estate purchases, indicating his operaton of a trading business that demanded no witnesses.
A year later, on 25 May 2007, Paddock switched the registration address to Mesquite, Texas, a suburb east of Dallas with its own small Mesquite Metro Airport. Fort Worth hosts the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base (JRB) and the Lockheed-USAF Plant 4, a center for tech security. Although at greater distance from the Mexican border, compared with San Antonio or El Paso, the Cirrus has a 700-plus mile range and parking it in Henderson would have attracted no notice from DEA agents and the U.S. Border Patrol.
Nearly three years later, on 13 February 2010, the plane ownership was transferred—apparently merely on paper—to a company called UHS in Los Angeles. The acronym stands for Universal Student Housing, which is something of low-cost AirBnB for young people from foreign countries to stay in homes or apartments owned by Latinos, no questions asked. Human trafficking questions aside, the business operator is named Emerson Farias Torres who operates out of his apartment.
This modest businessman who kindly shelters DACA illegals becomes even more interesting because until 2009 Torres was the U.S. license holder for Jesa Air LLC, the U.S. branch of the Panama-registered Jesa Air West Africa. The tiny airline was owned by the Rhodesia-born mercenary and apartheid South African Air Force pilot Neal Ellis. His colorful career included helicopter piloting in the CIA’s Bosnia war against Serbian armed forces, a stint with the UK-based Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone, and George W Bush’s invasion of Iraq. In the air-to-ground combat against West African rebels, the legendary merc Ellis befriended retired Lt. Col. Brian Boquist, the CEO of International Charter Incorporated (ICI) of Oregon, which fought in Liberia under contract with DynCorp. Two peas in the pod, they were jolly good buddies.
At the moment of Paddock’s paper “sale” of the Cirrus aircraft to Torres’ youth hostels, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder and the DHS-run Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau (ATF) were two years into the Fast and Furious gun-walking transfer to the Mexico drug mafia along the Arizona and Texas border. That little ole airport in Mesquite was getting as hot as a charcoal-fired barbecue pit. In Los Angeles (Paddock was a graduate of Cal State Northridge), a location for plausible deniability over a plane with paperwork in Panama. “You see, senor, I’m just flying in Panama hats to sell to touristas on Olivera Street, comprendez?”
In a similar vein, the London address of Jena Air international is 55 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road along with 208 other paper companies. To learn more on how to operate your own private air force, look up the documentary film “Shadow Company”.
Stop here a moment to ask: “How come nobody’s raised these issues before?” Answer: Mainly because your press corps are all crisis actors in role of the deaf and dumb.
Then on 10 December 2010, the same plane is registered in Chantilly, Virginia, under Stephen C. Paddock and a John W. Rogers. Then on 30 August 2013, following the gunshot death of ATF forensic expert Paul Parisi in Chantilly, the plane is relocated to Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 220 miles (355 km), under sole ownership of Volant LLC owned by a John W. Rogers. Obviously, then, Paddock and Rogers must have had some acquaintance with each other.
Two John W. Rogers are listed in Roanoke:
the first is a cancer surgeon at several Virginia hospitals, notably the Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, which has a working relationship with the nearby Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center; and
the second John W. Rogers appears to be a fictitious identity created by a John J. Rogers, a newcomer to Virginia from East Palo Alto, a predominantly low-income African-American community “on the other side of Silicon Valley”, and he has since moved to a more affordable part of Virginia with several family members.
So what is a well-respected oncologist, who provides radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer patients, doing parking Paddock’s surreptitious aircraft on the tarmac at Roanoke for nearly three years until its sole flight just three weeks prior to the Las Vegas shootings?
To get at the answer, we must first probe into: What’s the difference between Volant Associates LLC and Dr. Rogers’ Volant LCC?
Do you have a credit card for a swipe? Because that’s how far apart these entities are, despite protestations to the contrary from the trolls in the employ of the Pentagon psychological warfare division. It’s called compartmentalization.
