Owners of late child star Judith Barsi’s home say they

how old would judith barsi be today

how old would judith barsi be today - win

TIFU by saying I wished a murdered child was dead

TW for child abuse
So this did happen today, but not to me, it happened to my girlfriend while talking to me.
So we were talking about trichotillomania, a condition where one compulsively pulls out their hair. I have it, and recently it's been rather bad. My girlfriend asked me "Would you pull out your cat's whiskers?" And I told her no, obviously.
A couple sentences later, I said "You know, Judith Barsi pulled out her own hair and her cat's whiskers."
And all of a sudden my girlfriend goes "I hope she got shot."
Oh my fucking god, I'm thinking.
"Yeah, she was, by her father, in her sleep."
And now I'm realizing just how little she knows about how fucked up the things she's saying are.
"Babe, you know Ducky from The Land Before Time?"
"Well," I say. "Judith Barsi played Ducky."
"Doesn't matter," she keeps going. "She abused her cat. She deserves to be shot."
"Babe, Judith Barsi was the child actress that played her, but she was severely abused by her dad, which led her to pulling out her hair and her cat's whiskers so it would scratch her. He shot her in her sleep when she was 13."
And there's a looooong silence over the phone.
I'm losing my mind, meanwhile, kind of laughing? My girlfriend is very passionate about cats and is very protective. She hates animal abusers with a burning passion, but that was some UNFORTUNATE lack of information. I thought everyone knew about her? My friends bring up any chance to mention her whenever talking about true crime, Don Bluth movies, anything, like a twisted game of "Who can bring down the mood fastest?"
I had a weird obsession with dead kids as a preteen (gotta love those good old fashioned childhood trauma coping mechanisms) and Judith was one of my obsessions for a long time. I was surprised to find out that other people knew a whole lot about her death, too, and now it's a little funny that I'm surprised people DON'T know about her.
TL;DR I told my girlfriend that Judith Barsi, abused child actor murdered by her father, pulled out her cat's whiskers, and my girlfriend, not knowing who Judith was, said she hoped she was shot.
submitted by UnnamedPictureShow to tifu [link] [comments]

Part 38

It slowed down a lot possibly? Or maybe, I just spaced out the changes better.
6374.(Music Lyrics change.)"The light from above."/"A light from above."
6375.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Fire can make its own wind, hagfish are slimier now, and are known as other things, firenados are now known by many other things, brown streak in Morocco sky, Glabellar reflex, and its role in Parkinson's disease, cemetery guns, and grave robbers were a bigger problem, lots of geoengineering patents, and lots of off stuff, weird ways plants communicate, and defend themselves, bee-like tachinid fly, red-green, and yellow-blue are colors you can't see, Japanese flying squid, hydrocoral, coral bleaching, mystery burning hole in Midway, Arkansas, magnetic forehead, forcing python to puke out 5 dead birds, snake caught in spider web, more Statue Of Liberty changes, more geography changes, more changes to "We can do it!" poster, weird bible verses.)(Link below.)(Mandela Effect Researchers/The Mandela Effect Researchers)(More stuff about IIII has changed, and new, or changed Roman stories.)(IX vs. VIIII.)(Secure Team 6/secureteam10)(Faiyum now exists.)(Flying frogs now exist.)(Lots of extinct animals are alive again.)(Weird fish poops white sand.)(Blue penguins now exist.)(Whitney Houston almost had more than 1 kid, and Rosie O'Donnell's(O'Donald?)show now started in the 90's.)(Rocky no longer makes any awkward, or weird punches in any of his movies.)(Flowers can now sing.)(Lots of weird new Roman numerals, and other things.)(Protron/Proton)(People's astrology signs have changed, and the dates of astrology have changed.)(Grace Niccole/grace niccole)(Was Niccole never an acceptable spelling of Nicole?)(Was Cheyenna never an acceptable spelling of Cheyanna, Cheyanne, or Cheyenne?)(Desprete/Desperate)(Blue, and yellow Indian bull frog now exists.)(Lots of natural formations that look like people, bones, and other things, and proof man-made monuments may have been biblical giants.)(Tick Tock/TikTok, and is the logo off?)(Pop-Tarts Bites now exist.)(Changes to Guardians Of The Galaxy.)(Asguard/Asgard)(Alantean/Alanteen)(Popular quote by Thanos not said in Avengers: Infinity War.)(Picturephone was now a thing.)(Ice caps can now be now red, and pink.)(We have bacteria in us that produces electricity.)