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Story Time: Silver short squeeze

How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

TL:DR: yes its long. Grab a beer.

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market.
Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.
Whatever the motive, it was a bet that went historically sour. The debt-fueled boom and bust of the global silver market not only decimated the Hunt fortune, but threatened to take down the U.S. financial system.
The panic of “Silver Thursday” took place over 35 years ago, but it still raises questions about the nature of financial manipulation. While many view the Hunt brothers as members of a long succession of white collar crooks, from Charles Ponzi to Bernie Madoff, others see the endearingly eccentric Texans as the victims of overstepping regulators and vindictive insiders who couldn’t stand the thought of being played by a couple of southern yokels.
In either case, the story of the Hunt brothers just goes to show how difficult it can be to distinguish illegal market manipulation from the old fashioned wheeling and dealing that make our markets work.
The Real-Life Ewings
Whatever their foibles, the Hunts make for an interesting cast of characters. Evidently CBS thought so; the family is rumored to be the basis for the Ewings, the fictional Texas oil dynasty of Dallas fame.
Sitting at the top of the family tree was H.L. Hunt, a man who allegedly purchased his first oil field with poker winnings and made a fortune drilling in east Texas. H.L. was a well-known oddball to boot, and his sons inherited many of their father’s quirks.
For one, there was the stinginess. Despite being the richest man on earth in the 1960s, Bunker Hunt (who went by his middle name), along with his younger brothers Herbert (first name William) and Lamar, cultivated an image as unpretentious good old boys. They drove old Cadillacs, flew coach, and when they eventually went to trial in New York City in 1988, they took the subway. As one Texas editor was quoted in the New York Times, Bunker Hunt was “the kind of guy who orders chicken-fried steak and Jello-O, spills some on his tie, and then goes out and buys all the silver in the world.”
Cheap suits aside, the Hunts were not without their ostentation. At the end of the 1970s, Bunker boasted a stable of over 500 horses and his little brother Lamar owned the Kansas City Chiefs. All six children of H.L.’s first marriage (the patriarch of the Hunt family had fifteen children by three women before he died in 1974) lived on estates befitting the scions of a Texas billionaire. These lifestyles were financed by trusts, but also risky investments in oil, real estate, and a host of commodities including sugar beets, soybeans, and, before long, silver.
The Hunt brothers also inherited their father’s political inclinations. A zealous anti-Communist, Bunker Hunt bankrolled conservative causes and was a prominent member of the John Birch Society, a group whose founder once speculated that Dwight Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent” of Soviet conspiracy. In November of 1963, Hunt sponsored a particularly ill-timed political campaign, which distributed pamphlets around Dallas condemning President Kennedy for alleged slights against the Constitution on the day that he was assassinated. JFK conspiracy theorists have been obsessed with Hunt ever since.
In fact, it was the Hunt brand of politics that partially explains what led Bunker and Herbert to start buying silver in 1973.
Hard Money
The 1970s were not kind to the U.S. dollar.
Years of wartime spending and unresponsive monetary policy pushed inflation upward throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. Then, in October of 1973, war broke out in the Middle East and an oil embargo was declared against the United States. Inflation jumped above 10%. It would stay high throughout the decade, peaking in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution at an annual average of 13.5% in 1980.
Over the same period of time, the global monetary system underwent a historic transformation. Since the first Roosevelt administration, the U.S. dollar had been pegged to the value of gold at a predictable rate of $35 per ounce. But in 1971, President Nixon, responding to inflationary pressures, suspended that relationship. For the first time in modern history, the paper dollar did not represent some fixed amount of tangible, precious metal sitting in a vault somewhere.
For conservative commodity traders like the Hunts, who blamed government spending for inflation and held grave reservations about the viability of fiat currency, the perceived stability of precious metal offered a financial safe harbor. It was illegal to trade gold in the early 1970s, so the Hunts turned to the next best thing.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; chart by Priceonomics
As an investment, there was a lot to like about silver. The Hunts were not alone in fleeing to bullion amid all the inflation and geopolitical turbulence, so the price was ticking up. Plus, light-sensitive silver halide is a key component of photographic film. With the growth of the consumer photography market, new production from mines struggled to keep up with demand.
And so, in 1973, Bunker and Herbert bought over 35 million ounces of silver, most of which they flew to Switzerland in specifically designed airplanes guarded by armed Texas ranch hands. According to one source, the Hunt’s purchases were big enough to move the global market.
But silver was not the Hunts' only speculative venture in the 1970s. Nor was it the only one that got them into trouble with regulators.
Soy Before Silver
In 1977, the price of soybeans was rising fast. Trade restrictions on Brazil and growing demand from China made the legume a hot commodity, and both Bunker and Herbert decided to enter the futures market in April of that year.
A future is an agreement to buy or sell some quantity of a commodity at an agreed upon price at a later date. If someone contracts to buy soybeans in the future (they are said to take the “long” position), they will benefit if the price of soybeans rise, since they have locked in the lower price ahead of time. Likewise, if someone contracts to sell (that’s called the “short” position), they benefit if the price falls, since they have locked in the old, higher price.
While futures contracts can be used by soybean farmers and soy milk producers to guard against price swings, most futures are traded by people who wouldn’t necessarily know tofu from cream cheese. As a de facto insurance contract against market volatility, futures can be used to hedge other investments or simply to gamble on prices going up (by going long) or down (by going short).
When the Hunts decided to go long in the soybean futures market, they went very, very long. Between Bunker, Herbert, and the accounts of five of their children, the Hunts collectively purchased the right to buy one-third of the entire autumn soybean harvest of the United States.
To some, it appeared as if the Hunts were attempting to corner the soybean market.
In its simplest version, a corner occurs when someone buys up all (or at least, most) of the available quantity of a commodity. This creates an artificial shortage, which drives up the price, and allows the market manipulator to sell some of his stockpile at a higher profit.
Futures markets introduce some additional complexity to the cornerer’s scheme. Recall that when a trader takes a short position on a contract, he or she is pledging to sell a certain amount of product to the holder of the long position. But if the holder of the long position just so happens to be sitting on all the readily available supply of the commodity under contract, the short seller faces an unenviable choice: go scrounge up some of the very scarce product in order to “make delivery” or just pay the cornerer a hefty premium and nullify the deal entirely.
In this case, the cornerer is actually counting on the shorts to do the latter, says Craig Pirrong, professor of finance at the University of Houston. If too many short sellers find that it actually costs less to deliver the product, the market manipulator will be stuck with warehouses full of inventory. Finance experts refer to selling the all the excess supply after building a corner as “burying the corpse.”
“That is when the price collapses,” explains Pirrong. “But if the number of deliveries isn’t too high, the loss from selling at the low price after the corner is smaller than the profit from selling contracts at the high price.”
The Chicago Board of Trade trading floor. Photo credit: Jeremy Kemp
Even so, when the Commodity Futures Trading Commission found that a single family from Texas had contracted to buy a sizable portion of the 1977 soybean crop, they did not accuse the Hunts of outright market manipulation. Instead, noting that the Hunts had exceeded the 3 million bushel aggregate limit on soybean holdings by about 20 million, the CFTC noted that the Hunt’s “excessive holdings threaten disruption of the market and could cause serious injury to the American public.” The CFTC ordered the Hunts to sell and to pay a penalty of $500,000.
Though the Hunts made tens of millions of dollars on paper while soybean prices skyrocketed, it’s unclear whether they were able to cash out before the regulatory intervention. In any case, the Hunts were none too pleased with the decision.
“Apparently the CFTC is trying to repeal the law of supply and demand,” Bunker complained to the press.
Silver Thursday
Despite the run in with regulators, the Hunts were not dissuaded. Bunker and Herbert had eased up on silver after their initial big buy in 1973, but in the fall of 1979, they were back with a vengeance. By the end of the year, Bunker and Herbert owned 21 million ounces of physical silver each. They had even larger positions in the silver futures market: Bunker was long on 45 million ounces, while Herbert held contracts for 20 million. Their little brother Lamar also had a more “modest” position.
By the new year, with every dollar increase in the price of silver, the Hunts were making $100 million on paper. But unlike most investors, when their profitable futures contracts expired, they took delivery. As in 1973, they arranged to have the metal flown to Switzerland. Intentional or not, this helped create a shortage of the metal for industrial supply.
Naturally, the industrialists were unhappy. From a spot price of around $6 per ounce in early 1979, the price of silver shot up to $50.42 in January of 1980. In the same week, silver futures contracts were trading at $46.80. Film companies like Kodak saw costs go through the roof, while the British film producer, Ilford, was forced to lay off workers. Traditional bullion dealers, caught in a squeeze, cried foul to the commodity exchanges, and the New York jewelry house Tiffany & Co. took out a full page ad in the New York Times slamming the “unconscionable” Hunt brothers. They were right to single out the Hunts; in mid-January, they controlled 69% of all the silver futures contracts on the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) in New York.
Source: New York Times
But as the high prices persisted, new silver began to come out of the woodwork.
“In the U.S., people rifled their dresser drawers and sofa cushions to find dimes and quarters with silver content and had them melted down,” says Pirrong, from the University of Houston. “Silver is a classic part of a bride’s trousseau in India, and when prices got high, women sold silver out of their trousseaus.”
According to a Washington Post article published that March, the D.C. police warned residents of a rash of home burglaries targeting silver.
Unfortunately for the Hunts, all this new supply had a predictable effect. Rather than close out their contracts, short sellers suddenly found it was easier to get their hands on new supplies of silver and deliver.
“The main factor that has caused corners to fail [throughout history] is that the manipulator has underestimated how much will be delivered to him if he succeeds [at] raising the price to artificial levels,” says Pirrong. “Eventually, the Hunts ran out of money to pay for all the silver that was thrown at them.”
In financial terms, the brothers had a large corpse on their hands—and no way to bury it.
This proved to be an especially big problem, because it wasn’t just the Hunt fortune that was on the line. Of the $6.6 billion worth of silver the Hunts held at the top of the market, the brothers had “only” spent a little over $1 billion of their own money. The rest was borrowed from over 20 banks and brokerage houses.
At the same time, COMEX decided to crack down. On January 7, 1980, the exchange’s board of governors announced that it would cap the size of silver futures exposure to 3 million ounces. Those in excess of the cap (say, by the tens of millions) were given until the following month to bring themselves into compliance. But that was too long for the Chicago Board of Trade exchange, which suspended the issue of any new silver futures on January 21. Silver futures traders would only be allowed to square up old contracts.
Predictably, silver prices began to slide. As the various banks and other firms that had backed the Hunt bullion binge began to recognize the tenuousness of their financial position, they issued margin calls, asking the brothers to put up more money as collateral for their debts. The Hunts, unable to sell silver lest they trigger a panic, borrowed even more. By early March, futures contracts had fallen to the mid-$30 range.
Matters finally came to a head on March 25, when one of the Hunts’ largest backers, the Bache Group, asked for $100 million more in collateral. The brothers were out of cash, and Bache was unwilling to accept silver in its place, as it had been doing throughout the month. With the Hunts in default, Bache did the only thing it could to start recouping its losses: it start to unload silver.
On March 27, “Silver Thursday,” the silver futures market dropped by a third to $10.80. Just two months earlier, these contracts had been trading at four times that amount.
The Aftermath
After the oil bust of the early 1980s and a series of lawsuits polished off the remainder of the Hunt brothers’ once historic fortune, the two declared bankruptcy in 1988. Bunker, who had been worth an estimated $16 billion in the 1960s, emerged with under $10 million to his name. That’s not exactly chump change, but it wasn’t enough to maintain his 500-plus stable of horses,.
The Hunts almost dragged their lenders into bankruptcy too—and with them, a sizable chunk of the U.S. financial system. Over twenty financial institutions had extended over a billion dollars in credit to the Hunt brothers. The default and resulting collapse of silver prices blew holes in balance sheets across Wall Street. A privately orchestrated bailout loan from a number of banks allowed the brothers to start paying off their debts and keep their creditors afloat, but the markets and regulators were rattled.
Silver Spot Prices Per Ounce (January, 1979 - June, 1980)
Source: Trading Economics
In the words of then CFTC chief James Stone, the Hunts’ antics had threatened to punch a hole in the “financial fabric of the United States” like nothing had in decades. Writing about the entire episode a year later, Harper’s Magazine described Silver Thursday as “the first great panic since October 1929.”
The trouble was not over for the Hunts. In the following years, the brothers were dragged before Congressional hearings, got into a legal spat with their lenders, and were sued by a Peruvian mineral marketing company, which had suffered big losses in the crash. In 1988, a New York City jury found for the South American firm, levying a penalty of over $130 million against the Hunts and finding that they had deliberately conspired to corner the silver market.
Surprisingly, there is still some disagreement on that point.
Bunker Hunt attributed the whole affair to the political motives of COMEX insiders and regulators. Referring to himself later as “a favorite whipping boy” of an eastern financial establishment riddled with liberals and socialists, Bunker and his brother, Herbert, are still perceived as martyrs by some on the far-right.
“Political and financial insiders repeatedly changed the rules of the game,” wrote the New American. “There is little evidence to support the ‘corner the market’ narrative.”
Though the Hunt brothers clearly amassed a staggering amount of silver and silver derivatives at the end of the 1970s, it is impossible to prove definitively that market manipulation was in their hearts. Maybe, as the Hunts always claimed, they just really believed in the enduring value of silver.
Or maybe, as others have noted, the Hunt brothers had no idea what they were doing. Call it the stupidity defense.
“They’re terribly unsophisticated,” an anonymous associated was quoted as saying of the Hunts in a Chicago Tribune article from 1989. “They make all the mistakes most other people make,” said another.
p.s. credit to Ben Christopher

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Black Nobility and the Vatican.