The word Volant has a nice ring to it, sounding like a contraction of “volunteers” but, alas, there’s neither connection nor connotation in this case of professional military operations. Translated from French, it means “flying”, although the term is closer to gliding. It is most frequently used for animals that glide despite their inability to sustain flight: for example a volant squirrel, those brave little creatures. “Volant” is also used to describe military airlift operations delivering troops and ground vehicles to the battlefield, such as Volant Solo and the many Volants combined with the names of trees, such as Volant Pine.
For our purpose of tracking down who and what killed Stephen Paddock and 60+ others in Las Vegas, there’s only one definition with any bearing to the case: Col. Adam Volant, a long-serving Army officer with the National Security Agency at its headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, and present commander of Task Force Echo, which is deploying a massive National Guard-implemented domestic cyber-warfare and surveillance operation on American soil.
Col. Volant, who wears many hats, is a active service officer in the reserves, the head of the alumni association of Virginia Military Institute (VMI), a sponsor of a “non-profit group”, and a security adviser to U.S. President-in-waiting Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist who serves as governor of Virginia.
Volant Associates LLC, the now-infamous Pentagon network-systems contractor, which requires all its employees to have top-secret clearances is his “non-profit organization,” which has been awarded tens of millions of dollars in military contracts for network security of critical infrastructure and military facilities, a mandate that includes massive cyber-surveillance, which is now being deployed to an initial eight states by the newly hatched National Guard domestic spy organization. (The Guardsmen have traditionally been “weekend warriors” but at least since the Iraq War the so-called state militia has evolved into a full-time professional fighting force controlled by the Pentagon with most of its funding from the federal government.
What possibly could cancer surgeon John Rogers’ Volant LLC have to do with this watchdog program for militarization of the domestic civilian Internet and social media?
Unbeknownst to most of his civilian patients, Dr. Rogers is a military surgeon and a Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Reserves. His caretaker role for Paddock’s plane is either based on a military arrangement or off-duty criminal activity as a favor for some past cooperation in the distribution of prescription drugs. Buying a plane only to park it makes no sense otherwise.
If the Roanoke Airport arrangement is indeed military, then Dr. Rogers must have some military-intelligence role. Advanced military systems including electronic warfare, X-band radar and chemical warfare exercises all entail exposure to cancer risks, so one question is whether a National Guard oncologist is supposed to act like a company doctor to explain away the consequences of occupational risks, as happened with Gulf War Syndrome. The Veterans Administration hospital system has been heavily criticized for negligence and mismanagement, and it is striking that the surgeon is so stretched between civilian and military hospitals, some of those sites quite distant from Virginia. Signing papers to park a plane is not much different than writing a prescription for a headache.
Although he’s never flown Paddock’s Cirrus, Lt. Col. Rogers may well be a pilot of military-operated aircraft since his Volant LLC has offices in six other towns, nearly all with or near Veterans Administration hospitals: Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Delmar, New York; Naples, Florida; Randolph, Minnesota; Stoughton, Wisconsin; and Salt Lake City, Utah.
-Delmar, New York, near his alma mater of Hobart College in the Finger Lakes region, with its privately own Cross’ Farm Airport and the Cross Excavating Corporation, and nearby casinos, and Delmar is near Albany’s large VA facility.
-Randolph, Minnesota, a small town of 430 residents near Minneapolis, is located in Dakota County where the Rosemount National Guard Armory, home base of the 34th Infantry Division’s 634th Military Intelligence Battalion. VA hospital.
-Dane County, Wisconsin, which includes Stoughton, is home to the Truax Air National Guard base in and also “Ron Weyer” (real name: Ronald Van Den Huevel, Clinton-Bush-CIA money launderer) and Wally Hilliard, owner of the Huffman Aviation School, operated by Rudi Dekker in Venice and Naples, Florida, and Fort Worth Spinks Airport at Burlson, Texas. Ditto VA.
-Naples, Florida, is home of one of Rudi Dekker’s two flight schools, where Mohamed Atta learned to pilot aircraft. The VA is also there, perhaps to provide first aid to Saudi and Egyptian pilots who crash their planes.
-Baton Rouge, Louisiana, north of his medical school in his hometown of New Orleans, is surrounded by a massive number of heavily armed National Guard bases, that can overwhelm most of the world’s armies, including a chemical-weapons unit, where cancer is an occupational hazard.