(Ben BowdeBen Browder)(Orangutang/Orangutan, and has the pronunciation changed?)(Raccoons can climb really high places.)(Donald Trump said that bombs were the cause of the 9/11 explosions.)(Cocoon(Cacoon?)movie logo has changed.)(Has the Armour & Company logo changed again?)(Lots of plants, and other off things.)(Mallard Ducks, and Canada Geese have different feather colors, and beak shapes, and colors.)(Latest video by RECALL VECTOR.)(The Fonz And The Happy Days Gang now exists.)(Star Trek: The Animated Series now exists.)(Changes on Howard Stern's show.)(Benjamin Franklin's son is now the one flying the kite in the kite experiment, and lots of other stuff is off.)(Change to title of Matt Groening's new show.)(Weird gecko shoots stuff from tail.)(Spider-Man's mouth is missing.)(Has Kris Kristofferson's name changed again?)(Has the cause of death for John Denver changed?)(Tarantulas shed their skin.)(Many new recent animals.)(Lots more changes to neck, and vertebrae.)(Changes to left lung.)(Has In Bloom by Nirvana changed in any way?)(Sirus staSirius star)(Mariana Islands now exist.)(Blue has changed in vibrancy, and number of shades.)(Flying lemurs now exist.)(Xenomorphs have new outlines on their faces, and other things in the original movie.)(Watchman face cganged again.)(The McDonald's letters used to be yellow.)(Duncan Donuts/Dunkin' Donuts)(Lots of advanced 1950's technology.)(Cheezy Puffs/Cheesy Puffs)(People don't remember following, subscribing, or being involved with certain people on certain social media.)(Hawaiian flag now has Union Jack, and other things are off.)(Triscuits/Triscuit)(Bill Pullman is now alive.)(More stuff that sunk in the ocean from the Titanic.)(YouTube channels keep changing names.)(Do you remember Franklin Delanore Roosevelt?)(Did Adam West not die over a year ago for you?)(Did he die, or not?)(Did Elon Musk not exist for you?)(Decrepid/Decrepit)(Hercules/Heracles)(Madeline McCann/Madeleine McCann)(Was Madeleine not an acceptable spelling of Madeline?)(Susannah Reid/Susanna Reid)(Was Susanna not an acceptable spelling of Susannah?)(King Arthur is now Scottish, and other things about him are off.)(Daphne now says Jeepers, and Velma says Jinkies instead of the other way around.)(Anything else off?)(Another company now exists, and is making quantum computers.)(Do you remember the toilet paper company being called Scot, Scot's, Scots, or Scotts?)(Irrawaddy dolphins now exist.)(Fixadent/Fixodent)(Meteor shaped like skeleton to pass earth around Halloween.)(Did lights on cars come on at all times when the sky wasn't clear?)(Have the lyrics to Higher & Higher by Sly & The Family Stone changed?)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Has Gigi D'Agostino's name spelling changed?)(Have the Olympic rings changed?)(Mario Van Peeples/Mario Van Peebles)(Sea creature looks like Muppet.)(Were there never any bad words in the Back To The Future movies?)(Black fire now exists.)(Black panthers are now classified as black jaguars, or black leopards instead of a separate species.)(Very large eagle that went extinct in 1963.)(Concorde now broke sound barrier in 1969 instead of the 80's.)(Wicked poster now has white witch in it?)(Anything else off?)(Did Avril Lavigne die?)(Did Bill Pullman die?)("Life will find a way."/"Life finds a way.")(Christopher Plummer is now alive.)(Kiwi berries now exist.)(Weird colored pumpkins.)(Rosarita Beach, Mexico/Rosarito Beach, Mexico)(Weird looking dolphins.)Hyland Boulevard/Hylan Boulevard)(Did George Michael not die in 2016?)(Strenght/Strength)(Other spellings?)(Do you remember being able to choke on, or swallow your tongue?)(Famous line in Stranger Things has changed back, and forth.)(Song on The Beatles album has moved to solo Paul McCartney album.)(You can control the ducks in Duck Hunt.)(Lots of things about the Queen's Guards have changed.)(New The Beatles album.)(Do you remember Cindy Louper, or Cyndi Louper?)(The Devil from Tom& Jerry is now green.)(Lots more logo changes.)(First T.V. broadcast date time is inconsistent through multiple articles.)(French canal shows disturbing Napoleon secrets.)("Boom ____ laka laka!")(Weird small green octopus.)(Humpback dolphin now exists.)(Do you remember the Judith Barsi incident not happening?)(Do you remember Peince never having anything like "Slave" on his face?)(Al Pacino is no longer in the bathtub when he mentions quaaludes in Scarface.)(First video game release date keeps changing.)(Portobello vs. Porobella)(More Statue Of Liberty changes.)(There is now graffiti on the school in the Back To The Future movies.)(Toyota Solaris/Toyota Solara)(Willy Lomax/Willy Loman)(Jumangi/Jumanji)(More Shiva changes.)