The black nobility is the base of the global crime syndicate that controls this planet. The black nobility or black aristocracy are the aristocratic families that sided with the papacy under Pope Pius IX after the army of the Kingdom of Italy led by the Savoy family entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the pope . and the Papal States, and took over the Quirinal Palace, and the nobles later ennobled by the Pope prior to the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Any family that produced popes for the Vatican is royalty. Most of the black nobility are Vatican royalty. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. These families earned the title of "black" nobility for their relentless unscrupulousness. They used murder, rape, kidnapping, robbery and all kinds of deception on a large scale, without resisting the achievement of their objectives. The black nobility were the families that financed and created the holy corporation of the Vatican with the aim of imposing world slavery as a necessary institution, with the sole belief that some are born to rule and others to be ruled. The idea that certain families were born to rule as an arbitrary elite, while the vast majority of a given population is condemned to oppression, servitude, or slavery became the theological position of this elite. The "New World Order" is an attempt to take control of society by these fascist families with the purpose of the total slavery of humanity.
The Vatican is an imperial nation and is the largest empire in this world. The Vatican City, or the Holy Vatican Corporation, officially the Vatican City State, is a nation that operates as the largest intelligence network in the world. The Holy See is the "All-Seeing Eye" in society and a corporate entity connected to many other corporations and governments through papal and royal statutes. Archbishops and high-level bishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The same year that the professor of ecclesiastical law and practical philosophy at the University of Ingolstadt, Adam Weishaupt, created the Order of the Illuminati, was the same year that they created the United States as a corporation to run it as their private army and lead I dig the agenda of a "New World Order" for the elites, mainly, thanks to the infiltrated Freemasonry and directed by the Jesuits.
The New World Order is a conspiracy of lineage at the top. They are ancient and evil bloodlines that build and destroy empires for control through an order out of chaos. Royal and noble houses are corporate entities and claim to rule and own land, resources, and people. Landlords have always been the dominant owners of gold and precious metals. They empower and finance bankers and entrepreneurs to work for them through their corporate homes. They authorize and issue the creation of laws, agencies, the military, companies, and universities. They create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises. Some of the major royal bloodlines include Savoy, Bourbon, Medici, Glücksburg, Wittelsbach, Nassau-Weilberg, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Romanov, Grimaldi, Orleans, Braganza, Habsburg, Hannover, Windsor, Saud, Thani, Khalifa, Alouwite , Zogu, Hohenzollern, Orange-Nassau, Bonaparte and Bernadotte. Many royal bloodlines still rule their nations as heads of state such as the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Monaco, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, Sweden, Norway, and Luxembourg. The Vatican City State is also a kingdom with the Pope of Rome as its monarch. The Black Nobility are the ancient bloodlines of the Papal States and they own the Holy See and the Vatican. They produced the first popes of Rome and held leadership positions in the Vatican from its inception. The Colonna and Torlonia still hold the hereditary positions of the Assistant Princes to the Papal Throne. The black nobility consider themselves sovereign princes. The Vatican is used as a central point of control and the Holy See is one of the oldest and most criminal corporate entities in existence. The Spanish Catholic Church is immensely rich, it has not suffered the crisis and also enjoys a true tax haven, being free to pay taxes, such as the IBI, works, companies, etc. The vast majority of the assets in their possession and on their accounts are completely opaque. This situation is illegitimate, unfair and presumably illegal, and this occurs with the complicity and consent of the public powers.
The Erlach and Brandi families are Swiss tax advisers who enable corruption, bribery, criminal financing, and money laundering. The Swiss Guard is the one that protects the Vatican City State. The Swiss cantons have been in contract with the Vatican for centuries and Switzerland is basically a papal state with the noble Roman saints claiming partial ownership. The German house of Baden-Zahringen founded Bern, in Switzerland. The House of Savoy ruled the regions of Switzerland for hundreds of years. Some of the most important bloodlines of the Black Nobility are: Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Ruspoli, Orsini, Aldobrandini, Sforza-Cesarini, Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Chigi-Albani-Della Rovere, Doria-Pamphilj, Rospigliosi, Giustiniani , Torlonia, Corsini, Borghese, Del Drago, Lucchesi-Palli, and Gaetani. The Pecci and Pacelli families are more recent bloodlines of the Black Nobility. The black nobility share ownership over the Holy See, which is a corporate entity based in the Vatican City State that was established as a nation in 1929 under Benito Mussolini, who was put in power by the House of Savoy. The Mussolini and Franco families became nobles after their fascist regimes. The Black Nobility also owns the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, and the Cosa Nostra. The Black Nobility established branches in southern Italy and married Sicilian-Campanian nobles such as the Lanza di Scalea, Adragna, Sanseverino, Tomasi di Lampedusa, Paterno, Cattaneo, Serena di Lapigio and Rocco di Torrepadula families. Many Italian crime families were Sicilian nobles like the Bonanno and Bellomo families. Both the mafia bosses and the Italian and Spanish nobles call themselves Dons, which is the equivalent of Boos (boss) of crime. The Savoy, Savoy-Aosta, Medici, Borbon-Dos Sicilias, and Borbon-Parma families are members of Italian royalty and are married to various European royal bloodlines and Black Nobility. Most of the monarchs are members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Carlo Massimo has been overseeing the Sovereign Military Order of Malta as President of the Italian Association of SMOM. The Knights of Malta have an undercover operation at the Jesuit School of Foreign Service in Georgetown, run by Joel Hellman. The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta basically run the Defense Department alongside British Crown agents and high-level Freemasons. Prince Carlo de Borbón-Dos Sicilias is a high commander of the Society of Jesus through his Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George. The Jesuits were authorized by Pope Paul III of the Farnese family. The Bourbon-Dos Sicilias and Borbon-Parma families are the continuation of the Farnese family, the name Farnesivs is engraved in the Jesuit headquarters called the Church of Gesu in Rome. The Farnese family lived in a pentagonal fortress called Farnese Villa Caprarola, which is the basis for the design of the American Pentagon. Jesuits are involved in education, politics, banking, science, law, and especially military intelligence. The Italian Bourbons have established residences all over the world, including Florida. Jesuits need to be investigated and banned, they have rightly been expelled from almost every country in the world, but they always end up coming back. In Spain three times, his last return was at the hands of General Franco.
The Holy See is a corporate body that issues laws and bills, such as the Golden Bull, which claims ownership of the Kingdom of England and identifies the emperor as the sovereign of the only legitimate universal empire, directly chosen by God. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. The Roman Curia or Papal Court is the highest organized council in society and is directly supervised by the two “Assistants of the Prince to the Pontifical Throne”, these two positions are held by the princes of the Colonna and Torlonia families. They work with a higher level princely council of the Italian nobility that works with another council made up of the Roman nobility. The Italian and Austrian nobility are married to each other and work closely together leading the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which is a sovereign entity equivalent to that of a sovereign nation. The Italian Nobility, La Cosa Nostra and the German and Austrian Nobles, run the Jewish Mafia. Royalty and nobles have massive amounts of wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. They use the Nazi-founded Bank for International Settlements to steal wealth from central banks through fraudulent tax contracts and then launder and hide the wealth in private bank accounts in Switzerland. The main Italian lineages still active include the Massimo, Colonna, Pallavicini, Torlonia, Aldobrandini, Ruspoli, Orsini, Gaetani-D'Aragona, Borbón-Parma, Odescalchi, Borghese, Adragni, Chigi, Medici, Borromeo, Doria-Pamphilj, Sacchetti, Savoy, Grimaldi and Bourbon. These bloodlines oversee the various specters of society. Outside of this power structure is the Committee of 300 with an inner circle made up of the leading monarchs and princes of Europe and the former Holy Roman Empire with members from Windsor, Spencer, Cecil, Percy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Habsburg, Bonaparte, Orleans, Bernadotte, Lagergren, Glucksburg, Hannover, Furstenberg, Austria-East, Hohenberg, Hesse, Nassau-Weilberg, Habsburg-Lorraine, Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, Saxony-Meiningen, Braganza, Orange-Nassau, Hohenzollern , Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Liechtenstein, Rothschild, FitzJames, Lobkowicz, Ligne, Merode, Romanov, Thurn and Taxis, Schwarzenberg, Orsini-Rosenberg, Windisch-Graetz, Esterhazy and other families. Many members who do not have noble status on the Committee of 300 are representatives of the royal families.
These families are all enemies of humanity and have conspired to enslave the world for centuries. They authorize and create corporations and billionaires, run religions, states, secret societies, the mafia, and organized crime syndicates. Royal families in Europe are mainly divided into two factions, and this dates back to the Guelph merchants and Ghibelline landowners. All other groups like Bilderberg, CFR, and the Trilateral Commission are lower-level organizations. All roads lead to Rome, which is the basis of its control system. The European Constitutional Monarchies are branches of the corporate empire of Rome. Constitutional Monarchies are ruled by blood-appointed heads of state and serve Rome through the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Pope claims temporary or physical ownership of the Earth. The Pope claims to be infallible of error. The Pope claims ownership over all souls through the papal doctrine of "Papal Supremacy." The Pope is a leader for the Black Nobility of Italy.
The Jesuits are a military priesthood officially established by Pope Paul III A.K. to Alessandro Farnese of the Farnese family. The Jesuits were officially established under the Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae, which means Military Regiment of the Church as the continuation of the Templars. The Black Nobles are the true owners and controllers of the Vatican and maintain their control throughout the centuries by installing their relatives as high-level popes and bishops. At present the Torlonia and Colonna families who have the hereditary positions of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne are those who supervise the pope. In turn Pope Francis supervises all members of the Catholic Church and also supervises the various secret societies that are connected with the Church.
The Jesuits are also a Masonic order and were the continuation of the Templar orders when they were banned. The Roman Catholic Church mocks Christians by performing rituals where they pretend to drink blood and eat human flesh known as the Eucharist, also called Holy Sacrifice. The New Testament did not exist until about 1600 and the Old Testament is even more recent than the new. It was the Vatican and European monarchs who created both the New and the Old Testaments. The last official version of the bible was published in 1777.
The bishops and priests operate as supervisors and the Jesuits function as spies trained in deception and are infiltrated everywhere. The Pope claims temporal power or ownership over the Earth and also claims Papal Supremacy or Papal Rule and Papal Infallibility. Infallibility means incapable of being wrong. Archbishops are the overseers of society within their districts and oversee politics, police, business, and organized crime. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Order of Ages (or Ages), or also "New World Order", and is on the US dollar bill and Great Seal of the United States.
The Vatican uses Latin as an official language and for documents. America is named after the Italian Americo Vespucci who worked for the Medici family of Florence and Rome. Vespucci created the term New World for America. The Bank of America was originally called the Bank of Italy and was founded by Amadeo Giannini, who was financed by Italians. Nations were formed as companies or corporations to exploit their citizens as merchandise. Corporations are fraudulent constructions because they are considered a person with rights under the law, and because the owners and controllers of the corporations can disregard responsibility for crimes committed by the corporation. That is fraudulent. Corporations are not people and therefore cannot have rights. Corporations are also monopolies that use subsidiaries to hide their dominance over industry. Private companies cannot compete fairly with corporations. Citizens are also classified as legal persons (companies), robbing them of all their human rights. Corporations shouldn't exist.
Royalty and nobles issue charters establishing representative covert property agents controlled by corporate households or crowns of royalty and nobles. They claim to own foreign governments in this way. Royalty and nobles claim to own the United States as a continuation of the Virginia Company. Roman royalty such as the Hanover, Hesses, Wurttembergs, Hohenzollerns, Glucksburgs, Orange-Nassaus and Saxe-Coburg and Gothas claim a share of ownership over the British Crown. This is why the British royal family has so much German ancestry. The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002. Section 15. Most of the founding fathers were Freemasons and worked for the British Crown and German royalty. American political families, such as the Bushs, Clintons, Romneys, and Kennedys, take their names from European noble families that still exist. The Von Dem Bussche family are German nobles and relatives of the Bush family. The Clintons and Romneys are also British nobles. The Kennedys are Scottish-Irish nobles and an American political family involved with the Democratic Party. Mars, Walton, Rockefeller, Guggenheim, Getty, Hearst, Sackler, Lauder, Sachs, Busche, Johnson, McMahon, Forbes, and Cox are some of the billionaire American families that work with royalty and nobles in Europe. The Mars family is worth about 70 billion and works with the Windsor, Savoy, Thurn and Taxis families. The Waltons are worth around 130 billion and work with German nobles like the Württemberg, Baden, Hohenzollern and Isenberg families. The various Johnson families in the United States are collectively worth tens of billions and serve as agents for the House of Hannover. They own Johnson and Johnson and Fidelity Investments. The Hanovers are powerful royals and merchants who established the Hanseatic League. The Hearst family is worth more than 25 billion and several members were educated at Harvard University of the British Crown. The McMahon family is a billionaire and owner of the WWE and works under the Bonapartes and Savoys as their noble ancestors who were served militarily by the MacMahons during the Second Italian War of Independence. Today there are MacMahons in France with Italian and French titles of nobility. The Lauder family works for the House of Esterhazy in Austria and the House of East in Austria and Italy. The Guggenheims have assets worth hundreds of billions and are married to the House of Stuart. The Getty family are billionaire American oil merchants and are married to the Italian House of Ruspoli. The Forbes family are billionaires and American descendants of Scottish nobles who still exist.
All gang stalking and cult organizations are owned and controlled by members of royalty and nobility. Criminal organizations such as Royalty itself, Royal Institutions, The Company of Jesus, The Black Monks, The Hellfire Club, The Templar Orders, Freemasonry, The Grand Orient of France, The York Rite, The Scottish Rite, Prince Masonry of Prince Hall, Shriners International, The Royal Order of Jesters, The Cabal Society, Chabad, Scientology, Skull & Bones, The Boulé Society, The 5% Nation, The Nation of Islam, Black Israelites, The Ordo Templi Orientis ( OTO), The Temple of Set, The Church of Satan, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Mormons, Knights of Columbus, The Bohemian Club, Knights of Phintias, Ancient Order of Druids, Wicca, Santeria, Obeah, Voodoo, Sufism , Greek Fraternities and Brotherhoods, New Age and Gnostic Cults, Nazi Cults, KKK, Mafias, Prison Gangs, Biker Gangs and Street Gangs. The Rockefeller family uses their charitable foundations to fund harassment gangs and bribery in the United States, as well as globalization agendas and vaccination programs. The Rockefeller Foundation funded Almighty Vice Lord Nation, which is an organized crime group, and also funded the Tavistock Institute.
Hollywood, the Church of Scientology, and Silicon Valley are military operations like the US DARPA agency and run by European royalty and nobles like the Oettingen-Spielbergs, Schaumburg-Lippes, Anhalts, Hanovers, Windsors, Passi di Preposulos, Ruspolis, Torlonias and Odescalchis. The Ferragamo family is also involved in the management and financing of corruption in Hollywood. The House of Nassau-Weilberg, which is married to the Torlonias, funds human trafficking and human sacrifice in Hollywood. Idols in the entertainment industry are a dangerous cult with leaders who have access to electronic weapons. Most of modern electronics is being broadcast covertly with GENISIS and NEURON bio-piracy software controlled by Kabbalists and Scientologists. European monarchies function as extensions of Rome and run secret societies that infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for monarchs. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is the main military council and works closely with the Orders of St. John administered by Protestant royalty such as the Windsors and the Hohenzollerns. The Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John are Masonic organizations with grand masters and titles for initiation. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of a modernized Roman corporate empire. They also have several competing factions that create the illusion of division. The British crown and Scottish nobles such as the Bruce, Stewart, Sinclair, Campbell, Montagu, Scott, Hamilton, Percy, Boyle, Bowes-Lyon and Sutherland families administer a large part of Freemasonry. All of these families produced Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of England. There are thousands of Masonic lodges in Europe and in the United States. Freemasonry must be investigated and outlawed. The Greek-German Royal House of Glucksburg directs the Greek fraternities and brotherhoods and uses initiates as its agents. Glucksburg nobles and Italians run the Boule Society, Boule is a Greek fraternal society for African Americans. Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson have been members of Boule, among many other high-profile, successful, and wealthy blacks, including Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton, and Thurgood Marshall. The Glucksburg family rules Denmark and Norway and recently ruled Greece. Among its members are the ex-queen Sofía of Spain and Duke Felipe de Edimburgo. Former Greek nobility and royal merchants such as the Mavroleon, Onassis, and Niarchos families are billionaires who have a monopoly in the shipping industry and work with British nobles. The Greek royal family currently lives in London from where many Greek consignment merchants operate. The British Crown authorized and controls universities such as Yale and Harvard which are used to recruit Crown agents through fraternal orders such as Skull & Bones and Book and Snake. Royal and noble families also do undercover business in the City of London Corporation, which dominates global markets. Some of the major London merchant families include the Goldsmith, Stuart, Rothschild, Grosvenor, Sassoon, Barclay, Sutherland, Montagu, Bailey and Guinness families. The Sutherland family created the HSBC bank that has a long history of financial scandals around the world (Emilio Botín, Fernando Alonso, Mohamed VI, Jorge Trías and Jordi Pujol Jr. had accounts at HSBC when it was chaired by Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint). The Bailey family is co-founder of Janus Henderson through a merger. Janus Henderson manages around 190 billion in assets. The Stuart family owns the Hudson Bay Company and has an alliance with the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach, which is the covert owner of some of the Hudson's Bay Company subsidiaries, which were founded by Bavarian merchants. HBC has approximately $ 12 billion in assets and has had fiscal contracts with the United States through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871.
The Orange-Nassau family are influential traders through the Netherlands Trading Society and have a large number of shares in Royal Dutch Shell, Philips Electronics and ABN AMRO Bank. The Orange-Nassaus and their Dreyfus agents run the Rand Corporation, which has a contract with the US military. Rand's founder was a Dutch gentleman. The Orange-Nassau family also runs the Loyal Orange Institution in Ireland, which has infiltrated the police, justice and politics. The Luxembourg Nassau-Weilburg family are international bankers connected to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The royal families of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands have shares in the European Investment Bank and all of these royals are recently married to Italian nobles. The Ligne family from Belgium are wealthy diamond and gold merchants. The Belgian Crown and its nobles are stealing wealth from the United States through fraudulent tax contracts established through the Organic Law of the District of Columbia of 1871 and continue to do so through the Bank for International Settlements. The Barons Strange heads the Masonic Order of Oddfellow. The Russell family are the Marquesses of Tavistock and they run the Tavistock Institute, which is an organization involved in mass mind control. The Russell family also co-founded the Yale University and Russell Trust Association, which is named after the New Haven, Connecticut company based on the Skull & Bones secret society.
Skull & Bones is a death cult military complex run by the Bush family from the USA who are like a European royal family in the USA. The Furstenberg family runs the Royal Order of Jesters who wear a jester on their coat of arms. The Clintons work closely with the House of Furstenberg, who have residences in the United States. The Italian Orsini family and the Holy Roman Rosenberg family lead the Rosicrucian Order of alchemists who infiltrate food and drug companies for chemical warfare. The Medici family, who have a statue of Hermes (Mercury) in their palace in Rome, administer the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an alchemical secret society. The Medici were architects of modern banking. The Pierleoni family of Rome and the Spanish House of Bourbon-Anjou run the Kabbalah Society, which uses the Spanish lion for its logo. The Pacelli family of Rome and the Crescenzi family of Italy administer the Wiccan witchcraft cults. The Bavarian Wittelsbach family from Bavaria created the Bavarian Illuminati and administers the Benedictine Monks and is also part of the Jewish Mafia in the United States who are white collar criminals. The Pecci family of Italy also owns the Jewish mafia in the United States through their marriage to the Blumenthal family. The House of Wittelsbach is involved with Zionism, Nazism, Freemasonry, and the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits function as Roman intelligence and infiltrators and use their universities to recruit and train agents for Rome. Jesuit agents dominate leadership positions in the United States military and intelligence and especially in the CIA. The Knights of Columbus are owned by the Casa de Colonna. Christopher Columbus was Pedro Madruga, the Count of Caminha, a relative of the Colonnas who settled in Pontevedra at the time of the Romans. Many Knights of Columbus are police officers, mayors, lawyers, and judges, protecting the Italian mob while targeting free-thinking people. The Knights of Columbus are heavily involved in gang harassment.
Court Jews such as the Rothschild, Warburg, Goldsmith, Oppenheimer, Walton, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Lewis, Javal, Lauder, Sackler and Dreyfus families work through the Roman Curia or royal courtrooms such as Buckingham Palace. The French Rothschilds work for the Black Nobility of Rome and the French House of Orleans. The British Rothschilds work for the British Crown. The Sassoon and Kadoorie families work for the British Crown and oversee banking and business in China and India. The Swiss Rothschilds work for the House of Habsburg and the House of Hesse. The Oppenheimers work for the German House of Wurttemberg and the Cologne Oppenheim branch. the Austrian House of Habsburg granted them titles of nobility. The Warburgs work for the Italian House of Borghese and the German House of Hesse and the House of Hannover. Warburg Pincus had a contract with Unicredit that merged with the Borghese Family's Bank of the Holy Spirit. The Warburgs were Venetian bankers and the Borghese family now hold Venetian titles of nobility. The Warburgs financed the Nazis. The Dreyfus family works for the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and the French House of Bonaparte. Jewish banking families work for Christian nobles and royalty. These billionaire Jewish bloodlines run many rabbis who run a criminal intelligence network that works with Mossad. The French House of Bonaparte and the Swedish House of Bernadotte control many of the main European companies through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and the Legion of Honor, who are also members of the Round Table of Industrialists of Europe, which it has a great economic influence on the markets. The Wallenbergs run corporations worth hundreds of billions and work for the Swedish House of Bernadotte. The Wallenbergs and the Swedish Crown also work with the Jesuits and the Vatican. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been hiding billions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. Austrian and Eastern European royalty and nobles, such as the Habsburgs, Esterhazys and Schonberg, use private banks in Liechtenstein and also own Israeli and Jewish mafias. The Esterhazy family together with the Lucchesi-Palli family run a faction of the Russian mafia through the mob boss Semion Mogilevich from Budapest. The Torlonia family owns the Fucino Bank in Rome and functions as Vatican bankers and treasurers. The Torlonia family of Rome and the Hohenzollern family of Germany are the main owners and controllers of the Bank for International Settlements which was founded and administered by the Nazis during World War II. The Torlonias are architects of fascism and the Hohenzollerns are architects of Nazism.
The East, Rothschild and Hottinger families are some of the leading Swiss bankers. The Romanian Sturdza family also owns a private bank in Switzerland. The Casanova family of Italy and Spain is one of the leading political families in Switzerland. The East and Savoy families run the Bank for International Settlements, which has a contract with most of the major central banks and is embezzling the wealth of nations through fraudulent loans and contracts. The Savoys live in Switzerland and Prince Lorenz of Austria-Este works at the Gutzwiller bank. The Bank for International Settlements must be investigated and closed. The Gutzwiller family is one of the leading banking families in Switzerland, owning its own private bank and managing 35 other Swiss banks. The Swiss Guard is a military body in charge of the security of the Pope and the Holy See. The ceremonial head of the Swiss Guard is the Pope, sovereign of Vatican City. Italian mafias are Rome's enforcers involved in extortion, money laundering, murder and drug trafficking, and they pay their dues to the Sicilian mafia, which in turn pays them to the black nobility. The mafia channels its earnings and tributes to the Black Nobility through the Vatican charitable foundations and then from the Vatican bank they are transferred to the private accounts of the Swiss Bank. The Savoy’s Genovese crime family specializes in extorting Wall Street. The mafia is rigging professional sports for gambling and they also launder their criminal winnings through the casinos. The Torlonia family owns the Kansas City crime family and shares ownership of the Pittsburgh crime family with the Borghese family of Rome and the Rocco di Torrepadula family of Sicily. The French House of Orleans owns the New Orleans crime family and the Franco-British Beaufort family oversees and owns the Dixie Mafia factions along with other British peers who have French ancestry. Cox's billionaire family is involved in multimedia communications and is part of the owners of the Dixie mob, which is involved in tobacco and ginseng sales as well as arms, drug and human trafficking. The Goldsmith and Sassoon families own Pakistani and Hindu human trafficking networks operating in the United Kingdom. The Imperial House of Brazil, Orleans-Braganza and the Belgian House of Ligne are married and have shares in the Brazilian companies AmBev and Belgian Anheuser-Busch InBev. The House of Orleans-Braganza owns Brazilian drug cartels that are also involved in human trafficking. The Sforza family owns the Stidda Mafia clans operating in the Sforza-Visconti territory in Milan and the Sforza and Visconti families have greater control over the Italian Stock Exchange or the Milan Stock Exchange. Milanese billionaire Silvio Berlusconi works for the Sforza and Visconti families and has a monopoly on Italian media and politics. Berlusconi founded the Forza political party in Italy named after the Sforzas. Some northern Italian nobles such as the Visconti, Borromeo, Este, Gonzaga, Valenti, D’Adda, and Passi di Preposulo families are closely related to billionaire families such as the Rothschilds, Agnellis, Benettons, Armanis, and Ferreros. The Sforza and Visconti families own the Seattle crime family with the Gaetani family as partial owners. The Seattle crime family controls billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos through blackmail. In 2017, Microsoft and Amazon employees were caught in a sex trafficking scandal.
The Colonna family owns the Knights of Columbus and also owns the Colombo crime family and partially owns the Chicago Outfit along with the Capponi and Roselli families of the Florence Turk. Al Capone was an agent of the House of Capponi and John Roselli was an agent of the Roselli del Turco family. Roselli also worked for the CIA. Colonna means column like Colombo and Colón. The Knights of Columbus infiltrate police departments and work with the Italian mafia. The Massimo and Gaetani families own and run the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family. The Massimo-Brancaccio family also owns and runs the Magliana or Roman Mafia and the Armed Revolutionary Nuclei, as well as the Graviano de Brancaccio crime family in Palermo, Sicily, which is part of the Corleonisi mafia clan. The Massimo family receives tribute from most of the Italian crime families and even from the Russian mafia and Eastern European mafias. The Massimo de Roccasecca family, who live in London, own the Clerkenwell crime syndicate, also known as the Adams Family or the London A-team and are part owners of the Irish Mafia, including the Rathkeale Rovers. The Borghese family is also the main owner of the Sicilian Mafia and the Mafia Magliana. The Lucchesi-Palli and Pallavicini families own the Lucchese crime family to which the Russian mafia in Brighton Beach pays tribute. The Pallavicini family owns the Armenian mafia that operates in Hollywood and works closely with the Kardashian family. The Romanovs are partial owners of the Russian mafia and have established several residences in the United States. The Giustiniani family oversee the Philadelphia Greek Mafia along with some Greek merchants. Royal and noble families finance organized crime. The Jewish Mafia reorganized into a white collar crime and worked with the black hand of the Italian Mafia. The head of the Jewish mafia in the United States is billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Leon Black is another one of the leading Jewish mobsters in New York. The Jewish Mafia participates in professional sports with white-collar mobsters such as Daniel Gilbert, Robert Kraft, Joshua Harris, Tom Werner, Jerry Reinsdorf, George Kaiser, Peter Guber, Joe Lacob, Mark Cuban, and Micky Arison. The European Union is based on the Treaty of Rome that was signed at the Capitol in Rome. The president of the European Central Bank is Mario Draghi, born in Rome and educated by the Jesuits at the Massimo Institute. Mario Draghi is an undercover relative of the Borghese and Del Drago families. The Erba-Odescalchi family with ancestry from Cernobbio, Italy, runs CERN with the Roman Fabiola Gianotti as CERN Director General that is used to generate pressure in the lower atmosphere in order to oppress society. CERN, HAARP, The Church of Scientology, Chemtrails and electronic devices are being used to covertly oppress society. The US military administers a HAARP electronic harassment system in Puerto Rico that is controlled from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is under the command of Captain David Culpepper. The CIA and the Italian Mafia have a large criminal operation in Cuba. The CIA and Cosa Nostra work closely to this day.
Islamic royal families were named after European royalty in the 19th and 20th centuries and especially after the First World War. Middle Eastern royalty run the oil industry and use their massive wealth to fund globalist agendas that allow them to rule their nations. The house of Saud is worth at least a billion. The House of Thani and the House of Al Khalifa work with the House of Saud and are also wealthy oil traders. Royals from the Middle East run the Muslim Brotherhood and the Five Percent and the Nation of Islam, which are violent mobs of cult and harassment. These organizations need to be investigated and banned. They also own an Arab mob that is based in New Jersey and Detroit. The royal family of Morocco are wealthy merchants and owners of the Abergil crime family of Israel and Morocco. The House of Bourbon and Spanish nobility such as the Osorio, Fitz James, Alvarez (Alba), Pignatelli, Arteaga, Borja, Zuniga, Ruspoli, and Aragon-Escobar families own the majority of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The Osorio and Borja families own MS-13. The Borgia and Borja families are also partial owners of the Mongels motorcycle gang. The Bourbons own the Gulf Cartel and the Lating Kings. The Ruspolis are partial owners of the Sinaloa Cartel and the Primeiro Comando da Capital in Sao Paulo, where their Matarazzo cousins ​​reside. The FitzJames and Alvarez families own the Los Zetas Cartel. The Álvarez and Osorio families also own the Bandidos motorcycle gang. The House of Bourbons are the founders and owners of Banco Santander. The King of Spain has the official right to the throne as King of Jerusalem.
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South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes

South Africa part 3: Cecil Rhodes
To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far. -- Cecil Rhodes, Last Will and Testament
This is the 3rd post in a series on South Africa and Apartheid and so far in the first two neither Apartheid nor South Africa even exists. But we are to the mid climax. In first part we discussed how our groups of players: Afrikaners, British, Xhosa, Zulu, minor tribes, other ethnicities got to what would become South Africa. In the second part we discussed how the Zulus and Xhosa knocked themselves out of the game leaving the British and Afrikaners as the main players standing for who got rule what would become South Africa. We also discussed how the British policy was non-viable. This part is going to discuss how the British changed course and consequently won control. We are also going to get to the genesis of the Western Left's hatred of the Afrikaners and the genesis of Apartheid, We'll end on the creation of the Union of South Africa which while not the Republic of South Africa will allow me to stop talking about "Southern Africa", "territory that will become South Africa".... But unfortunately you will have to sit through this one more post where South Africa doesn't exist yet.
Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 the sickly asthmatic 5th son of a not particularly notable clergyman. He'd remain sickly his entire life dying in 1902 at the age of 48 from the sorts of deterioration of the heart and lung one wouldn't expect to see until a man was at least well into their 90s. In that short span he would: become one of the richest men in the world; found several countries; change the entire economic structure of the territories that would become: South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe; found 2 major corporations: the British South Africa Company and De Beers; rethink British imperialism inventing what would become the British Commonwealth; becoming one of the defining figures and great visionaries of the Victorian Age; trigger the 2nd Boer War; demonstrate the strategy changing nature of the machine gun decades before World War 1; be the only genuinely important Prime Minister of the Cape Colony; invent the concept of corporate armies; play a large role in saving the South African wine industry and most importantly be the only individual getting his own post in this series. :) Rhodes was sent to South Africa at the age of 17 so that the British weather didn't kill him. Rather than doing the normal thing and spending the money (amounting to a decade or less of a comfortable middle class salary, but no great fortune) on living with some gambling and girls thrown in he decided to head to the newly discovered diamond mines in Kimberly and started buying up small diamond mining operations leveraging each mine's output and outside financing to buy the next. Later he partnered with leading financing and trading firms so by 1888 had what amounted to monopoly control of diamond industry turning De Beers into the diamond powerhouse it remains to this day though the last pieces wouldn't fall into place until 1890. He by the 1880s De Beers was throwing off enough excess profits that he could pay investors and continue expending De Beers while being able to found the predecessor to the British South Africa Company operating much further into the interior opening up Bechuanaland and Rhodesia as colonies using his own profits to fund the administrative expenses much as the East India Company had done a century earlier.
Rhodes believed that British policy wasn't viable because it was petty. A vibrant healthy economy throws off an enormous amount of tax revenue. Petty colonialism, like the kind the British were engaging in would never generate much profit because of its very short term nature. Britain should make money by investing in the local economy, spend some on upkeep, reinvesting most of the profits and just skim a little of a forever growing payout. What Britain had tried to do with the American colonies encouraging economic development was the right approach. The problem was London had been shortsighted and selfish turning the local administrators against them. The independence of the USA wasn't a strategic failure it was the result of poor tactical implementation. The problem the British were facing in Southern Africa was similar and since the policies had been similar the results would be as well. The Afrikaners had no reason to be loyal to a Britain which had spent almost a century making very clear that it had no interest in their welfare or society beyond some ports which were frankly not nearly so important since Suez had opened. Rhodes changed policy to have Britain stop acting like a colonizing power and start acting like the domestic government of South Africa as much as possible .Outlining his changes to colonial governing policy:
  • Colonial financing -- utilize profits from business ventures fund army. Rhodes' companies were good examples of this the British charter and the backing of British troops allowed him to make excess profits which allowed him to incur expenses which the previous skinflint administration could never have tolerated. For example British colonial bonds generated an average return of 4.7%. Investments in independent American bonds generated an average return of only 2.9%. The difference was not being taken into account when the Colonial Office calculated their return on investment which to Rhodes' mind was simply lousy accounting.
  • Long term investment -- In general rewire the metrics used at the London Colonial Office to focus on long term investment not short term profits.
  • Demographics -- The British were the world's first people. Physically populate as much of the world as possible. Assimilate other people's into the British way of life. In South Africa in particular he intended to win the hearts and minds of the Boer.
  • Stability -- The previous administration had focused on stability because instability created upheavals that increased administrative costs. For too long British colonial policy was to tolerate and coexist with local culture. To create a profitable economy agricultural efficiencies are going to need to be introduced. That means 90% of the natives are going to freed up to work in a manufacturing and processing workforce. It also means the agricultural tribal traditional culture is going to be completely destroyed. Instability not stability should be policy. Seek to replace local culture with British culture to enhance the potential for economic growth.
  • Glory to British not England -- English colonies exist for glory of England. British colonies self exist. England's glory is that is the Birthplace of the 1st people not how much of the world remains completely non-British while in some vague unimportant sense recognizing Victoria as their Queen.
  • Representation -- As long as colonial governments respond to a English democracy they will be unrepresentative of their people. Create a democratic institution which provides representation for all British people in a British Parliament. There should be an English parliament for England. Invite the United States to join this new institution. "Inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity" (NB: this is essentially the British Commonwealth, though of course the USA was not invited)
  • Devastating defeat of enemies -- Colonial policy was designed to solve conflict cheaply. Small military victories do not undermine the hostile's economy nor their society and thus don't accomplish much. They simply delay and prolonging the problem created by the enemy allowing the enemy to choose points in time to achieve advantage. Avoid costly wars certainly but when war is needed seek to inflict devastating defeat so the subject people realize their inferiority. This realization facilities undermining their institutions and thus during the peace their way of life easily becomes more British. Further a willingness to war like this makes challenging Britain very costly and risky for potential enemies and thus wars will be far less frequent. The financial people are correct that the aggregate cost of inflicting devastating defeats infrequently is higher than more frequent small wars but the benefits are far greater. War carried out towards devastating defeat becomes a form of investment not a pure non-productive expense.
  • Scope -- The British were far to unambitious in their aims. The goal of British colonialism should be "all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise". The scope was, "the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire"