-Salt Lake City, the Utah Air National Guard, as big as most air forces with VA center.
The questions arising from Lt. Col. Rogers’ far-flung business registrations are similar to the many properties owned by Stephen Paddock across the country. Could there be some covert military intelligence rationale behind the geographic spread? Volant LLC and Volant Associates LLC look to be paper planes in a much larger covert operation being sent aloft from the highest levels of the NSA. If the volant operation is regime change, Dr. Rogers and Col. Volant both risk elimination for knowing too much, as happened their associate Paddock in Vegas."
submitted by VictoriasSecretCEO to propaganda [link] [comments]

2018 Campaign: Various Senate, Congressional, Gubernatorial Debates Leading Up to Midterms

This is another project I always wanted to tackle, and after I have come to realize C-Span is putting up (most? all?) the debates leading up to the midterm elections, I decided to do it. Here you will find the audio editions of Senate, Congressional and Gubernatorial debates of 2018. Click on the blue links to get to the files and have a listen. Over the next weeks I will go back in time and do the ones that have been forgotten already, while also keeping an eye of those yet to be held. Stay tuned to this post for more.
September 18: Arizona 3rd Congressional District Debate Candidates for Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District debate in preparation for the Nov. 6 general election. We hear from both sides: incumbent and Democratic candidate Raul Grijalva, and Republican candidate Nick Pierson.
September 19: New Mexico Gubernatorial Debate Representatives Steve Pearce (R-NM) and Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM) took part in a debate in their race to replace New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez (R), who was term limited.
September 20: Virginia Senate Town Hall Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Republican challenger Corey Stewart (R-VA) particiapted in the first of two town hall events hosted by Liberty University and Hampton University. The topic of this town hall was domestic policy and the economy.
September 20: Illinois Gubernatorial Forum Governor Bruce Rauner (R-IL) and Democratic challenger J.B. Pritzker faced each other in a debate in Chicago. They were joined on stage by two other candidates, Libertarian Kash Jackson and Conservative Party candidate Sam McCann. Topics covered in the debate included term limits, unions, Colin Kaepernick, immigration, gun violence and education spending.
September 21: Virginia 10th Congressional District Debate Representative Barbara Comstock (R-VA) and Jennifer Wexton (D) took part in a debate in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District race.
September 21: Texas Senate Debate Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) faced Democratic challenger Representative Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) in Dallas for the first of three scheduled debates.
September 22: California 10th Congressional District Debate Candidates in California’s 10th Congressional District, Representative Jeff Denham (R) and Democratic challenger Josh Harder, took part in a debate. They talked about water conservation, infrastructure and transportation, health care, immigration, climate change, abortion, and the economy. The debate was hosted by The Turlock Journal and Univision 19.
September 24: Oklahoma Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in Oklahoma’s gubernatorial race, Kevin Stitt (R) and challenger Drew Edmundson (D) faced each other in a debate to take the seat of Governor Mary Fallin (R), who is term limited.
September 24: Maryland Gubernatorial Debate Maryland gubernatorial candidates, Governor Larry Hogan (R) and Ben Jealous (D), took part in their only scheduled debate.
September 24: Arizona Gubernatorial Debate Watch the Clean Elections debate featuring three candidates vying for the Governor of Arizona. “Arizona Horizon” host and managing editor Ted Simons moderates a debate between Doug Ducey, David Garcia and Angel Torres.
September 25: Tennessee Senate Debate Tennessee U.S. Senate candidates, Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and former Governor Phil Bredesen (D), met in Nashville for their first debate, vying to win the seat of Senator Bob Corker (R), who was retiring. The candidates were asked about the Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, immigration, tax cuts, foreign policy, and working with President Trump.
September 25: Arizona Gubernatorial Debate Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) faced his Democratic challenger David Garcia in Tucson for their second debate in two days.
September 26: Virginia Senate Debate Candidates in Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, incumbent Senator Tim Kaine (D) and challenger Corey Stewart (R) took part in a debate.