(Weird new places.)(Lots of small changes.)(White ligers now exist.)(Other spellings of Bologna, and Salami.)(Planes that move the opposite direction.)(Tabacco/Tobacco, and has the pronunciation changed?)(Hawai/Hawaii)(Hawaian/Hawaiian)(Do you remember the first traffic light coming out in 1908 instead of 1868?)(Flying frog now exists.)(Fiant mosquitoes now exist.)(More weird caterpillars.)(Dumbo octopus now exists.)(Yhe girl from 1978 in the famous incident was now more movies than The Land Before Time.)(Vaquita now exists.)(Gerenuk now exists.)(The Adventures Of Superman/Adventures Of Superman, and is the logo off?)(Faceless sheep now exists.)("When the saints come marching in."/"When the saints go marching in.")(Was it both, or anything else off?)(Coconut crab now exists.)(Edinborough, Scotland/Edinburg, Scotland)/Edinburgh, Scotland)(Personal computers go back to the 1970's instead of the 1980's, and new old computer brands.)(Anything else off?)(Trouble board game/Frustration board game/Kimble board game)(Was it only known as Trouble?)(Anything else off?)(The Brady Bunch theme changed again.)(Moulin Rouge changes.)(China's Atlantis.)(The Flash logo has changed.)(Wild Bill Hickcock/Wild Bill Hitchcock/Wild Bill Hickock/Wild Bill Hickok)(Other spellings?)(White ladybugs, and other animals.)(King Tut being confused with another pharaoh.)(Pocahontas looks older, and Asian, and more womanly.)(Blindspot wasn't cancelled after one season.)(Keith Richard/Keith Richards)(Andy Dupree/Andy Dufresne)(England was established later now.)(The story of Hercules is different, and the Greek and Roman history around it has changed, and Herkules is an acceptable spelling.)(John Lennon's death story has changed.)(More of the King Arthur story has changed.)(Famous Cool Hand Luke quote changed again.)(Have any Donkey Kong characters changed in any way?)(Missy Pyle/Missi Pyle)(Heath Ledger possibly coming back to life.)(Womyn was used as an alternative spelling by a women's group once.)(Missippi is an actual shortened spelling of Mississippi.)(Saggitarius/Sagitarius/Saggittarius/Sagittarius)(Other spellings?)(Juicy Fruits/Jujyfruits)(Anything else off?)(Lots of earlier phone, video, watch, computer, portable, VCR, and TV technology.)(Anything else off?)(The Last Thing I Needed The First This Morning/Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning)(Ing to In' lyrics, and in lots of other songs.)(Didn't Quentin Kenihan already die?)("Doo-doo-ooo."/"Poo-poo-ooo."/"Boo-hoo-hoo.")(Guns 'N' Roses?)(Other lyrics?)(Roses by OutKast)(Lots more small changes.)(Did Michael McDowell die?)(Vengence/Vengeance)(Comand/Command)(Comandment/Commandment)(Diddy Kong's Quest/Diddy's Kong Quest)(Has Bella Thorne's birthday moved from November 18 to October 18?)(Has Phil Hartman's death story changed?)("Love will tear us apart again "/"Love will tear it apart again.")(Do any of their logos look off?)(More national days.)(More lyric, and title changes.)(Noticeable/Noticable/Noticeable)(Latest videos by NeEd InPuT, and Once Upon A Timeline.)(Christ The Redeemer statue keeps changing.)(Did Glaceau not exist as a company?)(Louisiann sauce/Louisiana sauce)(Malcom McDowell/Malcolm McDowell)(Contra logo has changed completely.)(Dorian Gray book title keeps changing.)(Lots of changes to rules of snoring, and sleep apnea, and to the tongue.)(Kenny Rodgers/Kenny Rogers)(Roy Rodgers/Roy Rogers)(Buck Rodgers In The 25th Century/Buck Rogers In The 25th Century)(Human ear gills?)(Penis tentacles?)(Bens-O-Matic/BernzOMatic)(More snow phenomenons.)(Sears going bankrupt, and closing down many years ago.)(1950's air conditioned lawnmower.)(Lots of new places.)(A Quest For Fire/The Quest For Fire/Quest For Fire)(Flintstones now use gas to drive their car sometimes.)("They're a modern Stone Age family."/"They're the modern Stone Age family.")(Does their car look off?)(Any of the situations surrounding the car off?)(Release dates for the original Star Wars movies seem to be earlier.)(Temperpedic/Tempurpedic)(Ross' Dress For Less/Ross Dress For Less)(DJ Khalid/DJ Khaled)(1800's spy cameras.)(1920's planes with parachutes fueling mid-air.)(1500's skyscrapers?)(The history of the KKK has changed, and now there was a KKKK?)(Lots of 60-80's song titles, and other things have changed.)(Many other new videos from Lone Eagle.)(Swimming babies.)(Aquatic apes?)(Alexander Hamilton on the $10 instead of Thomas Jefferson.)(Nancy Reagan died before March 16, 2016.)(Tommy Chong is now alive.)(Steve-O is now alive.)(Machine Gun Kelly is now alive.)(Owen Wilson is now alive.)(Emmanuel Lewis is now alive.)(More songs sung by different people.)