map of Cecil Rhodes' proposed British Empire
You'll notice that all of Africa was in the map. Rhodes was of the opinion that Africa was incredibly rich in minerals and peoples. But it wasn't exploitable for profit because of a lack of transportation infrastructure. Rhodes was pushing to start fixing this by creating a full African north-south railway connecting "Cairo to the Cape". Rhodes' BSAC conquests were designed to drive north while he used his political influence to push the Egyptian conquest further south into Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and then a business similar to BSAC run by Sir William Mackinnon to push into Uganda.
For the northward push (primarily in what today is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana) Rhodes was directly implementing his policy using a private army funded from the British South Africa Company. The Ndebele and Shona (Zulu tribes) were handled easily by the devastating defeat principle. Rhodes' forces demonstrated how effectively Maxims (a primitive form of machine gun) and barbed wire worked against simple rifles, spears and long shields achieving kill ratios never before seen in the history of warfare. As an aside these battles against the Zulus would also be used by those military theorists and historians who correctly anticipated in the later 1890s through 1910s how devastating a war between the great powers would be using these weapons against each other. Rhodes through BSAC had managed to push north of Lake Mweru and to the Northern tip of Lake Nyasa. Which almost connected with Sudan were it not for German East Africa (Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania) in the middle. In theory an alternative route through the Belgian Congo would also work but the gold mines in Tanzania kept Rhodes focused on taking German East Africa. Further Rhodes met his match in ruthlessness when it came to the Belgians. When Rhodes' negotiating agent sought a development contract for mineral-rich Katanga (in Congo) the native ruler Msiri refused. King Leopold II of Belgium obtained the same concession by having his agent signing it to Belgium himself over Msiri's dead body in the name of the "Congo Free State".
At the same time Rhodes worked with the Colonial office and in 1890 British issued the "1890 British Ultimatum" to Portugal. This ultimatum by the British government forced the retreat of Portuguese military forces from areas which had been claimed by Portugal on the basis of historical discovery and recent exploration, but which the United Kingdom claimed on the basis of effective occupation. Portugal had attempted to claim a large area of land between its colonies of Mozambique and Angola including most of present-day Zimbabwe and Zambia and a large part of Malawi, which had been included in Portugal's "Rose-coloured Map". This ultimatum violated the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 which to that point had been the longest standing peace treaty in history.

Who owned what by the early 1900s
Take a look at the map above and imagine the British controlling the north-south line connecting to a British/Portuguese line running east-west in the south and a joint French/British/Italian line running east-west in the north. From there local government and companies could construct smaller feeder lines creating a modern rail system. Hopefully and you start to see how Rhodes intended to start developing the transpiration infrastructure needed to create a strong African economy.
All this was going to be for naught though if Southern Africa ended up as a Boer state hostile to British interests on the model ZAR (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic). So Rhodes decided to run for Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and solve the problems of British strategy explicated in part 2. The primary problem the Boer had with British government is their divide and conquer approach. The British tilted to whomever was losing (a standard British policy they would also follow in Palestine) which for decades meant treating the Boer and native Africans as both being subject peoples while favoring the native Africans against the Boer. In Rhodes mind you could not expect to get loyalty from people you were obvious disfavoring. The British were the ones turning the Boer into enemies.
So in 1892 Rhodes instituted the Franchise and Ballot Act. This was seen as a compromise between factions in the Colonial Office and the traditions in the Cape Colony for a broad democracy (anyone with £25 in property could vote) and Orange and ZAR's (Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, Transvaal Republic) more exclusive democracy. Rhodes raised the amount of property to £75, an amount specifically chosen to disempower many of the native Africans while allowing many Boers to vote. With a Boer and British based democracy locked in the Cape Colony's democratic powers could be strengthened, creating more self rule and making the involvement of the London Colonial Office less obvious. This concept of using a not explicitly racial criteria while instituting laws with racist intent is very modern.
Various Liberals in the London Colonial Office especially missionaries disagreed strongly with Rhode's policies. They had been the ones advocating for the enlightened colonialism that was British policy. Missionaries in particular saw their role as: combating godlessness, superstition and backwardness. In particular encourage better use of land; encourage paycheck work; become trusted advisor to tribal leaders. The slogan "Bring the 3Cs into Africa" referred to Commerce, Christianity and Civilization. To their mind Rhodes' vision of British Imperialism was straight up military tyranny. If followed he would make England no different than a modern day Genghis Khan, creating a empire loathed by a vast expanse of subject peoples who would unite against it from all directions. Instead interfering minimally and being seen as an ally while slowly educated the elite in British custom and religion would cause a gradual consensual change that would build British alliances that would last centuries. Plus such an approach would fulfill the Lord's Great Commission (term for Jesus' command to convert the entire world to Christianity) in a way that honored God rather than shamed him. One need only look at how the Spanish, Portuguese and Balkans had thrown off Islam after centuries to see how ineffective military tyranny was at long term conversions that didn't require force. So in their mind: No the London Office should stand by its traditional values of: monopoly companies and plantations run in (unequal) partnership with indigenous elite. free trade, free (and indeed forced) migration, infrastructural investment, balanced budgets, sound money, the rule of law and incorrupt administration. As far as their Boer, in their mind the Boer were the primary impediment to enlighten British rule in South Africa, being Christians they were obligated to agree with the missionaries on the vision of the White Man's Burden and Enlightened Empire. Rather than making concession to the Boer they needed to be crushed to demonstrate the moral difference between the Boer and the British. With Rhodes' change in policy tilting towards rather than away from the Boer the Western Left came to truly hate the Boer in 1890s. Since the point of this series is the analogy I'll add that I wrote two posts about more or less the same groups of Liberal Christians turning against Israel again having to do with Israeli/Jews discrediting Liberal Western values and thus interfering with the Great Commission: WCC churches and Quakers.
Rhodes in debates before and at the time considered this Liberal Empire stuff to be simply aspirational. Without economic interference there wasn't enough money to fund anything like what the Liberals proposed. He'd point to facts like that after a century of such rules in India they had increased the secondary schooling 7x to a whopping 2% while England with not nearly as many well funded missionary organizations was over 16%.
Rhodes hoped to unify all of Southern Africa around this compromise approach to the franchise. ZAR however rejected this compromise. By the mid 1990s approximately 1/3rd of their white population were British (Anglicans). ZAR had every intent of maintaining religious based voting criteria (i.e. citizenship in ZAR was only open to people who were members of several Dutch Reformed Churches, see part 2). Obviously for Rhodes a situation where British people were the disempowered minority was intolerable. Additionally the ZAR were maintaining an anti-Cape Colony / anti-British / anti-Rhodes trade policy. It was becoming increasingly clear there would need to be regime change. So in 1895 Rhodes organized an attempted coup d'état now called the "Jameson Raid" (yes the same Jameson who went on to be Prime Minister 1904-8 of the Cape Colony after the 2nd Boer War). The Afrikaners were more astute than natives had been caught wind of the early organization and waited until the forces were committed trapping hundreds of Rhode's people creating a great embarrassment.
Its at this point that the Boer made by far the greatest mistake of their history as a people. The 4 years between 1895-9 were when they made the choices that led to their ruin. The British were really embarrassed. A colonial governor who had a crown chartered corporation had been caught red handed engaging in a serious act of war against another sovereign state with no approval from Parliament. The Colonial Office admitted as much and forced Rhodes out of office in 1896. The Afrikaners had real negotiating leverage to work out a deal. It obviously would be extremely important that the next leader of the Cape be friendly. But they didn't decide to negotiate. Instead they started flirting with the Germans, while not actually signing a formal alliance with Germany that at least had the potential to provide them real protection. The flirtation however, turned a nasty incident into a serious threat to all British interests in Southern Africa forcing a British response. In Britain an alliance of Jingoists (populist military hawks) angry about the humiliation of 1st Boer War, Conservative Imperialists who wanted to end Boer independence especially in the ZAR (the 3 core values for Conservatives at the time were: Union with Ireland, the Empire and the superiority of the British race), Liberal Imperialists who supported Rhodes' vision and Missionaries who hated the Boer formed pushing for a war. Seeing this alliance form against them the Afrikaners did nothing to avert the danger. Rather they made a mistake many 2nd tier powers do when it comes to 1st tier powers. The Afrikaners confused the light force and weak will the 1st tier power is willing to spend on them with the amount of force the 1st tier power is capable of employing if it so chooses. Having beaten the British handily in the 1st Boer War when they were fighting the C-team (as I called in part 2) the Afrikaners grossly underestimated what they would face against a British army that had a political mandate for victory, what Britain's A-team would look like. Preparing for something slightly worse than the 1st Boer War the Boer began a serious arms buying program in 1897. ZAR also got more belligerent in their rhetoric which led to a formal alliance with the Orange State and Boer guerilla groups that could support the war effort in the Cape. The Boer had about 63k troops including some foreign troops. .
The British were determined not to lose the 2nd Boer War. This was going to be the British-A team. By the second phase of the war between British soldiers, soldiers from other colonies and local Africans providing auxiliary Boer were facing a 500-600k man army. Nor was the command third or even second rate as it had been in the 1st Boer War. For example, the top military command would be Herbert Kitchener who was fresh from the victorious Anglo-Egyptian invasion of Sudan. Kitchener after the 2nd Boer War would go on to be the Commander-in-Chief for the armies in India and a decade after that the UK's Secretary of State for War during World War 1. He's this guy:

Kitchener famous 1914 recruiting poster
The cost to maintain that army would be £60m / year far more than Britain could ever pull out of Southern Africa (GDP and inflation adjusted the Boer War would cost the UK about $250b). The first phase of the war was a Boer offensive while the British were still deploying troops in October–December 1899. Once the British were done they conquered all pockets of resistance in the Cape and Orange as well as essentially the entire ZAR territory January to September 1900. The Afrikaners decided to fight when surrender was the better option. Leading to a guerrilla war between September 1900 and May 1902.
The British simply could not afford to keep an army of that size in the field for years dealing with guerilla tactics until the Boer admitted they were beat. Facing time pressure the British felt they had no choice but to come down hard. The British cut the guerilla war short by instituting a scorched earth policy against areas giving support to guerillas in the ZAR (most of the ZAR). ZAR men were mostly in the militias. Scorched earth destroyed the food supply in the ZAR so the British threw the women and children in concentration camps. The army hadn't prepped for needing to support massive numbers of civilians so malnutrition and disease were rampant in the concentration camps. This disease and malnutrition resulting in a camp death rate of approximately 30% annually. A policy amounting to genocide. Pro Boer forces in the UK generated widespread opposition to the camps so the military response was to not confine woman and children and instead leave civilians on the now barren earth to die of starvation and exposure. Actual POWs were deported to Bermuda and India preventing the Boer from standing any chance of liberating them. African tribes that had lost territory to the Boer began moving in. While both sides had agreed not to arm natives or recruit tribes. But the British weren't going to fight for the Boer if tribes decided to take advantage of their defeat. The Boer were quickly losing everything they were fighting for: freedom, their lands, their family, the self dependence and surrendered rather than have their population geocoded to oblivion, being left with no economy and whatever lands they managed to hold being assaulted on all sides by natives who would take it from them.
The Boer society that emerged from the surrender did not have separatist attitude. Destitute Boers now willing to work in the minds and alongside black Africans swelled the ranks of the unskilled urban poor competing with the "uitlanders" in the mines. The new economy was unambiguously focused on gold causing mine production to swell enriching the British interests. The Afrikaners were both physically and psychologically crushed, and wouldn't be causing any more problems for decades.
In the UK the war came to be seen as excessive especially as the financial cost of the war sunk in. The Conservatives' suffered a spectacular defeat in 1906 driving the Conservative Prime Minister at the time (12 July 1902 – 4 December 1905) Arthur Balfour from office. He comes up rather regularly on this sub in his later role as Foreign Minister. As the Boer are no longer resisting the British Empire the shift towards more pro-Boer policies from England continues. In 1909 the British Parliament dissolves the British colonies of: Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Orange River Colony, and Transvaal and combines them into a Federal Union of South Africa. This makes South Africa into a Dominion (essentially Australia's status at the time). Jan Smuts (an Afrikaner) resurrects Rhodes' idea of a Common Wealth and the British embrace it.
And so we conclude part 3 our story of how the British eventually won and South Africa came to exist. How the Western Left started to hate the Boer, a hatred they would resurrect later. And how the first steps towards apartheid were taken. Whew that was longer than I intended!

submitted by JeffB1517 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]


Story Time: Silver short squeeze

How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

TL:DR: yes its long. Grab a beer.

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market.
Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.
Whatever the motive, it was a bet that went historically sour. The debt-fueled boom and bust of the global silver market not only decimated the Hunt fortune, but threatened to take down the U.S. financial system.
The panic of “Silver Thursday” took place over 35 years ago, but it still raises questions about the nature of financial manipulation. While many view the Hunt brothers as members of a long succession of white collar crooks, from Charles Ponzi to Bernie Madoff, others see the endearingly eccentric Texans as the victims of overstepping regulators and vindictive insiders who couldn’t stand the thought of being played by a couple of southern yokels.
In either case, the story of the Hunt brothers just goes to show how difficult it can be to distinguish illegal market manipulation from the old fashioned wheeling and dealing that make our markets work.
The Real-Life Ewings
Whatever their foibles, the Hunts make for an interesting cast of characters. Evidently CBS thought so; the family is rumored to be the basis for the Ewings, the fictional Texas oil dynasty of Dallas fame.
Sitting at the top of the family tree was H.L. Hunt, a man who allegedly purchased his first oil field with poker winnings and made a fortune drilling in east Texas. H.L. was a well-known oddball to boot, and his sons inherited many of their father’s quirks.
For one, there was the stinginess. Despite being the richest man on earth in the 1960s, Bunker Hunt (who went by his middle name), along with his younger brothers Herbert (first name William) and Lamar, cultivated an image as unpretentious good old boys. They drove old Cadillacs, flew coach, and when they eventually went to trial in New York City in 1988, they took the subway. As one Texas editor was quoted in the New York Times, Bunker Hunt was “the kind of guy who orders chicken-fried steak and Jello-O, spills some on his tie, and then goes out and buys all the silver in the world.”
Cheap suits aside, the Hunts were not without their ostentation. At the end of the 1970s, Bunker boasted a stable of over 500 horses and his little brother Lamar owned the Kansas City Chiefs. All six children of H.L.’s first marriage (the patriarch of the Hunt family had fifteen children by three women before he died in 1974) lived on estates befitting the scions of a Texas billionaire. These lifestyles were financed by trusts, but also risky investments in oil, real estate, and a host of commodities including sugar beets, soybeans, and, before long, silver.
The Hunt brothers also inherited their father’s political inclinations. A zealous anti-Communist, Bunker Hunt bankrolled conservative causes and was a prominent member of the John Birch Society, a group whose founder once speculated that Dwight Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent” of Soviet conspiracy. In November of 1963, Hunt sponsored a particularly ill-timed political campaign, which distributed pamphlets around Dallas condemning President Kennedy for alleged slights against the Constitution on the day that he was assassinated. JFK conspiracy theorists have been obsessed with Hunt ever since.
In fact, it was the Hunt brand of politics that partially explains what led Bunker and Herbert to start buying silver in 1973.
Hard Money
The 1970s were not kind to the U.S. dollar.
Years of wartime spending and unresponsive monetary policy pushed inflation upward throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. Then, in October of 1973, war broke out in the Middle East and an oil embargo was declared against the United States. Inflation jumped above 10%. It would stay high throughout the decade, peaking in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution at an annual average of 13.5% in 1980.
Over the same period of time, the global monetary system underwent a historic transformation. Since the first Roosevelt administration, the U.S. dollar had been pegged to the value of gold at a predictable rate of $35 per ounce. But in 1971, President Nixon, responding to inflationary pressures, suspended that relationship. For the first time in modern history, the paper dollar did not represent some fixed amount of tangible, precious metal sitting in a vault somewhere.
For conservative commodity traders like the Hunts, who blamed government spending for inflation and held grave reservations about the viability of fiat currency, the perceived stability of precious metal offered a financial safe harbor. It was illegal to trade gold in the early 1970s, so the Hunts turned to the next best thing.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; chart by Priceonomics
As an investment, there was a lot to like about silver. The Hunts were not alone in fleeing to bullion amid all the inflation and geopolitical turbulence, so the price was ticking up. Plus, light-sensitive silver halide is a key component of photographic film. With the growth of the consumer photography market, new production from mines struggled to keep up with demand.
And so, in 1973, Bunker and Herbert bought over 35 million ounces of silver, most of which they flew to Switzerland in specifically designed airplanes guarded by armed Texas ranch hands. According to one source, the Hunt’s purchases were big enough to move the global market.
But silver was not the Hunts' only speculative venture in the 1970s. Nor was it the only one that got them into trouble with regulators.
Soy Before Silver
In 1977, the price of soybeans was rising fast. Trade restrictions on Brazil and growing demand from China made the legume a hot commodity, and both Bunker and Herbert decided to enter the futures market in April of that year.
A future is an agreement to buy or sell some quantity of a commodity at an agreed upon price at a later date. If someone contracts to buy soybeans in the future (they are said to take the “long” position), they will benefit if the price of soybeans rise, since they have locked in the lower price ahead of time. Likewise, if someone contracts to sell (that’s called the “short” position), they benefit if the price falls, since they have locked in the old, higher price.
While futures contracts can be used by soybean farmers and soy milk producers to guard against price swings, most futures are traded by people who wouldn’t necessarily know tofu from cream cheese. As a de facto insurance contract against market volatility, futures can be used to hedge other investments or simply to gamble on prices going up (by going long) or down (by going short).
When the Hunts decided to go long in the soybean futures market, they went very, very long. Between Bunker, Herbert, and the accounts of five of their children, the Hunts collectively purchased the right to buy one-third of the entire autumn soybean harvest of the United States.
To some, it appeared as if the Hunts were attempting to corner the soybean market.
In its simplest version, a corner occurs when someone buys up all (or at least, most) of the available quantity of a commodity. This creates an artificial shortage, which drives up the price, and allows the market manipulator to sell some of his stockpile at a higher profit.
Futures markets introduce some additional complexity to the cornerer’s scheme. Recall that when a trader takes a short position on a contract, he or she is pledging to sell a certain amount of product to the holder of the long position. But if the holder of the long position just so happens to be sitting on all the readily available supply of the commodity under contract, the short seller faces an unenviable choice: go scrounge up some of the very scarce product in order to “make delivery” or just pay the cornerer a hefty premium and nullify the deal entirely.
In this case, the cornerer is actually counting on the shorts to do the latter, says Craig Pirrong, professor of finance at the University of Houston. If too many short sellers find that it actually costs less to deliver the product, the market manipulator will be stuck with warehouses full of inventory. Finance experts refer to selling the all the excess supply after building a corner as “burying the corpse.”
“That is when the price collapses,” explains Pirrong. “But if the number of deliveries isn’t too high, the loss from selling at the low price after the corner is smaller than the profit from selling contracts at the high price.”
The Chicago Board of Trade trading floor. Photo credit: Jeremy Kemp
Even so, when the Commodity Futures Trading Commission found that a single family from Texas had contracted to buy a sizable portion of the 1977 soybean crop, they did not accuse the Hunts of outright market manipulation. Instead, noting that the Hunts had exceeded the 3 million bushel aggregate limit on soybean holdings by about 20 million, the CFTC noted that the Hunt’s “excessive holdings threaten disruption of the market and could cause serious injury to the American public.” The CFTC ordered the Hunts to sell and to pay a penalty of $500,000.
Though the Hunts made tens of millions of dollars on paper while soybean prices skyrocketed, it’s unclear whether they were able to cash out before the regulatory intervention. In any case, the Hunts were none too pleased with the decision.
“Apparently the CFTC is trying to repeal the law of supply and demand,” Bunker complained to the press.
Silver Thursday
Despite the run in with regulators, the Hunts were not dissuaded. Bunker and Herbert had eased up on silver after their initial big buy in 1973, but in the fall of 1979, they were back with a vengeance. By the end of the year, Bunker and Herbert owned 21 million ounces of physical silver each. They had even larger positions in the silver futures market: Bunker was long on 45 million ounces, while Herbert held contracts for 20 million. Their little brother Lamar also had a more “modest” position.
By the new year, with every dollar increase in the price of silver, the Hunts were making $100 million on paper. But unlike most investors, when their profitable futures contracts expired, they took delivery. As in 1973, they arranged to have the metal flown to Switzerland. Intentional or not, this helped create a shortage of the metal for industrial supply.
Naturally, the industrialists were unhappy. From a spot price of around $6 per ounce in early 1979, the price of silver shot up to $50.42 in January of 1980. In the same week, silver futures contracts were trading at $46.80. Film companies like Kodak saw costs go through the roof, while the British film producer, Ilford, was forced to lay off workers. Traditional bullion dealers, caught in a squeeze, cried foul to the commodity exchanges, and the New York jewelry house Tiffany & Co. took out a full page ad in the New York Times slamming the “unconscionable” Hunt brothers. They were right to single out the Hunts; in mid-January, they controlled 69% of all the silver futures contracts on the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) in New York.
Source: New York Times
But as the high prices persisted, new silver began to come out of the woodwork.
“In the U.S., people rifled their dresser drawers and sofa cushions to find dimes and quarters with silver content and had them melted down,” says Pirrong, from the University of Houston. “Silver is a classic part of a bride’s trousseau in India, and when prices got high, women sold silver out of their trousseaus.”
According to a Washington Post article published that March, the D.C. police warned residents of a rash of home burglaries targeting silver.
Unfortunately for the Hunts, all this new supply had a predictable effect. Rather than close out their contracts, short sellers suddenly found it was easier to get their hands on new supplies of silver and deliver.
“The main factor that has caused corners to fail [throughout history] is that the manipulator has underestimated how much will be delivered to him if he succeeds [at] raising the price to artificial levels,” says Pirrong. “Eventually, the Hunts ran out of money to pay for all the silver that was thrown at them.”
In financial terms, the brothers had a large corpse on their hands—and no way to bury it.
This proved to be an especially big problem, because it wasn’t just the Hunt fortune that was on the line. Of the $6.6 billion worth of silver the Hunts held at the top of the market, the brothers had “only” spent a little over $1 billion of their own money. The rest was borrowed from over 20 banks and brokerage houses.
At the same time, COMEX decided to crack down. On January 7, 1980, the exchange’s board of governors announced that it would cap the size of silver futures exposure to 3 million ounces. Those in excess of the cap (say, by the tens of millions) were given until the following month to bring themselves into compliance. But that was too long for the Chicago Board of Trade exchange, which suspended the issue of any new silver futures on January 21. Silver futures traders would only be allowed to square up old contracts.
Predictably, silver prices began to slide. As the various banks and other firms that had backed the Hunt bullion binge began to recognize the tenuousness of their financial position, they issued margin calls, asking the brothers to put up more money as collateral for their debts. The Hunts, unable to sell silver lest they trigger a panic, borrowed even more. By early March, futures contracts had fallen to the mid-$30 range.
Matters finally came to a head on March 25, when one of the Hunts’ largest backers, the Bache Group, asked for $100 million more in collateral. The brothers were out of cash, and Bache was unwilling to accept silver in its place, as it had been doing throughout the month. With the Hunts in default, Bache did the only thing it could to start recouping its losses: it start to unload silver.
On March 27, “Silver Thursday,” the silver futures market dropped by a third to $10.80. Just two months earlier, these contracts had been trading at four times that amount.
The Aftermath
After the oil bust of the early 1980s and a series of lawsuits polished off the remainder of the Hunt brothers’ once historic fortune, the two declared bankruptcy in 1988. Bunker, who had been worth an estimated $16 billion in the 1960s, emerged with under $10 million to his name. That’s not exactly chump change, but it wasn’t enough to maintain his 500-plus stable of horses,.
The Hunts almost dragged their lenders into bankruptcy too—and with them, a sizable chunk of the U.S. financial system. Over twenty financial institutions had extended over a billion dollars in credit to the Hunt brothers. The default and resulting collapse of silver prices blew holes in balance sheets across Wall Street. A privately orchestrated bailout loan from a number of banks allowed the brothers to start paying off their debts and keep their creditors afloat, but the markets and regulators were rattled.
Silver Spot Prices Per Ounce (January, 1979 - June, 1980)
Source: Trading Economics
In the words of then CFTC chief James Stone, the Hunts’ antics had threatened to punch a hole in the “financial fabric of the United States” like nothing had in decades. Writing about the entire episode a year later, Harper’s Magazine described Silver Thursday as “the first great panic since October 1929.”
The trouble was not over for the Hunts. In the following years, the brothers were dragged before Congressional hearings, got into a legal spat with their lenders, and were sued by a Peruvian mineral marketing company, which had suffered big losses in the crash. In 1988, a New York City jury found for the South American firm, levying a penalty of over $130 million against the Hunts and finding that they had deliberately conspired to corner the silver market.
Surprisingly, there is still some disagreement on that point.
Bunker Hunt attributed the whole affair to the political motives of COMEX insiders and regulators. Referring to himself later as “a favorite whipping boy” of an eastern financial establishment riddled with liberals and socialists, Bunker and his brother, Herbert, are still perceived as martyrs by some on the far-right.
“Political and financial insiders repeatedly changed the rules of the game,” wrote the New American. “There is little evidence to support the ‘corner the market’ narrative.”
Though the Hunt brothers clearly amassed a staggering amount of silver and silver derivatives at the end of the 1970s, it is impossible to prove definitively that market manipulation was in their hearts. Maybe, as the Hunts always claimed, they just really believed in the enduring value of silver.
Or maybe, as others have noted, the Hunt brothers had no idea what they were doing. Call it the stupidity defense.
“They’re terribly unsophisticated,” an anonymous associated was quoted as saying of the Hunts in a Chicago Tribune article from 1989. “They make all the mistakes most other people make,” said another.
p.s. credit to Ben Christopher
submitted by ivanbayoukhi to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