September 27: Rhode Island Gubernatorial Debate Rhode Island gubernatorial candidates, incumbent Governor Gina Raimondo (D), Cranston Mayor Allan Fung (R), and Joe Trillo (I) met for a debate in Bristol.
September 28: Texas Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in the Texas gubernatorial race, Governor Greg Abbott (R) and former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez (D) took part in a debate at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin.
September 29: Nevada 3rd Congressional District Debate Candidates in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District race, Susie Lee (D) and Danny Tarkanian (R), took part in a debate. The two were seeking the seat held by Representative Jacky Rosen (D), who was running for the U.S. Senate against Senator Dean Heller (R).The Cook Political Report listed this race as leaning Democratic.
September 29: Montana Senate Debate Candidates for Montana’s U.S. Senate seat, Senator Jon Tester (D) and Republican challenger Matt Rosendale, took part in a debate at the Montana PBS Missoula studio.
October 1: Ohio Gubernatorial Town Hall Debate Candidates in Ohio’s gubernatorial race, State Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) and former Attorney General Richard Cordray (D), took part in a debate at Marietta College. The two discussed education, transportation, health care, opioids and the political climate.
October 1: Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Debate Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates, incumbent Governor Tom Wolf (D) and challenger Scott Wagner (R), took part in a debate in Hershey.
October 2: Arizona 9th Congressional District Debate Democrat Greg Stanton and Republican Steve Ferrara will debate for the 9th Congressional District seat. The two will discuss issues related to the district, as well as the state and the country. The debate is hosted by Arizona PBS and the Arizona Republic.
October 2: California 49th Congressional District Debate Candidates in California’s 49 Congressional District race, Diane Harkey (R) and Mike Levin (D), met for a debate. The candidates were vying for the seat held by retiring Representative Darrell Issa (R). Politico listed this contest as leaning Democrat.
October 2: Florida Senate Debate Candidates in Florida’s U.S. Senate race, incumbent Senator Bill Nelson (D) and challenger Governor Rick Scott (R), took part in their first debate. The candidates took questions covering a wide range of topics, such as immigration reform, gun control, health care, low wages, the environment, election hacking, and the accusations made against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
October 2: Oregon Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in Oregon’s gubernatorial race, incumbent Governor Kate Brown (D) and challengers Knute Buehler (R) and Patrick Starnes (I), took part in their first debate in Portland, Oregon. Young people aged 12 to 19 asked questions of the candidates.
October 2: Tennessee Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in Tennessee’s gubernatorial race, Bill Lee (R) and Karl Dean (D, debated a wide range of topics, including health care, education, gun control, transportation and the opioid crisis.
October 3: Virginia Senate Town Hall Candidates in Virginia’s U.S. Senate race, Senator Tim Kaine (D) and Corey Stewart (R), took part in in the second of two town hall events hosted by Liberty University and Hampton University. The topic of this town hall was foreign policy and defense.
October 5: Iowa 1st Congressional District Debate Candidates for Iowa’s 1st Congressional District seat, incumbent Representative Rod Blum (R) and state representative Abby Finkenauer (D), took part in a debate. Topics included health care, education, immigration reform, gun control, and the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.The district voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election but for Barack Obama in 2012.
October 5: Michigan 8th Congressional District Debate Candidates in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, incumbent Representative Mike Bishop (R) and challenger Elissa Slotkin (D), participated in a joint interview on “Flashpoint,” WDIV’s political news program in Detroit. The candidates answered several questions, including the vitriol in current politics, the impact of tariffs on local Michigan businesses, health care, gun rights, and the border wall.
October 6: Wyoming Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in Wyoming’s gubernatorial race, Mark Gordon (R), Mary Throne (D), and Rex Rammell (Constitution Party), participated in a debate.
October 6: Montana-at-Large U.S. House Debate Candidates for Montana’s at-large U.S. House race, Representative Greg Gianforte (MT) and challenger Kathleen Williams (D), took part in a debate Montana PBS studios in Bozeman.
October 6: Colorado Gubernatorial Debate Colorado gubernatorial candidates, Representative Jared Polis (D) and Walker Stapleton (R), took part in a debate at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction.