(Was The Skipper's hat blue, or another color to you?)(Busch's Baked Beans/Bush's Baked Beans)(Cruella De Vil famous line changes.)(Phil Helmuth/Phil Hellmuth)(Muriel Hemingway/Mariel Hemingway)(Was Mariel never an acceptable spelling of Muriel?)(Roseanne Arquette/Rosanna Arquette)(Were Rosanna and Rosanne never acceptable spellings of Roseanne?)(Tanya Harding/Tonya Harding)(Was Tonya never an acceptable spelling of Tanya?)(Eliza Cuthbert/Elisha Cuthbert)(Marissa Tomei/Marisa Tomei)(Was Marisa never an acceptable spelling of Marissa?)(Sam Waterson/Sam Waterston)(Mathew Lilliard/Matthew Lillard)(Other spellings?)(Other spellings of Willie Aames?)(Donald Pleasance/Donald Pleasence)(Claires Boutique/Claire's)(Do you remember Anton Yelchiv not dying in a freak accident?)(More weird sea creatures.)(Lots of Grand Canyon stuff.)(LaserDisc(Laser Disc and was it not known as anything else?)came out in the 70's instead of 80's.)(The history of Eckerd and whether or not they went out of business or still have stores has changed and what it was known by.)(Lyrics to Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley have changed.)(Jamie Brewer is now alive.)(John Meloncamp/John Mellencamp)(Weird Titan Leeds story and weird hoax from 1708.)(Weird stuff surrounding Tiv people of Nigeria.)(Weird 1954 football psychology study.)(Temperpedic/Tempur-Pedic)(Does the logo look off?)(Average human temperature is higher than 98.6°F.)
6376.(Music Lyrics change.)"It's all about control."/"All about control.")("It's all about your debt."/"All about your debt.")(Motorhead/Motörhead)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6377.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Arcturus not existing?(Anything else surrounding any constellations off?)
6378.(Phantom t.v. show.)Do you remember The Munstars(Monsters?)Today not existing?(Did Mötley Crüe have their pentagram logo pointing up?)(Diptheria/Diphteria, and it's no longer caused by human feces.)(Yep-Yeps/Yip-Yips)(Fozzy/Fozzie)(Latest video by I AM LAZLOW.)(Dan Ayckroyd/Dan Ayykroyd/Dan Aykroyd)(Has Lightning Crashes by Live changed?)(Do any of their logos look off?)(We Are Bears/We Bear Bears/We Bare Bears)(Sacha Aaron Cowan/Sacha Baron Cohen)(Wild bananas are different from bananas we eat as they have large seeds.)(Were the seeds smaller and did we eat wild bananas?)(Lots of weird new fiah and insects and ones that are toxic.)(Caterpillars eat exploding seeds.)("As ancient alien theorists believe." is no longer said in Antigen Aliens.)(1980's iPad?)(Newspaper Rock?)(Second fastest camera can record ridiculously large number of frames per second.)(Ships wrecked on Dog Island in 1899 unearthed by Hurricane Michael.)(Xolo dog?)(Picturephone video call from 1960's?)(Walt Disney was a secret FBI informant for the last 26 years of his life.)(Spider webs much larger in size, much more detailed and obvious, much more perfect looking, stronger, and in more massive amounts.)(The Strange Monster Of Strawberry Cove is now a thing.)(Bert and Ernie seem to be obviously gay now as they sleep close to each other now.)(Planets in a different order now.)(Baby with fangs.)(Paint It Black/Paint It, Black)(Rip Torn keeps dying and coming back to life.)(Lots of small changes.)(Computer shortcuts have changed.)(Stormtroopers have a different design pattern on each knee now.)(Sandra Day O'Connor is now alive.)(Gorillas and chimpanzees and Dian Fossey(Diane Fossey?)vs. Jane Goodall and everything surrounding that.)(Did Jane Goodall die?)(Robbie Williams' eyes are no longer blue.)(Mr. Body/Mr. Boddy)(Kaley Cuoco is no longer having or has had a baby.)(Tom from Tom & Jerry is gray and not blue.)(More stuff with certain eye colors.)(Carry On My Wayward Son/Carry On Wayward Son)(Damascus goats now exist.)(New York Charging Bull statue's head has moved.)(Have you heard of it?)(Storm TroopeStormtrooper)(Missing You/I Miss You)(Sinead O'Connor is now alive.)(King Tut's mysterious children.)(The Goonies mouth gems scenes are off.)(Was Misters Rogers never in black and white?)(Was Gilligan's Island never in black and white?)(The professor from Gilligan's Island now has a blue shirt.)(iRobot/I, Robot)(I, Robot robot no longer winks fully.)(Pink grass now exists.)(Newest videos by NeEd InPuT.)(Ross/Ross Dress For Less)(California ground squirrel scares off snake.)(Hang On Snoopy/Hang on Sloopy)(Cafe scene changes in Back To The Future.)(Man With The Yellow Hat's tie has changed from black to yellow with black polka dots.)(Jason Voorhees' signature sound has completely changed.)(Blackout Killer now exists.)(More new fruits and vegetables.)(Odd old word spellings.)