Running a Cult is Not a Federal Crime

Neither is participating in a cult-like multi-level marketing scheme like NXIVM/ESP. Not by itself, anyway.
I belabor this point, because there is a lot of discussion on this sub to the effect that various NXers, including whistleblowers Sarah Edmondson, Anthony Ames, Mark Vicente, Bonnie Pliesse, and others such as India Oxenberg, are “guilty” and should go to jail, or otherwise suffer criminal or civil consequences for their participation in NXIVM/ESP. Questions are asked, why were they not also criminally charged along with Raniere or the other named defendants. A lot of that discussion is intertwined with moral judgments about their conduct.
So what, exactly, was Keith Raniere convicted of and given 120 years for? He was not charged with, or convicted of, founding or running NXIVM/ESP. It is not a crime to offer self-help seminars that many people think are useless, or to pay people to run such seminars and sell them to others for you. It is not a crime to convince people that you are brilliant and that they should hang on your every word and dedicate their lives to your teachings, while you are actually a malicious, nerdy jerk.
Raniere and his codefendants were charged under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO Act). The controversial Act was enacted in 1970, and was originally targeted at “organized crime” groups such as the Mafia, but its language has broad applicability. The purpose of the Act was to make it easier for prosecutors to obtain convictions where multiple crimes were being committed by an organized group, rather than targeting individual criminals in prosecutions conducted one at a time.
Generally, under the Act the prosecutor must show that there is a criminal enterprise, and that certain specific crimes (predicate acts) have been committed by members of the enterprise. Predicate acts are more serious crimes and include violations of either state or federal statutes prohibiting, among other things, gambling, murder, kidnapping, extortion, robbery, bribery, obscenity, drug dealing, slavery, money laundering, bankruptcy or securities fraud, criminal copyright infringement, certain acts involving immigration fraud, certain labor violations, and acts of terrorism.
In the Raniere et al. prosecution, the alleged criminal enterprise was not NXIM/ESP, although the operation of NXIVM/ESP and its related organizations was an important part of the context in which the charged offenses occurred. Rather, the indictment alleged that the relevant organized criminal enterprise was Keith Raniere and his “inner circle,” specifically, Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack, and Kathy Russell. (Because Nancy Salzman had pleaded out, she was not a named individual in the Second Superseding indictment although she was named as part of the inner circle in earlier indictments.)
Here are the predicate acts as alleged in the Second Superseding Indictment.pdf) (greatly simplified). The point of enumerating them is to demonstrate that the alleged criminal acts did not pertain to running NXIVM/ESP as an organization, insofar as its ordinary and externally obvious activities were concerned, e.g., recruiting members, providing seminars, etc. A corollary point is that you may notice that these were what I refer to as “silo” offenses, by which I mean, they were able to take place with a very small number of people being aware of them. And apparently, even some in the “inner circle” were not aware of all of these acts, e.g., it is not clear whether Nancy Salzman was aware of DOS. More information may come to light showing that she did, but I think the current state of play is that she did not.
Count Two of the indictment enumerates these specific predicate acts as follows (with apologies for my simplification):
Various of these acts are then repeated as specific counts in the indictment for technical reasons that I will not go into.
With respect to Nancy Salzman, in the first Superseding Indictment, she was charged with ID theft of Loperfido and Edgar Bronfman, and with the submission of the altered videotape in the Rick Ross litigation. So far as I recall, she is not mentioned specifically with respect to any of the other predicate acts.
Without having access to all of the trial transcripts, it is not possible to easily reference the specific trial testimony as to each of these offenses and specifically how they were shown to have occurred and who, specifically, was involved in them in addition to Raniere. (I pray that some Benevolent Transcript Fairy will pay to download and share all the remaining trials days.) However, it is possible to get the gist of how these bare allegations were fleshed out by referencing the Government’s sentencing memorandum; Raniere’s sentencing memorandum (corrected); and the Judge’s sentencing memorandum.
You can get an even deeper and more technical dive into the specifics of the allegations against Raniere by reading the Judge’s instructions to the jury. You will have to skip over a lot of boilerplate instructions about reasonable doubt, etc. I think the charge relative to the specifics of the predicate offenses starts at page 52.
So, you may think that Raniere was “guilty” for having founded and run NXIVM/ESP but that is not what he was charged with or convicted of, nor is it likely that that alone could have sustained a federal indictment.
Mark Vicente could have been criminally charged for obstruction of justice, but he received immunity as a cooperating witness. Reading the indictment on its face, it does not appear that he was involved in any of the other predicate acts alleged in the indictment. India Oxenberg might also have been exposed to being charged similarly to Allison Mack regarding her conduct in DOS, but she also became a cooperating witness and received immunity. And similarly to Mark Vicente, it does not appear that she was involved in any of the other predicate acts alleged in the indictment.
To my knowledge so far, I don’t see any indication that Sarah Edmondson, Anthony Ames, or Bonnie Pliesse were implicated in any of the predicate acts alleged in the indictment. Of course, there’s a lot more to learn about NXIVM/ESP, and the pending sentencing proceedings for Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack, Kathy Russell may provide additional information. And there could be more indictments coming, but my own guess is that additional items will involve or target people other than those named in this paragraph.
Happy reading! :-)
submitted by MinnieMaas to theNXIVMcase [link] [comments]