October 7: Maryland Senate Debate Candidates for Maryland’s U.S. Senate seat, Senator Ben Cardin (D), Tony Campbell (R), and Neal Simon (I), met for a debate. Topics included immigration, health care, and the federal government’s role in education.
October 8: Washington Senate Debate Candidates in Washington state’s U.S. Senate race, Senator Maria Cantwell (D) and challenger Susan Hutchison (R), took part in a debate at Pacific Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma.
October 8: Indiana Senate Debate Indiana U.S. Senate candidates, Senator Joe Donnelly (D), Mike Braun (R), and Lucy Benton (L), took part in a debate. Indiana’s Senate race was widely considered one of the tightest contests of the 2018 midterm elections.
October 8: Pennsylvania 16th Congressional District Debate Candidates for Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District seat, Mike Kelly (R) and challenger Ron DiNicola (D), took part in a debate. Representative Kelly represented the state’s 3rd Congressional District but was running in the 16th due to state-wide redistricting.
October 8: Virginia 5th Congressional District Debate Candidates for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District seat, Leslie Cockburn (D) and Denver Riggleman (R), met for a debate in Charlottesville.
October 8: Wisconsin Senate Debate Candidates vying for Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate seat, incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) and challenger Leah Vukmir (R), debated each other for the first time at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. They discussed health care, immigration and the border wall, the #MeToo movement, gender pay equality, abortion rights and gun violence. The Cook Political Report listed this race as “likely Democratic.”
October 8: Arkansas 2nd Congressional District Debate Candidates in Arkansas' 2nd U.S. Congressional District race, incumbent U.S. Representative French Hill (R), and challengers Clarke Tucker (D), and Joe Ryne (L) Swafford, faced each other in a debate in Conway, Arkansas.
October 9: Massachusetts Gubernatorial Debate Massachusetts gubernatorial candidates, Governor Charlie Baker (R) and Jay Gonzalez (D), took part in a debate. Governor Baker was favored to win according to most polls, in a state that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Barack Obama in 2012.
October 9: Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District Debate Candidates in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District, Susan Wild (D), Marty Nothstein (R), and Tim Silfies (L), took part in a debate.
October 9: Utah Senate Debate Utah Senate candidates, Mitt Romney (R) and Jenny Wilson (D), met at Southern Utah University for a debate. They were vying to take the seat of retiring Senator Orrin Hatch (R). Cook Political Report listed this race as solid Republican.
October 9: Rhode Island Senate Debate Candidates in Rhode Island’s Senate race, incumbent Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Robert Flanders (R) took part in a debate. Topics included Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election, and health care.
October 9: Oregon Gubernatorial Debate Candidates in Oregon’s gubernatorial race, incumbent Governor Kate Brown (D) and Republican challenger Knute Buehler (R), took part in their final scheduled debate before election day. They answered questions on health care, abortion laws, energy, climate change, and education. According to a recent RealClearPolitics polling average, Governor Brown holds a narrow lead in the race.
October 9: Arizona 2nd Congressional District Debate Candidates for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District seat, Ann Kirkpatrick (D) and Lea Marquez Peterson (R), took part in a debate. Ms. Kirkpatrick represented the state’s 1st Congressional District from 2013-2017. Topics included U.S.-Mexico relations, the Trump administration, water conservation, immigration reform, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, and health care. The candidates were competing to replace Representative Martha McSally (R), who was running for the U.S.Senate.
October 10: Tennessee Senate Debate In the Tennessee U.S. Senate race, Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and former Democratic Governor Phil Bredesen debated for the second time in their race to succeed retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-TN).
October 10: New Jersey 11th Congressional District Debate Candidates in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, Mikie Sherrill (D) and Jay Webber (R), took part in a debate. They were vying to succeed retiring Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen (R).
October 10: North Carolina 9th Congressional District Debate Candidates for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District seat, Dan McCready (D) and Mark Harris (R), participated in a debate. Mark Harris defeated incumbent Representative Robert Pittenger in the Republican primary. In this debate, the two candidates discussed during the debate included immigration, health care, and trade.