6379.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"People shouting howdy neighbor!"/"People spouting howdy neighbor!"
6380.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember this letter from Galileo not existing?
6381.(History change.)Do you remember there not being an assassination attempt on George W. Bush in 2005?(Was there no country named Georgia?)
6382.(Music Lyrics change.)"There ain't no in betweens."/"Ain't no in betweens."(The Black Label Society/Black Label Society)(Blessed Hell Ride/The Blessed Hellride)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6383.(Music Lyrics change.)"Horseman rolls, tomorrow's fading fast."/"Horseman roll, tomorrow's fading fast."("General speak, they leave a trail of death."/"General speak, we leave a trail of dead.")(Was Zakk never an acceptable spelling of Zach, or Zack?)(Other band members have weird names.)
6384.(Date change.)Do you remember Midnight Sun coming out way before March 2018?(Was it not Bella Thorne in the movie?)
6385.(Music Lyrics change.)"Keke, do you love me?"/"Kiki, do you love me?"(Was Kiki never an acceptable spelling of Keke?)("Are you running?"/"Are you riding?")(Has the dance challenge changed?)(Ing to In' lyrics.)
6386.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there being an image of a confused black girl with her hand over her mouth?
6387.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Albert Einstein being alive way back in the 1500's-1700's?
6388 (Can't think of a title.)Do you remember this photo from 1837 not existing?
6389.(Phantom t.v. show.)Do you remember Heil Honey I'm Home! not being a thing?(Did certain anti, and pro-Hitler cartoons from the 1900's not exist?)
6390.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the McLobster not being a thing?
6391.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the McPizza not being a thing?
6392.(Music Lyrics change.)"It'd be a shame."/"Be a shame."(Do any of their logos look off?)
6393.(Real Life Quote change.)"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride, and achievement."/"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride, and accomplishment."
6394.(Music Lyrics change.)"Doing the best they can."/"Doing best they can."(John Melloncamp/John Mellencamp)(Ing to In' lyrics.)(Do any of his logos look off?)
6395.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Woodpecker mimics snake when threatened, blowing smoke up the ass was an actual thing, and have you heard of the saying, throwing the baby out with the bath is now a saying, more anatomy changes, more tree-kangaroo types,(Tree Kangaroo?)Eugene The Jeep from Popeye, more freshwater animals, collarbone problems, jellyfish can now be pets, youngest person to give birth is now younger, checkpoint Charlie, black, and white picture, and video seems more clear now, double tree, Kungur ice cave, dog's lick causes man to lose limbs, and dog licks used to be less bad, or actually healthy, trees with vibrant colors, trains with jet engines, mutant green crabs, very large spider webs, jetpacks go back farther, record player in car, and other things, multiple new sharks, black hairy tongue, viral thundersnow video changed, tongue-tie(Tongue Tie?)disease, some say livestream date has moved.)(Video below.)
6396.(Famous Actor name change.)Macaulay Caulkin/Macaulay Culkin
6397.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember a T.V show on Travel Channel called Curious World, or Haunted Travels airing in the late 90's, or early 00's?
6398.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember The Smurfs not having tails?
6399.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the first video game, and popular video game being Pong, and not Table Tennis, or Spacewar!(Space Wars, Space War, Space Wars!, Space War!, Spacewars!, Spacewars, or Spacewar?)(Did the Magnavox Odyssey not exist?)(Was the Apple ll the first computer, and not the PCP-1?)