Cheaters (Always) Prosper: Covenants in the Time of Corona

Hello, friends -
It's me, Fuzzy. Another beautiful day begins in the neighborhood, and what better place to spend it than here, with you poop-flinging retards? I feel like Jane Goodall out here amongst you - a mixture of curiosity, repulsion, and a strange... attraction I can't quite shake that's keeping me around. Side note: she 100% clapped chimp cheeks, right? Boned bonobos? I mean, Fuzzy wouldn't say no to a game of hide the banana with her - if you watch those old specials on the National Geographic Channel (a fixture of Casa de Fuzzy late-night programming) you'll see she's got a body that makes you want to climb it like an orangutan - but facts only, she definitely got misty with a gorilla or two in her day. Or was that Diane Fossey? Either way, with apologies to u/pokimane, I'd definitely hit that. (PS - welcome back Gary Larson!)
Anyway, this post is a bit inside baseball, but it's my party and I'll do what I want. Today I am going to give you guys a lesson on one of the under-the-radar impacts that the pandemic-du-pangolin has had on the debt markets. Long-time readers know that I'm always banging on about the impact of the covenant-creep of high-yield style structures into traditional bank financings. It's a fact of life in 2020 that the docs governing most bank debt are a lot looser than they used to be (and it was that way before the virus, too), but unscrupulous borrowers and shitty bank lawyers asleep at the wheel during the pandemic have made it worse. The specter of the money-printer looms large, too - with the implicit support of a government hell-bent on keeping the money markets afloat with synthetic liquidity, people just have more appetite for risk in negotiations than they had 18 months ago (from a documentation standpoint). Anyway, one of the big ticket items on the agenda has been the rebirth of the so-called 'J. Crew' issue - the ability of companies to send valuable shit out of the credit when things start going sideways, so the lenders can't get at them in an enforcement scenario. This can have a major impact on the creditworthiness and overall value of a corporate group and I've spent the last week having a major fight about it with a few idiots on the other side of a deal, so I figured why not take a break from clowning them and clue you guys in to what it is and why it matters.
It's been a while, so a reminder for the new readers and slow learners in the audience. I will answer any legitimate question I get asked about the post, no matter how stupid (as long as it is sincere or at least funny). Sometimes it takes me a couple of days but I get around to everybody eventually. I do this because getting flamed by someone who knows what they're talking about is the only way to learn - it's how I learned, and it works. But remember - I don't give advice for free. So please don't ask me what to buy (long $POPCORN), if your 95% OTM option is fucked (it is) or for a strike/exp (TSLA $6940C 4/20/21) because I'll just have to repeat that in the comments and you'll look like a big dummy.
OK. Got it? Good. Here is what you are about to read:
  1. Subs Aren't Just For Doms: Why Corporate Groups Are More Than Just A Ticker
  2. Investment Covenants: How Companies Spend Their Tendies
  3. J Crew And You: Exploiting Loopholes For Fun And Profit
If you are interested in playing along at home, here is J. Crew's credit agreement as it then existed, and here is a copy of the relevant court filings.
TL;DR? Fuck you. I am large. I contain multitudes. If you can't handle that, that's on you. Bitch about it to your body-pillow. I just don't give a shit.
Let's do this.
  1. Subs Aren't Just For Doms: Why A Corporation Is More Than Just A Ticker
A long, long time ago on a tweedy, tea-soaked rock in the North Atlantic, some smart young autists with terrible teeth and a colonialism problem decided it would be a fun idea to YOLO their life savings into speculative investments involving the rape and/or pillage of various locations in the South Pacific and Asia. Unfortunately for them, at this time, you could only do this by either (i) commandeering a ship, sailing there, and raping and pillaging to your heart's delight or (ii) asking the monarch for a permission slip to let you do this without being personally liable for the consequences. Fortunately for these hungry young retards, the great and glorious Queen Libby I (she of the clown hair and white face paint) loved this idea. So she created 'chartered corporations' to facilitate these little excursions. See, back in the day, you needed her permission to make a corp. Anyway, 100 years, several hundred million pounds of profit and millions of dead Indians later, the idea had been so successful that the OG East India Companies formed by those retards were worth nearly a trillion dollars of today's money, and everybody else wanted to get in on the idea - so they did away with royal charters and the rest of the world quickly cottoned on to the idea that separating investors from the actions of the companies they bought into was a cool idea. Thus was born the doctrine of the separate legal entity and modern corporations law.
Forward-thinking legal eagles like yours truly then figured out that if it was cool to have one corporation separating investors from actions (and, therefore, liability), it would be even cooler to layer several corporations between them, making it harder to (i) see who actually owned the company and (ii) to take their shit if anything went wrong. So was born the concept of the modern 'corporate group' - companies that created their own subsidiaries, in which they owned 100% of the issued equity, who then created their own subsidiaries, in which they owned 100% of the issued equity, and so on down the ladder. All the profits can be sent straight up - but the liability (generally) stops at the immediate level of the actor. Awesome, right? Having cake and eating it too - if cake disgorged profits instead of carbs.
In 2020, pretty much every company that's not a Mom & Pop dry cleaning business works this way. Investors on top, 'name' company nearby (either directly underneath or with holding vehicles in-between, and lots and lots of subsidiaries sitting below the name. There are a bunch of tax reasons to structure this way but the liability shield and diversification of revenue streams is generally the key structural consideration.
So what happens when the name brand company wants to borrow money? Remember from our previous lessons that how much money you can borrow is directly related to the sort of security you can provide to the lenders - "Look, I can give you this much dollar value in assets as collateral, and prove to you that my corporate group makes this much money over the course of a year". Some back office nerds at the bank crunch the numbers (like EBITDA - check out my primer here), and the computers spit out a number that the business guys fight about and ultimately gets settled, and hey presto, you've got a brand spanking new billion dollar term loan. Easy so far, right?
Here's where it gets a little tricky. Not every subsidiary is treated the same way in calculating these numbers - because not every subsidiary is necessarily included in the credit support as a guarantor, pledgor, whatever you want to call them. Some get excluded because they're offshore and including them would have adverse tax consequences. Some get excluded because they have complicated ownership structures. Some get excluded because they're just not doing anything - shell corporations parked at some PO box in the Caribbean waiting for a purpose don't have much to contribute to the revenue calcs of the broader group. The distinction here is between what we call 'Restricted Subsidiaries' - companies who are subject to the various rules and regulations of the credit docs (e.g., can't buy shit, can't borrow shit, can't spend money) - and 'Unrestricted Subsidiaries' - companies who can do whatever they want because they're 'outside' of the credit, even though they're owned by companies who are inside the credit. The borrower can typically designate (and re-designate) subsidiaries as 'Restricted' or 'Unrestricted' by jumping through a few hoops - most commonly showing that an unrestricted subsidiary being designated restricted would otherwise be in compliance with the debt and liens covenants applicable to restricted subsidiaries. You might want to do this for a variety of reasons but normally its because sometimes there are rules about how you can move shit around inside your credit group; typically you can only move money and assets to companies that are subject to the rules the banks have agreed to ahead of time (not those sneaky unrestricted subs sitting off there away from where the banks can get at them). You can check out the definitions in the J. Crew credit agreement by ctrl+fing "Restricted Subsidiary" or "Unrestricted Subsidiary".
Anyway, the punchline is that when you look at, say, $TSLA, there's a lot more under the hood than a ticker, a substandard engine and snuff pics of Elon getting pegged by Grimes. You're actually talking about hundreds of subs spread across a wide range of jurisdictions - the ticker is just the tip of the corporate iceberg.
  1. Investment Covenants: How Companies Spend Their Tendies
As you may know from my previous posts, credit agreements have a lot of rules. They mainly dictate what the borrower and guarantors can and can't do - can't change shit about the company except for shit that doesn't matter, can't sell your shit without telling the banks except for shit that's really cheap, can't buy stuff except for stuff you need, etc. The big one for our purposes is called the Investments covenant.
I know, I know. It's a word you recognize. Hooray! But slow down, little autist. In credit agreement land, 'Investment' doesn't mean 'investment'. It means whatever the definition in the document says it means. It's not what you use Robinhood for. Here, it means any 'loan, advance, or capital contribution to... another person'. If you want the unfiltered version, ctrl+f "Investment" in the J Crew credit agreement to see what I'm talking about. This formulation is broad enough that you can read it to encompass pretty much any transfer of assets you can think of to a subsidiary, so this little doohickey is how companies move money and other shit around their corporate group. Typically, you get a dedicated 'basket' in the negative covenants that allows you to make 'Investments' in subsidiaries up to a certain dollar figure.
  1. J Crew And You: Exploiting Loopholes For Fun And Profit
So, in 2016, J. Crew was in bad shape. The company was at risk of going under. It was subject to a pretty strict credit agreement that severely limited its ability to incur new debt or repurpose its existing debt. The board was stressed that the company would default under the credit agreement and the lenders would come in and take their shit, limiting the ability of the company to bounce back after filing for bankruptcy. So, they decided to take a very risky gamble - what if they could manage to get the most valuable collateral out of the reach of the lenders? If shit gets moved out of a corporate group, generally there is a trigger that releases whatever liens the lenders have on it, so if they could pull it off, they would be home free.
Remember, credit agreements are expressly designed to prevent you from doing this. Why would I lend you a billion dollars on the back of certain collateral if I knew there was a risk you could throw that shit out the window the minute I signed on the dotted line? So this was a ballsy move. Banks would be pissed. Here's how it went down.
The most valuable shit that J. Crew owned was not, surprisingly, shitty chinos and ill-fitting polo shirts. It was intellectual property. So that was what they needed to move. Section 7.02(t) of the credit agreement allowed investments by non-loan party restricted subsidiaries in any other person (including in an unrestricted subsidiary) if the investment was initially “financed with the proceeds” of certain other permitted Investments. Here, these other permitted investments included the intercompany basket that allowed investments by loan parties in non-loan party restricted subsidiaries up to the greater of $150 million and 4% of total assets. In English, this meant that J. Crew could send shit out the door untouched by routing it through another restricted sub before posting it to the unrestricted subsidiary - 'laundering' the IP. All it had to do was transfer the value of the IP to a non-guarantor restricted subsidiary prior to moving the IP to an unrestricted subsidiary and it had capacity to move collateral out of the group (up to the limit of the applicable basket). Now, this was not how things were intended to work - it was a loophole, and the smarties on the borrower side both spotted it and had the stones to try and drive $500 million worth of IP through it. Hats off to them.
Still with me? This was a big problem for the J Crew lenders. And they kicked up a huge stink. So J Crew turned it up a notch and filed for a declatory judgment that what they did was legal. Ultimately the case was settled out of court and the credit agreement was amended to allow the transaction retroactively... which basically was the lenders admitting that J. Crew was right in their interpretations of the documents. So. The market quickly pivoted to prevent this happening by putting a hard cap on how much value could be transferred out of the credit to unrestricted subsidiaries - often called the 'J. Crew blocker'. This is in most credit agreements signed between 2016 and 2019.
The bat-flu, though, has encouraged borrowers to start fighting this - as distressed issuers look for ways to address their liquidity concerns and/or reorganized and optimize their capital structures. By my count there are at least five instances in the last three months of either proposed or consummated J. Crew moves. L Brands, Cirque du Soleil, DSG, Maclaren, and GAP are all on my personal shit list for this, but there are more in the pipeline.
The impact of pulling a J Crew on the value of the equity can be significant, as it is essentially (i) showing the market that you think the name brand of the equity is in financial difficulties (ii) moving value out of the core brands and (iii) damaging the creditworthiness of the business in the eyes of the market.
Anyway. Here ends the lesson. This is something that is being actively negotiated across the market as many companies adjust to the new normal of precarious relationships with their financiers. Whether or not the market goes up or down is increasingly divorced from the true financial position of companies, but debt never lies and is - as my long time readers know - the best way to understanding the 'real' health of a company and how it is positioning itself for the future.
Bless up.
submitted by fuzzyblankeet to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Cut and legacy content -- a list of all cut content I could currently find in the files (It's a lot)