October 10: Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Youth Forum Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidates, incumbent Governor Tom Wolf (D) and challenger Scott Wagner (R), participated in a youth forum hosted by the School District of Philadelphia. They answered questions from elementary school students on homelessness, school safety, and education funding. The event was organized by the Rendell Center for Civics and Civic Engagement.
October 11: Illinois Gubernatorial Debate Illinois gubernatorial candidates, incumbent Governor Bruce Rauner (R) and challenger J.B. Pritzker (D), debated each other for a third and final time before election day. Topics included legalizing gambling, balancing the budget, and attracting and retaining businesses in Illinois.
October 11: Iowa 3rd Congressional District Debate In the race for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, incumbent Representative David Young (R-IA) faced Democratic challenger Cindy Axne for their second debate of the campaign season. They talked about health care, tax cuts, trade, minimum wage, gun control, and impeaching the president. They also took a series of questions on LGBTQ rights, the transgender ban in the military, and workplace protections.
October 12: New Mexico Senate Debate New Mexico U.S. Senate candidates, Senator Martin Heinrich (D), Mick Rich (R) ,and former Governor Gary Johnson (L), took part in a debate in Albuquerque. They discussed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, school safety, gun control, health care, education, military spending, and immigration.
October 12: Tennessee Gubernatorial Debate Tennessee gubernatorial candidates, Bill Lee (R) and Karl Dean (D), debated each other. The two answered questions on legalized marijuana, sports gambling, and health care, and they explained their differing views on Medicaid expansion.
October 13: Wisconsin Senate Debate Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidates, incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) and challenger Leah Vukmir (R), took part in a debate in Wausau, Wisconsin. They discussed several topics, including health care, opioid addiction, climate change, gun control, immigration, Roe v. Wade, and marijuana legalization. The also shared their views on the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, specifically addressing sexual assault claims and the #METOO movement.
October 14: Ohio Senate Debate Candidates in Ohio’s U.S. Senate race, incumbent Senator Sherrod Brown (D) and challenger U.S. Representative Jim Renacci (R), took part in the first of their three planned debates. They discussed health care, education, immigration, and the 1986 spousal abuse claim against Senator Brown.
October 14: Michigan Senate Debate Candidates in Michigan’s U.S. Senate race, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) and challenger John James (R), met for a debate at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids. They discussed the drinking water in Michigan, infrastructure, student loan debt, immigration, foreign policy and Michigan’s automotive industry.
October 15: Utah 4th Congressional District Debate Candidates for Utah’s 4th Congressional District seat, incumbent Representative Mia Love (R) and challenger Ben McAdams (D), met for a debate. They discussed the national debt, immigration reform, health care, the environment, tariffs, and medical marijuana.
October 15: Arizona Senate Debate Candidates for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat, U.S. Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (D) and Martha McSally (R), debated at an event hosted by Arizona PBS and the Arizona Republic in Phoenix. They discussed the Trump administration, tariffs, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, health care, immigration reform, and the 2017 Republican tax bill.
October 15: Virginia 7th Congressional District Debate Candidates for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District seat, incumbent Representative Dave Brat (R) and challenger Abigail Spanberger (D), took part in a debate. They discussed the national debt, education funding, immigration, and health care reform.
October 16: Pennsylvania 17th Congressional District Debate Representative Conor Lamb (D) and Representative Keith Rothfus (R) debated each other in the race to represent Pennsylvania’s newly-redrawn 17th Congressional District.
October 16: South Carolina 1st Congressional District Debate In South Carolina’s 1st District U.S. House race, Republican Katie Arrington debated Democrat Joe Cunningham. Earlier in the year, Katie Arrington defeated incumbent Representative Mark Sanford in a Republican primary. This was the first debate and likely the only one between these two candidates. WCIV TV hosted this debate.
October 16: Texas Senate Debate Candidates in Texas' U.S. Senate race, incumbent Senator Ted Cruz (R) and U.S. Representative Representative Beto O’Rourke (D) took part in a debate. The two discussed the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, climate change, border security, health care, tariffs, Hurricane Harvey, and the #MeToo movement.
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