6400.(Fictional Character name change.)Butters Scotch/Butters Stotch
6401.(City name change.)San Bernadino, California/San Bernardino, California
6402.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Lots of new and off geography, you can sweat blood and other off anatomy stuff and the bible mentioned it and other weird bible stuff, more Statue Of Liberty changes, Star Trek ships have changed and 7 Of 9 and other things, human born with two faces and human born with two heads and cat born with two faces, cybersecurity in San Antonio, Texas, more Shiva changes, the story of Coca-Cola inventing modern Santa Claus keeps changing and so does his outfit and did the Santa Claus Coca-Cola story not exist? Railroad worm glows in the dark, weird particles from Antarctica, Hadron Collider might break science soon, plane that broke speed of sound is off, Mayan Megalopolis discovered under Guatemalan jungle, Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone, black widows don't eat their mates except for one type in rare occasions and they look different and tons of new Widow spiders, sleep apnea is now dangerous and many have died from it, Carrie Fisher's death cause has changed, chicken-duck hybrid, rooster-duck hybrid and animal hybrids keep changing, human-animal hybrid, new tyoes of eagles and eagles are looking off and biggest eagle has changed, new sea creatures, second set of jaws in animals, changes to Athena statue, changes to Stonehenge history and appearance, new step pyramids and pyramids in general, Blockbuster apparently had 3 stores open and still has 1 so they never officially completely closed down.)(Video below.)
6403.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Alane not being a thing?
6404.(Music Lyrics change.)"Beat it."/"Feel it."
6405.(Movie name change.)The Dark Knight Rising/The Dark Knight Rises
6406.(Famous Musician name change.)Herb Albert/Herb Alpert(Was Alpert never an acceptable spelling of Albert?)(Did he die?)
6407.(History change.)Do you remember there being confirmed deaths in the Tunguska event?(Anything else off?)(Did it not happen?)
6408.(Date change.)Do you remember the history of, and invention of autonomous cars not going as far back as the 1920's?
6409.(Music Lyrics change.)"Never thought that would one day I'd be losing you."/"Never planned that one day I'd be losing you."
6410.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the Clueless logo being pink, and yellow instead of purple, and green?(Anything else off?)
6411.(Fictional Character name change.)Chloe/Cloe(Brats/Bratz)(Was Cloe never an acceptable spelling of Chloe?)
6412.(Movie name change.)It's The Great Big Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!/It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown(Do you remember it being known as the "Great Big Pumpkin" throughout the movie?)
6413.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember The Skipper having a black, and white hat instead of a black one?
6414.(Famous Actor name change.)Joaquim Phoenix/Joaquin Phoenix
6415.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Boiling Frog experiment being true instead of false?
6416.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the last guillotine execution not being as recent as September 10, 1977?
6417.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember British teeth being worse than American teeth?(Anything else off?)
6418.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember advance-fee scams such as the Nigerian Prince not going as far back as the 1800's?(Anything else off?)
6419.(T.V. Show name change.)Mask/MASK/M.A.S.K.(Anything else off?)
6420.(Famous Politician name change.)Bret Cavanaugh/Brett Kavanaugh
6421.(Book Series name change.)Asterix & Obelix/Asterix(Anything else off?)
6422.(Book Series name change.)Judy B. Jones/June B. Jones/Junie B. Jones
6423.(Famous Actress name change.)Michelle Nichols/Nichelle Nichols(Did she die?)
6424.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember ice not being able to create music?
6425.(Movie name change.)Food Of The Gods/The Food Of The Gods
6426.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Japan not attacking California in WW2?
6427.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember pigs not being able to swim?
6428.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Mystery Machine not having a spare tire on the front?(Was the tire on the back?)(Was there no spare tire?)(Do the tires look off?)(Was it actually based off a VW Bus?)
Add-On: Do you remember R2-D2 not having wires in his feet?(Anything else off?)
6429.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Cesar Romero's Joker not having a mustache?
6430.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(A YouTube video on the moon might've caused the YouTube outage on October 16, 2018, purple skies and lightning after Hurricane Michael, Cochlear implants for inner ear have existed since the 1970's, pigs can now have large penises and testacles, more Statue Of Liberty history changes, sloths are changing in appearance, sloths risk their lives to poop, sloths can swim and are faster than on land and slow their heart rate to do so, fish sharp shoots its prey with spit, back changes and back hair growth changes, Civil War wounds that glowed in the dark, Barringer meteor crater, bulls run around you and no longer headbutt you if you stand still, spider group makes hair shape with their legs and spiders used to be solitary, Rhythmicon, stegosaurus tails have changed and other things, more t-rex changes, glasses wearers are actually more intelligent due to genes, more single line $ than double line and there is a version of the $ where the one line goes behind the S and one where it goes in front of it, more £ changes and two or more versions, birds that take in poison and maintain it and they can make themselves poisonous, Rhabdomyolisis, lots more bombings and hijackings back then, more hand changes, spider captures and kills skink, Bubonic Plague was caused by fleas and lice from humans and not rats and there wo fleas or anything found specifically on humans, Modicrum/Modicum, brain gray light, ABBA logo, visual snow, more geography changes, cats with whiskers on their arms, bird whiskers, big cat appearance changes.)(Anything else off?)(Video below.)