I decided to compile a list of all the cut content, future content, or legacy content I've found in the files. I say all three because we have no way to know what exactly of this is going to be in. Even if a feature is confirmed in, this code could be deleted and started from scratch. Others almost certainly seem in, like certain factions TW decided would be too complicated to add.
I have categorized them into the type of content it pertains to as best as I could, and also tried to reference which files you can find these if you care to look. This list is not at all definitive, and is only from a surface look at the game's XML files, the deeper C# code and graphics files likely have a lot more that's not in here, and there's certainly going to be some things I've missed.
This was almost six hours of work and took me till 5 AM, so I hope you all like it! There's deff some stuff I missed, but I think this is a pretty interesting list and might shine some light on the future developments to come and what we may have lost. I had to cut the post in half in order to fit it all, so please check out the Voices section and the Misc section here
Part 1:
  1. WOMEN CAN JOIN THE SENATE (YES for Rhagaea, NO for Lucon, YES for Gario)
  4. SLAVES SHOULD BE ABLE TO BUY THEIR FREEDOM (NO for Rhagaea, NO for Lucon, YES for Gario)
  5. SENATE SHOULD NOMINATE THE EMPEROR (NO for Rhagaea, YES for Lucon, NO for Gario)
  1. Sturgians - Raganvad is centralizer
  2. Battanians - Caladog is upstart
  3. Aserai - Unqid is legalist
  4. Vlandians - Derthert is legalist
  5. Khuzaits - Khan is centralizer
  1. Blood-price (Whether or not you can demand money for someone killing your kin, referenced in quests in game)
  2. Trial by Jury (Partially in game)
  3. Urban Rights
  4. Serfdom
  5. Slavery (more specifically, buying of freedom)
  6. Cosmopolitan (Opinion on foreigners, only negative reactions are listed in the file)
  7. Women's Inheritance
  1. Guardians of the Hills, Imperial aligned bandit barbarians from the hill tribes. Were removed because their faction had no members and it's possible TW just forgot to give them members and add them back in.
  2. Chosen of the Sky, a Khuzait religious sect
  3. Freemen of the Marshes (currently in game, possible duplicate)
  1. Company of Catalans (possibly hinting at a Spanish themed region nearby)
  2. Lost Legion (possibly renamed to the Legion of the Betrayed)
  3. Ghulams
  1. The Hidden Ones (Wolfskins are also referred to as the Hidden Ones in the same file, however this list puts them seperate)
  2. Khuzait Slave Tribe
  1. Iron crown of Lombardy
  2. Oriflamme-style banner
  3. Bones of a holy man, in a reliquary
  4. Sword of a king
  5. Book of x
  6. Jewel
  7. Cup
  8. Gyrfalcon chicks on northern crag - Mountain hideout 14
  9. Gems of Golconda wash, picked through for gemstones - Desert hideout 1 10 Ambergris off a beach - Seaside hideout 2 11 Momia, or something else dug out of the sand -
  10. Dragonsblood - sap of a tree, used as dye
  11. Narwhal tusk
  12. Conch
  13. Ostrich plumes
Should be noted that these are under a comment that says "STEVE: I BELIEVE THE BELOW ARE FOR AN OLD QUEST MODEL" which means it's possible these are deprecated. The same notes also contain lines about currently implemented quests, however, leading me to believe not all of these are cut for good.
  1. War (the player furthering faction war aims)
  2. Support armory (acting to support an army)
  3. Subversion (laying the ground for a future war)
  4. Anti-bandit
  5. Family feuds
  6. Help minor faction (driving away interlopers, trials by combat)
  7. Retrieve an item for a town/lord
  1. Drive away interloper
  2. Drive away bandits from village
  3. Kill a certain amount of bandits in town facility
  1. Provide a casus belli, or support a lord in a war council
  2. Support someone to end a war
  1. Tell war stories to the locals (increases influence with the town)
  2. Gamble in the tavern (also increases influence with the town)
  3. Meet with the nobles (raises influence with lords)
  4. Go hunting with lords (raises influence with lords)
  5. Train town guards (for whatever reason, lists the consequence as 'Gain Money'
  6. Guard the town (also raises money)
  7. And obviously, a 'go back' button
  1. "The grand tournament of {TOWN_NAME} reaches its end and the victors' names are chanted by spectators returning to their homes. Even those for whom tournaments don't take a fancy, cannot escape the names of the champions.{EVENTS_AND_WINNERS}"
  2. "The crowds awe at your stunning displays of talent, expertise and physical prowess. Winning every event at a tournament meeting is known as a feat rarely accomplished. Your name will not soon be forgotten in {TOWN_NAME}"
  3. "You have triumphed in the {ROUND_TYPE} and {NEXT_INFO}"
  4. "You have been defeated in the {ROUND_TYPE}. For you, the event is over but this is not the first contest of its kind in Calradia and it will not be the last."
  1. Commander (not Tactics, which is listed below it)
  2. Reign
  3. Logistics
  4. CavalryCommand
  5. InfantryCommand
  6. ArcherCommand
  7. Athletics
  8. Siegecraft
  9. Diplomacy
  1. WandererEquipment
  2. BalancedFightingSkills
  3. SergeantCommandSkills
  4. Valor
  1. Calculating
  2. Mercy
  3. HopliteFightingSkills
  4. Manager
  5. Politician
  6. ArabianHair
  7. Generosity
  8. RomanHair
  1. Mill
  2. Brewery
  3. Weavery
  4. Ironworks
  5. Velvet Weavery
  6. Linen Weavery
  7. Wine Press
  8. Tannery
  9. Pottery Shop
  10. Stable
  11. Melee Weaponhouse
  12. Ranged Weaponhouse
  13. Shield Armorhouse
  14. Light Armorhouse
  15. Medium Armorhouse
  16. Heavy Armorhouse
  1. "Give no tax permission for 1 month. Also pay money. ({MONEY_AMOUNT_NO_TAX} denars."
  2. "Give maximum 5% tax ratio permission for 1 month. Also pay money. ({MONEY_AMOUNT_YES_TAX} denars."
  3. "Give no tax permission for 1 month. Also use influence. ({INFLUENCE_AMOUNT_NO_TAX}."
  4. "Give maximum 5% tax ratio permission for 1 month. Also use influence. ({INFLUENCE_AMOUNT_YES_TAX}."
  1. Light Castle
  2. Light to Medium Castle
  3. Medium to Large castle
  4. Wheat farm
  5. Fisherman
  6. Vineyard
  7. Clay mine
  8. Salt mine
  9. Iron mine
  10. Date farm
  11. Olive trees
  12. Silk plant
  13. Flax plant
  14. Spice plant
  15. Sheep farm
  16. Lumberjack
  17. Cattle ranch
  18. European horse ranch
  19. Steppe horse ranch
  20. Desert horse ranch
  21. Temple
Several of these dialogue pieces, such as the sexism comments, are able to appear in game fine if just uncommented out of the file. It is unclear why they are, because while some are Warband copies, the EA release contains Warband dialogue still so that was clearly not an issue.
  1. "I hear you recently tracked down some brigands. Good. The world is better off without such scum" for cruel characters
  2. "I hear you chased down some bandits. I feel sorry for those lads, but I suppose they had it coming" for characters with 'OutlawSympathyTag'
  3. "I hear you recently tracked down some brigands" for anyone not covered previously.
  1. "Blood-price "It is a sad fact of the world that the lives of some are valued more than the lives of others. If laws to fly in the face of reality, this may cause many unforeseen problems. For example, if a lord may be hanged for the wrongful death of a commoner, then men will not fear him, and he will be unable impose justice in his lands." Mercy +1"
  2. "Trial by jury "Juries can be bought. Or they may rule with their hearts not their heads. The application of the law will become random and arbitrary." Mercy +1"
  3. "Urban rights "If it becomes more difficult to impose taxes on the cities, then kings will squeeze the countryside." Mercy +1"
  4. "Serfs "It is a mercy to keep them tethered to the land. For people who are ignorant of the world, freedom is merely the freedom to wander, to be robbed, to fritter away one's money, and ultimately to starve in a ditch." Mercy +1"
  5. "Slaves "It may seem cruel to deny a slave the right to buy his freedom. But many do not know how to make use of their freedoms, and such laws will merely see our cities flooded with desperate penniless men." Mercy +1 "Let the low-born know their place. To give them the right to leave their land will encourage them to be insolent to their betters." Mercy -1"
  6. "Cosmopolitan negative "People should keep to their separate ways. Let not the lion breed with the hyena." ImpEd -1, "Foreigners may live with us for 20 years, but they will never lose their savageness, and they will erode the values we hold sacred." ImpEd +1, "
  7. "Women's inheritance "If women can control their own property, they will become targets for conniving fortune-hunters, or they will become as merchants themselves and lose their natural graces. Better leave such things in the hands of men, who are accustomed to the rougher aspects of the world." HighRegister +1 "That's one good law that the empire has. There are some things that are a man's job, and some things that are a woman's." HighRegister -1"
Quality of Life:
  1. Settlement Prosperity
  2. Settlement Development Speed
  3. Settlement Food Store
  4. Militia
  5. Garrison
  6. Settlement Developments
  7. Governor
  1. Skills Roles (this one actually has a tooltip line and no TODO marker: "Skills and perks usually grant benefits according to skill roles"
  2. Party Morale
  3. Party Inventory
  4. Settlement Notables
  5. Taxes
  6. Tariffs
There's enough content here that I decided to split it off to a new list. There's so much (including full dialogue, stats, equipment, friends and enemies) that it's very possible that these will be the companions we see implemented in game later.
  1. Petrys, an Imperial scholar that can let you greet new lords by acknowledging their ancestry, getting you an occasional relationship boost
  2. Osarios, a veteran legionnaire, he can help you train the infantry
  3. Senon, an overly honest engineer, speeds up siege construction and lets you build a 'counterweight trebuchet'
  4. Haldea, a matronly older Imperial woman woman who wants to beat the shit out of the men in the Empire until they realize they're being a bunch of pussies and decide to be competent. No really. No ability is listed.
  5. Chara, an Imperial border ranger. Interestingly enough, she is the only companion with her stats and dialogue commented out. No ability listed besides "Scarred" being written twice under her name for some reason.
  6. Boscoric, a former zealot rebel in the Embers and herbalist. Perks are listed as 'herbalism' and 'charisma'
  7. Ewyn, a merchants daughter from Geroia who was taken as a slave by one 'Aldric of Tihr' (one comment also lists an alternate backstory of being kicked out from her family for falling in love with a poor boy which seems counterproductive and less interesting). Perk is 'surgery' and she's listed as wanting to hunt down Aldric. Hilariously enough, she has a third possible backstory listed of "aristocratic maiden left in wake of an army'. Her actual bio seems to be a mix of al three.
  8. Arigun, a former member of a smuggling ring who speaks partially in thieves cant. Listed perk is 'Knows back door into cities on west of map'
  9. Tabur a fucking straight up aristocrat hedonistic capitalistic fat cat party crasher AND thief who exists purely to party (while not invited) so hard until he fucks the wrong dude's wife. The man is such an absolute unit that he also knows all the back doors into cities (except in the east) from quietly exiting on walks of shame (despite him feeling none)
  10. A companion with no backstory besides 'desert fugitive' named 'Lath'
  11. Sabila, a caravaneer's daughter who lost the caravan through bad business decisions. No perk listed, though there is a line implying she could get you work if you hung around caravans
  12. Urgil, a coalbiter (someone who tells stories around a hearth (from the Old Norse Kolbitar, literally coalbiter, named as such because they'd lean so close to the hearth during stories that they were practically eating the coal, Tolkein is the one who rediscovered the word from Norse sagas). No perk listed, but also listed as being able to get you work around caravans
  13. Yarka, a shieldmaiden who killed her husband after being denied divorce. Her dialogue and stats were eventually used for the random companions, also could get you caravan work
  14. Pol, a smith that is listed as both 'foul-tempered' and 'goodtempered'. Has only two lines of very small dialogue, though he seems nicer than mean. No perk listed, though smithing would be an obvious one
  15. Imulir, a crazy lady who thinks she's under a curse that makes all men fall in love with her. No perk listed besides caravan work again
  16. Ferionn, a professional furry who grew up covering himself in shit and now hangs out at bars covered in dirt and rotting wolf skin and telling people about his favorite fursona and Sonic OC's (he's a Batanian Wolfskin who was too much of a furry even for them). Perks are scouting and pathfinding in woods
  17. Cadugan, professional horse thief and amateur lovable scamp, no perk listed
  18. Surgai, a Khuzait chieftain's son who was taken hostage in the Empire and now wants to modernize the Khuzait. Has almost no dialogue and no perk listed
  19. Ger, a half-man crazy man who believes he is vibrating so quickly that he is randomly moving between reality and the underworld. On a quest to save his mother. No perk listed
  20. Khachin, a former slave pit fighter who was used as an exotic arena Amazon. Going to make an aside here to take note that the next three companions are also all commented out, have no dialogue (besides Dewanos having a line) and no stats (besides Dewanos), however, they're incredibly interesting because they are all from different parts of the Warband world we've never seen before. Namely China, India, and Ethiopia (or at least their equivalents)
  21. Dewanos. Grew up in a monastery in the Calradian equivalent of Ethiopia and is now an onk (Megwazi (Ethiopian) for 'to travel'). His single line of dialogue implies his perk was also herbalism
  22. Lantius, a Mohist (Chinese school of thought) siege engineer. Perk was presumably siege related
  23. Parakrama, a possibly Indian smith. Perk was presumably smithing related
  1. Arrogant Imperial siege engineer
  2. A Cataphracts child who is disgraced for working with merchants
  3. 'The Boar' a former Legionaire (possibly a member of the Legion of the Betrayed)
  4. A robber who has a gang member as a nemesis
  5. A guy who loves killing who doesn't say much about himself
  6. An ex-cultist rebel turned mafioso who has a lord as his nemesis
  7. A female outlaw who is a former assassin. Gang leader nemesis
  8. A guilt-ridden surgeon who had been forced to torture by the Imperial 'Bureau of Barbarian Affairs' (seriously?)
  9. An aristocrat who fled a bad marriage with a lord as nemesis
  10. The angry farmer who is currently in game who murdered his neighbor and his family. A comment says his nemesis is the family of the slain
  11. A woman with a birthmark that made everyone think she was cursed
  12. Shieldmaiden who killed her husband, comment says her nemesis is the husband's family
  13. A man who lost everything trying to marry a woman who turned out to be a con-artist sent by his family to steal his property
  14. 'The Boar (again)' who gloats about being a headhunter
  15. A guy based on Hamlet
  16. A professional veteran Battanian who fought for the Empire
  17. Former stable boy turned horse thief
  18. A Battanian survivalist
  19. A talkative bandit
  20. A barbarian woman who murdered the son of a chief because he tried to rape her
  21. A woman who was accused of being cursed by an old crone
  22. A cow thief
  23. A former Wolfskin with a warrant out for him who claims innocence because he thinks he was literally a fucking wolf when he did it (I hate these people)
  24. A chatty monk healer (JEREMUS?)
  25. An overly loud Vlandian mercenary
  26. A veteran with PTSD
  27. A serial killer named 'The Shark'
  28. A sailor who fled a dominating guild. Gang leader nemesis
  29. A loner who's father died in a blizzard after they escaped to the wilderness together
  30. Former bandit woman turned bandit hunter for lords with a lord as a nemesis
  31. Smith who murdered a lord for running down a child with his horse
  32. Female bandit who is the daugher of bandits named 'The Black'
  33. An engineer who wants revenge for his father who used to work on chariots until he was killed in riots at the Imperial capital for being a foreigner
  34. Misanthropic nautical surgeon
  35. An Aserai obsessed with his own family tree
  36. 'The Falcon' a chivalrous Aserai soldier who thinks the clans steal all the glory
  37. 'The Swordsman' who fell out with his lord over a woman. Lord as nemesis
  38. 'The Prince' a 'fitiwi' who a guard captain tried to corrupt
  39. 'The Hyena' who is like a furry if furry's instead loved forms of dirt and this dude was a desertkin
  40. A female member of a fallen Aserai clan
  41. A failed merchant
  42. A female alley urchin
  43. A scholar who became an engineer with a backstory based on 'pre-islamic arabia' (by the comment)
  44. A Khuzait siege engineer
  45. 'The Hawk' a Khuzait clan member who accidentally killed the brother of the woman he loved after he refused his betrothal offer of 50 sheep. Rural clan nemesis
  46. A Khuzait orphan
  47. 'Ironeye' a professional Khuzait soldier and infantryman
  48. A Khuzait from a minor clan that was under vassalage to a larger clan (possibly the Khuzait clan itself), who got tired of being treated like a slave and killed one of them
  49. 'The Mad' (marked with REDO) a Khuzait thief with a gang leader nemesis
  50. 'The Grey Falcon' the lone survivor of a hunted steppe clan
  51. An Amazonian gladiator, same as the unique companion above
  52. A single mother's only daughter
  53. Tomboy daughter of a caravan guard
  1. A former member of the Free Companies who was thrown in prison for a drunken murder
  2. A former member of the Brotherhood of the Woods
  3. A Khuzait horsethief
  1. Lord Nemesis are: Aserai3
  2. Rural Clan: Sturgia4, Sturgia8
  3. Gang leader: Empire9
submitted by AHedgeKnight to mountandblade [link] [comments]

various gambling laws in india video

Casino gaming is regulated under State-wise anti-gambling laws in India (“ Gaming Enactments ”). Under most Gaming Enactments, casino games are treated as gambling activities in India, and are prohibited. This applies for both digital and land-based casino gaming. Online Gambling Laws and the IT Act. There are no distinct overlying laws that pinpoint the online gambling industry in India. Locally, the regular gaming Acts issued by the governments are already including all forms of gambling, both online and offline. These laws are, however, not able to touch foreign casinos. This article is written by Apurva Singh, an alumnus of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow and edited by Akanksha Yadav, who is pursuing 3rd year of B.A. LL.B (Hons.) from Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow.In this article, Apurva has thrown a light on the laws related to betting and gambling in India along with important case laws. The main piece of legislation relating to gambling in India is the Public Gaming Act of 1867. This act initially applied only to the ten states which were under British control at the time, but was subsequently amended to incorporate all other states. As needs be the online gaming and electronic wagering agents of India are at present required to agree to various laws of India, both central and likewise state sharp. “The Sikkim state government has issued its first license to an online gambling operator” Types of Gambling. Slot machines; Lottery; Scratch cards; Poker; Black jack; Roulette; Bingo At present gambling in India is regulated amongst others, by the Public Gambling Act ("Gambling Act") constituted in the year 1867, which extends to the United Provinces, East Punjab, Delhi and the Central Provinces and specifically prohibits public gambling and running or being in charge of a common gaming house.In addition to the aforesaid, the state legislators are, vide Entry No. 34 of ... Gambling Laws in India: An Introduction. Legal Environment: Indian courts and legislations have always considered gambling to be a pernicious and immoral activity. The Courts have on various occasions held that gambling and lotteries of any form causes grave economic harm to the public which leads to the loss of the common mans hard-earned money. The gambling laws are till date very vague and unclear in India. Although the judiciary has set examples by giving judgments in various cases which are being referred time and again. The government needs to take control even more in order to prevent any illegal money laundering which might take place due to the misuse of the internet. Gambling Laws and Betting Acts in India. Despite gambling being in a grey area in India, there are many legislations in place. We will look closely at the important ones. The following are a few examples: The Public Gambling Act, 1867; Payment and Settlement Act, 2007; Assam Gaming and Betting Act, 1970; Bombay Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887

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