6431.(Company name change.)Perkins Cole/Perkins Coie(Does the logo look off?)
6432.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Abdullah The Butcher dying?
6433.(Product name change.)Garbage Disposal/Garbage Disposer
6434.(New species.)Have you heard of the Kissing Bug?
6435.(Spelling change.)Beastiality/Bestiality(Anything else surrounding this Wikipedia article off?)
6436.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these Israel wars not happening?
6437.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Bugs Bunny biting his carrot after saying "That's all folks."?
6438.(Movie name change.)Interview With A Vampire/Interview With The Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
6439.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Nena's armpits not being shaved in the 99 Red Balloons music video?(99 Red Balloons/99 Luftballons)(Anything else off?)
6440.(Famous Politician name change.)Recep Tayyip Edroğan/Recep Tayyip Erdoğan(Other spellings?)
6441.(Famous Politician name change.)Benjamin Netanyahu/Bibi Netanyahu(Anything else off?)
6442.(Store name change.)Eckerds/Eckerd(Does the logo off?)(Other spellings?)
6443.(Game Show Logo change.)Do you remember the Wheel Of Fortune logo being normal?(Do any logos, or titles from any Donkey Kong games look off?)
6444.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Thor from Marvel never being depicted as a woman?
6445.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Coca-Cola salad not existing?
6446.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Krabby Patties not having sesame seeds?
6447.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Madonna having a more noticeable gap in her teeth?(Did she still have it?)
6448.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Tiffany having freckles in all her teen photos?
6449.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Gilligan having a white hat instead of a tan one?
6450.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(More geography changes, more anatomy changes, perfect rectangular icebergs and other changes to Antarctica, real Macbeth, John Lennon beat women and men and other things surrounding him are off, David Bowie sleeping with two 15 year-olds and other things about him, Ronald Wayne, spiders getting web on their feet and being nice to humans, more changes to Marilyn Monroe history, more colored bodies of water and changes surrounding them, weird virus caused by cat may make humans want to start businesses and other things surrounding it, wild turkeys popping up in certain places and attacking humans, lone star ticks and eating meat, Fernándo Cortéz/Hernán Cortés,(Other spellings?)headless sea chicken, weird painting, more galaxy changes, Mount Olympus is not dead, salty water on Mars, fish farts almost caused Sweden and Russia to fight, changes to story of Prohibition Of Alcohol, being able to raise whole buildings in the 1800's, Thanksgiving basically used to be Halloween, more Statue Of Liberty changes, more Sphinx and Great Pyramid changes in design and placement, more Mount Rushmore history changes, more foot changes, more Shiva changes, More The Creation Of Adam changes, more Easter Island statue changes, more The Last Supper changes, more Vitruvian Man changes, more painting changes.)(Video below.)
6451.(Commercial Quote change.)"You can learn a lot from a dummy."/"You could learn a lot from a dummy."
6452.(Famous Scientist name change.)Werner von Braun/Wernher Von Braun
6453.(Product name change.)Mr. Zogg Sex Wax/Mr. Zog's Sex Wax(Does the logo look different?)
6454.(Band name change.)Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam/Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam(Other names?)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6455.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Bulgaria's green cat, everything about not seeing stars in space at certain times and other things, fulgurite, more weird rainbows, more off moon landing footage, ocean black holes, more weird sea creatures and other stuff, Hitler was Man Of The Year for Time Magazine in 1938 and was nominated for a Nobel Prize, surfing tidal bores, more weird scapula stuff, more animals walking like people, more carnivorous animals, seeing the back of an owl's eye through its ears, more Challenger changes, more weird skin color stuff, lots of baseball history has changed including who invented it and how it was invented and the first black player and other stuff, cloud heights are off and more weird clouds, more animals and plants that live forever, more playwrights depicted with earrings, more weird reptiles, more Mona Lisa, Shiva,Mount Rushmore, The Creation Of Adam and Easter Island changes, hot water freezes faster than cold water, Hawaiian island disappears, Japanese island disappears, weird island related stuff, more Hitler history changes, more electric car history changes, weird new types of warts, Shirley Jones is now alive, new type of tree, more weird animals, new weird planet and space related history changes, more weird snow, Thomas Edison didn't light bulb and other light bulb history changes, Johannes Gutenberg didn't invent printing press and other printing press history changes, dogs now sweat different and in new places, Alaska Triangle, Sheepsquatch, lots of apparent myths and history changes, Buddha's stretched ears and weird new history, Darwin didn't come up with Theory Of Evolution and Evolution theory history changes, Constitution wasn't written on hemp paper, Liberty Bell didn't ring out America's independence on July 4th, 1776, more new old 60's hijackings, animals with odd colored blood, Gandhi history has changed.)(Videos below.)
6456.(Spelling change.)Carnuba/Carnauba(Other spellings?)
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how old would judith barsi be today video

Happy 42nd birthday Judith Eva barsi Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World (MTV Unplugged ... A Brief History of JUDITH BARSI beloved child actress ... Judith Barsi ‘who you’ll be today’ - YouTube Judith Barsi 29 years in Heaven Haylee Mazzella,Judith Barsi,Heather O'rourke,Kelsey Briggs & Jonbenet Ramsey-Beautiful Girl 25 years without Judith Barsi Judith Barsi The memories of your smile Judith Barsi 30 Years In Heaven

May 24, 2015 - Judith Barsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Judith Barsi was born on June 6, 1978 and died on July 25, 1988. Judith Barsi would have been 10 years old at the time of death or 37 years old today. Judith Barsi was born on June 6, 1978 and died on July 25, 1988. Judith Barsi would have been 10 years old at the time of death or 37 years old today. In 1983, when Barsi was five years old, she was discovered at a San Fernando Valley skating rink. However, her short stature confused people and she was presumed to be a three-year-old girl. The very first commercial that she appeared in was for Donald Duck Orange Juice. In the ensuing years, she was featured in over 70 commercials. Mar 27, 2016 - Judith Barsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia On June 6, 1978, a star was born. Judith Eva Barsi began her television career at the early age of 5 when she was discovered at a skating rink. Members of a crew who were at the skating rink shooting a commercial noticed Judith’s superior skating skills. Judith Barsi was born on June 6, 1978 and died on July 25, 1988. Judith was 10 years old at the time of death. Birthday: June 6, 1978. Date of Death: July 25, 1988. Age at Death: 10. Coronavirus Update. Judith Barsi was born June 6, 1978 to József and Maria Barsi in Los Angeles, California. József and Maria were both immigrants from the Hungarian People’s Republic. They met in a restaurant in the United States. Judith Barsi. Maria was determined to make her daughter an actress. Mar 27, 2018 - Explore Brin's board "Judith Barsi" on Pinterest. See more ideas about judith barsi, judith, child actors. The 10-year-old, whose last credited role was that of voicing Anne-Marie in the 1989 animated film released posthumously titled “All Dogs Go to Heaven,” had previously appeared in the 1984 TV movie...

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Happy 42nd birthday Judith Eva barsi

TODAY Recommended for you. 8:10. Slipped Away : Anissa, Heather, and Judith - Duration: 3:39. BostonChick06 44,263 views. 3:39. In memory of Heather O'Rourke, JonBenet Ramsey and Judith Barsi ... Judith Eva barsi was an American child actress born on June 6th 1978 making her 42 years old today please remember her Judith was shot by her father on July 25 1988. Judith was 10 years old when she was murdered by her father, her father also murdered her mother and then killed himself Rest In Peace Judith **I OWN NOTHING BUT THE EDITING** Judith Barsi was a child actress she was shot by her father and her mother Maria was also shot they were shot by Judith's father because he was jealous that Judith made more money then he did, he ... A Brief History of JUDITH BARSI beloved child actressHey, my little party animals and welcome to a brand new video! Today, we're taking a look into another e... Today is the 25th anniversary of Judith's passing Judith Eva Barsi was a child actress that on this day was murdered long with her mother by Judith's father R.I.P Judith My Facebook page in memory ... REMASTERED IN HD!Taken from the 25th Anniversary Editions of Nirvana – MTV Unplugged in New YorkOrder Now: https://Nirvana.lnk.to/Unplugged25Listen to more f... In loving memory of Judith Barsi Judith’s story Judith was born on June 6, 1978 to parents Jozsef and Maria Barsi in Los Angeles California. From an early ag... 30 years ago 10 year old Judith and her mother Maria were murdered by Judith’s father, he then shot himself Rest In Peace Sweet Judith.

how old would judith barsi be today

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